How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 9,443
my friend told me about this sight 3 years ago and now i have it book marked on my phone don't judge me XD.
also thank you 4 all the traps.
Found you guys by some random forum

Been visiting since mid 07

Finally made an account in early 08

Bought the original Hentai Shirt released

Almost have 9 gigs of doujins alone from you guys

Thank you guys for making this site

Keep it up! :)

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Honestly speaking really not long enough heh but still I have been around here for around 3 years. Best site ever! Keep up the awesome work!
Koreans, but three years here I visited. hahaha
5 years of ghosting. A member for 3. ;P
2 years, a friend of mine told me about this site.
It's been about 4 years coming to this website, although i can't seem to remember how I came upon this website, but I think; I was looking for a website filled with doujinshi. Just within those last 4 years, I kept coming back here; but I never made a account until last year.
Made the account about a couple months, been checking fakku for around 5 years :3
found this site when i was checking custom games ( in warcraft 3: Frozen Throne), then saw a title named Fakku is the best web ever. Checked it and now i havent regretted my decision ever since :3
less than a year (probably like a month of membership :P) and like 4-6 months of lurking. I just used good 'ole google to find you guys and I've never looked back :D
Close to two years now.
4 of the best years of my life form P.R. you have fan for life thank you very much for your work and for create fakku.:-)
Before I made an acoount I was the visitor guy who searched around the site looking for doujins. I made an account after I met Jacob for the first time. The people here are totally great and I like meeting new people who recognize my MEGA MILK shirt. I met 3 fellow FAKKU members today! I want to be more active in the forums but I get sidetracked by the internet lol
Over 2 years, but lately made an account about 7 months ago since i finally got around to. And how i first got here....hmm i believe i was googling hentai sites and i stumbled upon this as my first or second link and i seen alot of nice juicy content that i decided to bookmark this site.

Now i am glad i found this site as well with many other sites along the 4 years i had internet.
best 4 years of my life <3
maybe 3 years...
i still keep the e-mail "welcome to fakku"
in real time, i have been visiting for more than 3 years now but i lost my username and password back then :P
still going strong!!! ^^ long live fakku!!!!!!!!
3 years
I only made an account under a year ago though
Thank you Fakku for all my fapping over the years ;)
almost 3 years
signed up at christmas 2008
About 3years but only made an account a while ago...
Haha Fakku and I have the same birthdate\(^.^)/
Monster Girl
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