How did you find FAKKU?

i got a link for Fakku from my old hentai site. may it rest in peace. i mourn its passing.
Got linked by some random dude from another forum.
And now I can't live without FAKKU, so thanks random dude.
Many, many links from a variety of imageboards, years ago. I've been here for a long time, I've just never posted on the forums.
A perverted friend of mine browsed it on my itouch. Ended up reading hentai together in English. LOL
Well, I was browsing H-sites from one link to the other (I don't care about viruses), then this website popped out and suddenly, I fell in love! At first it was the hentai, then I found the visual novel forum... Ah... This site is great...
Well I used to go to another site call Doujin-moe, but i got very annoyed with all the members only bullshit so I went looking for a better site. And then i found Fakku.... that was a glorious day, and I guess I've been coming back ever since because you guys are always top notch. I've been here almost since the begining, I'm just not all that big on posting.
I found Fakku through my roommate, because we were both looking for a good site that could fit our doujin/hentai needs. Love for the forums soon followed.
Oh wow, it's really hard trying to think that far back. I think it started off when I was searching around on the Internet for a 'safe' hentai site. Up until that point I just lurked around on 4chan and thought that was heaven on Earth.

when I found Fakku, I literally jizzed in my pants. Multiple times, actually.
I found Fakku by reference from a friend.
from my friend i used to go to doujin-moe a lot but he told me about FAKKU! and i was like "free AND more doujins...okay this i have to see" point five seconds later i was like "HOLY TITTY FUCKING CHRIST ITS REAL!!!!!!" never looked back but kept on coming for more.
I was on Google and i typed "Best hentai site ever" then i clicked search.After that I scrolled down and what do i see something that says "this is the best hentai site ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!", so I go like "hmm you dont say" so i clicked it and here
I am in the BEST hentai site ever known as FAKKU.
: )
I was tricked into coming here!

theotaku: "Dood, don't come here, it's too tough for you."
Space Cowboy: "...Okay."
theotaku: "Nuuuuuu, I was trying to reel you in! Sign up! Right now."
Space Cowboy: "...Okay."

One day later..

theotaku: "Hell yeah!"
Space Cowboy:
Forum Image:
I found out by looking for Lucky Star hentai...

I registered during MoteMote...
I was looking for Inuyasha doujinshi, and google bought me here.
Oh... now that you mention it, I dont even remember how i found Fakku. It's kind of always been there. I think I found it 3 years ago (maybeh?) but I never payed much attention to the forums. I would visit occasionally if i needed a doujin on a certain couple XD or series but that's about it. I made an account only recently and it's been sunshine and rainbows since then =3=
MangaFox! Was reading TASOGARE OTOME X AMNESIA when i saw on one of the discussions that somebody had seen an H-manga by the same artist. He had a link and lo and behold i came across this awesome site ;)
Googled hentai.
Found this.
End of happy story.
Some how i got on this forum (on another site obviously)where a guy promoted Fakku if ur lookin for hentai.
Zeph=3 wrote...
Googled hentai.
Found this.
End of happy story.

sh*t, all i got was punch of payment-required-H-pages, b*tches and bullsh*t things
but google "persona hentai" and thats why l found Fakku - hell yeah...
The lord laptop guided me here~:D By accident.