How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

How long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 9,443
3 years, never really said anything and made an account not too long ago.
[size=12] [/h] 3 years of forever alone fapping. Nah jk my gf checks fakku too so it's such an awesome combination. Anime is awesome! FAKKU IS EXTREMELY AWESOME!
I'm new, I think I already 3 month.
I know this great site from my friends
lol...hope I'm not being trouble
A lurker for 5 years !~!! with a 3 year old member account. But still a lurker!!!
I discovered this site about two years ago. Because of "genshiken" I always wanted to read the mysterious and elusive "doujinshi" of which they described. Of course, the most erotic thing I had seen in manga was to love ru, so I was pretty damn wierded out when I caught a glimpse of some of the messed up shit that goes on this site. That is of course until I met everyone's best friend, mr.vanilla!
i been here for five years....even though i just turn 18
about 3 years ago I think... possibly longer
Stop making me feel old Fakku. I still can't believe I stumbled across this site back in it's first month. Good times.
3 years ago, I was searching random stuff on google images until I found a hentai pic (I think it was a pokemon pic but I'm still a bit hazy with the details). I wasn't as big into anything japanese or even computer related before then and its just within the past year that I've been able to have the time to mess around with anything besides work or school, so even though I'm quite a noob I've always gotten help from people on the site who will answer my idiotic questions from time to time. I have not seen any site as good as this one and I am proud to be a member of fakku!
around the when it started, g e hentai kind of sucked as time passed -_-
main reason i come here is for the download links and good updates :D
and yes, i didnt make an accound for ages cuz i didnt see the point then XD
well 4 or 5 years probably
i started visiting fakku since high school
damm it's allready 5 year?????? i join fakku since 2006 december
Somewhere around 2009, Back then I didn't knew any good H-sites, then suddenly I found HentaiForums then I saw someone link a manga which leads to Fakku!, starting that day, IT CHANGED MY LIFE
Im not sure but i have been visiting Fakku for almost 2 or 2 ½ years now, still love it :)

thought i keep this a secret from my family, huehue.
ive been here for almost the entire ride, I remember when everyone in the forums made a big deal when we hit 1000 members hahah
4 years! Have benn invited to view this page by a friend. XD
Well, good thing i did. many fakku days to come!
2 years came via link from some strange site(dont ask what site) but once i came her and decided to stay here =) lol
Kaimax Best Master-San
This December is going to be my 4th year with fakku.
Can't remember exactly how long since it been but it's probably 2-3 years cause I'm still at college that time, lurking at doujins and images.
It wonders me now why I didn't create an account with 2-3yrs of lurking. (´-`).。oO( ... )
roughly 2 years and 7 months?
Monster Girl
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