How do you celebrate Halloween?

How do you celebrate Halloween?

Total Votes : 3,744
I rape random passerby and proceed to mutilate them. Though we actually have no halloween here.
Wow, I'm actually surprised to see for many of us, we have boring lives =.=, but then again, mehhhh. Well, I live in an Asian country, so we don't really celebrate Halloween here, but the young people, such as myself, try to dabble, like throwing out parties and wear costumes and stuffs, but I have always wanted to go trick-or-treating for real, but I guess it's just a regular night for me.
i just stay at my grandma's garden and do my kungfu well dats every day though
Sadly, when I was in grade two, a policy was put in place in my school that we couldn't wear costumes, but my teacher was new, so she told us to come in costumes.

I went ahead and did so, but my costume was pretty embarrassing that year, so I was pretty distressed to be approached by everyone who saw me. Never really liked Halloween after that...
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technicaly we're not trick or treating lol
I generally open presents and see what my relatives/friends have gifted to me. I'm 22 now! :D
I hanged out with a friend for 30 mins, cuz we live far from each other, and laughed as his parents and relatives were sitting outside on the yard passing out candy and scaring little children that would reach for a bowl of candy and when they got close a big spider, that was camouflaged in the night, would jump and screech at the children. We laughed and talked, but after that it was pretty much a normal night.
I hand out candy.
I hung out with friends after work. We watched "Megashark Vs. Crocasaurus" (Erkel is the main scientist LOL!), enjoyed the MLP Nightmare Night episode, and then drunkenly painted a pumpkin. All in all it was totally badass =3
The ordinary. Just another nightless night.
Eat Candy.Alone.While playing video games.
I work at a haunted house so. . .I scare people on Halloween.
I enjoy halloween pretty well, I don't go trick or treating seeing how I'm too old but I do like to hand out candy and scare the poo out of kids. Unfortunately I have to spend it here in Egypt this year and possible next year too. Sucks. Tell me how everyone's Halloween is guys. Hope u enjoy it!
Just sit around and read Manga and munch on chocolate.
I usually watch Scary Godmother, but I didn't have power that night because of the damn hurricane.
Halloween movie marathon all of em up to Resurrection. IMO the Rob Zombie reboots were crap.
I have a long standing tradition of playing horror games all night. It began with the first Clock Tower (I think that was only for PC, but I could be mistaken). I then moved on to the consoles with the first Resident Evil. These days, I mostly reserve Resident Evil 2 and 4 and Silent Hill 2-4 for that night. With the lights turned off of course. Except for Dead Space, current gen horror games have been disappointing. For something more classic, there's also Zombies Ate My Neighbors (I'm dating myself with that one though). While not scary, I think it fits into the theme of Halloween very well.
I buy candy for the kids and eat the left overs, or hide in my house with the lights off then buy the candy on sale the next day. Some times I dress up, most times I don't.
section8magnet Pervert for Life.
I take my kids Trick or Treating.
My friends always have a Halloween party so I do that, but I would love to go trick or treating and watch scary movies if only they were interested! >_
Monster Girl
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