Forum Changes

We're making some quality of life changes to the forums, and there should be more on the way. This is preempting a big push we will be doing to increase forum engagement in the coming months, so we want to clean things up!

Chat Topics and Forum Games will be merged back into Incoherent Babbling

Entertainment and Television will be merged into Random

Computers and Technology will be merged into Random

Love, Romance, and Relationships will be merged into Random

Music will be merged into Random

Art and Digital Graphics will be merged into Random

Figures, Mecha, and Toys will be merged into Random

Books will be renamed to Comics

Subscriptions will be merged into Comics

Hentai Discussion will be merged into Incoherent Babbling

Visual Novels and Eroge will be merged into Video Games

Video Games will be renamed to Video Games and Eroge

Games will be merged into Video Games and Eroge

One of our standards of criteria on these moves was whether the front page of each category included topics that hadn't been replied to in over a year. If there were topics like that, we considered it a dead forum in need of a merge. Any posting restrictions for a forum (like having a FAKKU Subscription) will be removed.
Forum Image:

Lots of cleaning to do.
Please change the color for items you can buy. The new grey color for the purchase button is easily overlooked.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
it would be nice if the search is on the on the right side and appears on all pages of the forum instead of having to go to the home screen of the forum.

or merge it with the search box on the top of the site
Long time overdue, glad these changes are being made. CTFG peeps are gonna be pissed having to hangout in the IB pyre.

I also suggest removing Serious Discussion unless you guys have a grand plan on getting this ship back on the waters. People keep miss using that section for misc questions.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Gonna miss the VN & Eroge section, but it's pretty much dead ever since the Megaupload purge.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Not against any of this

Not sure if CTFG will like being merged with shitpost central though, and vice-versa.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Eh, we'll be fine. The CTFG threads were originally separated from IB because people were complaining that they pushed everything else there quickly off the first page, but seeing how both categories still have posts over two months old on their first pages, that should no longer be a problem.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
luinthoron wrote...
Eh, we'll be fine. The CTFG threads were originally separated from IB because people were complaining that they pushed everything else there quickly off the first page, but seeing how both categories still have posts over two months old on their first pages, that should no longer be a problem.

Good point, both are pretty dead.