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What is your hobby? what do you like to do in sphare time? I like traveling and hiking
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
i do like gardening.
i also do go to some car meets
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I waste my life on vidya gaems.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
I collect diseases and illnesses. 😂
Also vidya games. I'm always looking for new music as well so that's kind of a hobby.

Also writing stories but I need to be more consistent with it. I'll come up with an idea, jot it down and don't come back to it for ages. Thinking of maybe getting involved with this year's Winter Writing Contest though there's not a lot of time left. Already started something for it.
video games mostly
i used to raise tarantulas. They're super interesting and really easy to take care of. They're more or less pet rocks that look cool
hobo life - fishing and collecting can
Keeping up with new album releases while catching up on the classics, reading manga and playing vidya.
Currently, I'm working with an indie team creating a visual novel
playing world of warcraft, streaming, writing and just being a well rounded pervert for anime girls? i mean its fun <3
Music and dancing for fun. Sometimes writing.
I like videogames and bowling
Paint miniatures. I'm on a kingdom death kick right now.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
im a big mtg player, been playin since i was about 11 or 12, so going on 10 years now.
Fun game, mostly good comunities, awesome time at parties and a good way to make new friends.

caution: not a game for those who do not have money to burn in garbage can
I am fond of reading books
Speaking about hobby I want to tell you about my ones. I like woodcraft and sewing craft. I like to do different things from wood. So I special for it I use different tools like hybrid table saw. Hybrid saws capture some of the most valuable features of the cabinet saw at a price that’s still in range for the hobbyist. I found review about this tool and read many new info for myself. click for more info.
I sing and do musical theatre in my spare time.

I also really enjoy board games and rpgs with friends.
Ski in the winter, ride my motorcycle and do some track days in my car (not brave enough to do it in the motorcycle yet) in the summer.
Film photography.
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