Engaging in Sexual Acts in Public/Outdoors?

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I've always wanted to try outdoor sex but it's not as fun when your girlfriend is your left hand :/
Had car sex a bunch of times. Not that risqué, but one of the times was in a mall parking lot in the middle of the day so, eh? Also I think I got caught once since I remember seeing these teenagers pointing at my car (which at the time had become very fogged up).
623 wrote...
Had car sex a bunch of times. Not that risqué, but one of the times was in a mall parking lot in the middle of the day so, eh? Also I think I got caught once since I remember seeing these teenagers pointing at my car (which at the time had become very fogged up).

I've never engaged in car sex before, I did give my ex a blow job in his friends car though.
I feel like trying to get a good position in a car would be difficult, is it? Tell me of your experience if you don't mind. I always thought it would be awkward? Do you lay down?
SkelliDrops wrote...
623 wrote...
Had car sex a bunch of times. Not that risqué, but one of the times was in a mall parking lot in the middle of the day so, eh? Also I think I got caught once since I remember seeing these teenagers pointing at my car (which at the time had become very fogged up).

I've never engaged in car sex before, I did give my ex a blow job in his friends car though.
I feel like trying to get a good position in a car would be difficult, is it? Tell me of your experience if you don't mind. I always thought it would be awkward? Do you lay down?

Well it can be tbh. But it depends on the car. One time it was cramped because me and her were both tall and it was a standard sedan thing. But then for a while I drove a minivan (sexy inorite) and that has a lot more room to do whatever, especially if you fold down the seats.

However in the small car, cow-girl probably worked best I guess. Or this position I got from The Sagara Family LOL where the girl sits across your lap like a princess or something and you thrust up/she grinds idk. Experiment if you get the chance, too.
623 wrote...
SkelliDrops wrote...
623 wrote...
Had car sex a bunch of times. Not that risqué, but one of the times was in a mall parking lot in the middle of the day so, eh? Also I think I got caught once since I remember seeing these teenagers pointing at my car (which at the time had become very fogged up).

I've never engaged in car sex before, I did give my ex a blow job in his friends car though.
I feel like trying to get a good position in a car would be difficult, is it? Tell me of your experience if you don't mind. I always thought it would be awkward? Do you lay down?

Well it can be tbh. But it depends on the car. One time it was cramped because me and her were both tall and it was a standard sedan thing. But then for a while I drove a minivan (sexy inorite) and that has a lot more room to do whatever, especially if you fold down the seats.

However in the small car, cow-girl probably worked best I guess. Or this position I got from The Sagara Family LOL where the girl sits across your lap like a princess or something and you thrust up/she grinds idk. Experiment if you get the chance, too.

Yeah I can imagine a minivan being waaay easier to have sex in than a standard car, most of them aren't that spacious. Being tall would make it a little harder, I'm not generally tall though, so I guess that would help.

Ouuu yeah, cow girl seems like it'd be best! I prefer cow girl sitting on something anyways. rather than just with the male laying down.
And ohhhh you might be thinking of the Lotus position! That's what it sounds like atleast, that would be easy in a car too!

Good idea :P, if I ever do get the chance to though, I will definitely experiment, that's always fun.
foreplay yes, but I prefer to do it in a more private place so that I can give it my best.
Perv Dude wrote...
I've always wanted to try it in a photobooth, but can't find a girl brave enough to try

I've done this before. Hahaha in the photo booth of a mall and it took pics of us going at it. There were these two girls who came halfway and peeked in and their faces turned bright red after.
I find exhibitionism really kinky in manga and stuff (especially in libraries, oh Godd) but I'd probably be way to chicken to try it myself. D:
However, outdoor sex is rather enticing and I'd love to try it. Not so much a beach though, with all that...sand...in places.
I'd love to have more outdoor sex. I think I might pull my boyfriend into venturing it with me this summer ;)
At the beginning of my relationship, there was a bench in a park at night. I sat on picnic table and was wearing a short skirt. also in a forest 2 times during the day. and twice at my friends place while he slept. oh and once in the car also at night.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Lol this thread again.

An ex of mine wanted to have sex in a park in London. Since it was our first meeting and I was still shy as fuck I wasn't up for it and turned her down. She then turned into a bitch and now no longer speaks to me.
We've had a occasional quickie in the car, or when out walking the dog.
We've done it a few times in the garden..once to find the woman next door must have been watching as she waved once we'd finished! lol
Me and my husband, who was my boyfriend at the time were doing foreplay somewhere around Central Park. And, y'know, the park is kinda big in New York lol. But I was too nervous .__. Would try going all the way though!
http://www.longestlist.com/file/28cl82vecm8fu/ sex slave
Yeah it gives you a huge rush.
I get the biggest rush at the movie cinema or libraries.
I've tried it once, I can understand why most people would do it, the "thrill".
But in most cases, I wouldn't like to do it much, I can't stand it when other people see my partner's body.
Never really been into doin it in public, but I'm always down for outside, it feels awsome.
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