if there was a real yandere... you'll......

The way I see it, a Yandere sees you as a "pet" of sorts. She wants to be the only person to recieve your affection. Anyone else you show affection to will become the target of their wrath (and thus subject to being murdered). And if they can't have your affection all to themselves, then no one else will...

I wouldn't want one falling in "love" with me at all...
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
It's hot when you see one in Anime or Manga.
But when it comes in the real life, fuck no!
kenayagami wrote...
@e-L33T wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
depends, I guess. If I love her, then I'll do anything I can to get her...if not, then I'll just ignore her, or reject her.

Nah, man.

If you rejects her she'll come to you with a knife and slit your throath somewhat. D:

lol... exactly wat I was thinking

Yeh. :D

Jantias Datsan wrote...
The way I see it, a Yandere sees you as a "pet" of sorts. She wants to be the only person to recieve your affection. Anyone else you show affection to will become the target of their wrath (and thus subject to being murdered). And if they can't have your affection all to themselves, then no one else will...

I wouldn't want one falling in "love" with me at all...

lol... isnt tat the other way around... She's your pet... when your attention is onto other ppl.. she will bite them...
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
I had a first date with a girl who produced a hatchet and waved it under my chin while explaining how it would be used if I got out of line. Needless to say, there wasn't a second date but I was super polite to her until I got out of her car!
ToyManC wrote...
I had a first date with a girl who produced a hatchet and waved it under my chin while explaining how it would be used if I got out of line. Needless to say, there wasn't a second date but I was super polite to her until I got out of her car!

Wow, I didn't think that would ever happen on first dates.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Dullahan8 wrote...
ToyManC wrote...
I had a first date with a girl who produced a hatchet and waved it under my chin while explaining how it would be used if I got out of line. Needless to say, there wasn't a second date but I was super polite to her until I got out of her car!

Wow, I didn't think that would ever happen on first dates.

She'd had a crush on me at work, and although I'd had bad experiences dating in the workplace I let people talk me into asking her out. Later, I found out an ex-boyfriend had shot her after a bad break-up.
A few days ago I would have said I would never be with a yandereko. Then I met Gasai Yuno. If it was me she was in love with, I would have no problems with her. As long as she doesn't include the Mirai Nikki storyline she wouldn't be too bad. This change in thinking is because she hasn't been violent towards Yukiteru (yet).
I think a lot of people are yandere.

However, if I did encounter one and I was in a relationship with a man who was like that... Screw him, I'm leaving.
if i met a yandere who liked me, i would sit down and talk to her. because it would be very interesting.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Ah yes, a Yandere. The characterisation of a girl who loves you to the point where that love for you becomes destructive in yours and her daily life.

If she's hot, or you really like her, then it's not a problem, right? Just smother her in affection. The problem stems when she gets jealous of you talking to other girls or worse, if you aren't interested in her at all. If I met one irl who was interested in me, that would be interesting.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Gravity cat wrote...
Just smother her in affection.

Just to be sure, you better go through this.

I'd welcome her whole heartedly. I've been one to be ignored or turned down alot, so having someone obsesses with me would be awesome. Cheating is out of the question for me, as IMO its just the worst thing you can do to someone. I hardly have any friends living by me, so it'd be just the 2 of us, especially since all I do is work and play Call of Duty. I'm also into Femdom a lot, so I think it'll work fine.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Anti-bug post
Well believe me when I say it. I've dated a RL yandere girl before and we really had something going for us. I was being 'perfect' to her and she never ever went over the line. The one time she caught me watching porn she smashed my computer into bits but that's it. She was special... and I really felt her. Sadly I lost her in an accident.

Yandere girls will not hurt you if you're a good guy. I don't drink or smoke or do drugs... well I do enjoy hentai and porn occasionally :). But if you try to be an asshole... what can I say? NICE BOAT.
Yes, I do want a Yandere. I love the devotion, and I would be perfectly fine being tied up and isolated by her as long as she took care of me, I'm a massive M. And though it would pain me to abandon my friends and family, I would do it for their own safety. I am very submissive, I would do anything for someone I love, even become her "pet". If you love someone very much and they love you back, you shouldn't abandon them just because they are crazy.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
CobaltNitrogen wrote...
Yes, I do want a Yandere. i love the devotion, and i woudl be perfectly fine being tied up and isolated by her as long as she took care of me, Im a massive M. And though it would pain me to abandon my friends and family, i would do it for their own safety. I am very submissive, i would do anything for someone i love, even become her "pet". If you love someone very much and they love you back, you shouldn't abandon them just because they are crazy.

Technically, that's not how it would work. If the love between you and a yandere is mutual, it's more likely that SHE'LL want to be YOUR pet, according to what yanderekology teaches. The only time I've seen a yandere go sexually dominant was some doujins where the guy didn't like her back, or was in another relationship.
I knew a real Yandere...made so that I was as far as possible from her. Not cool stuff.
artcellrox wrote...
CobaltNitrogen wrote...
Yes, I do want a Yandere. I love the devotion, and I would be perfectly fine being tied up and isolated by her as long as she took care of me, I'm a massive M. And though it would pain me to abandon my friends and family, I would do it for their own safety. I am very submissive, I would do anything for someone I love, even become her "pet". If you love someone very much and they love you back, you shouldn't abandon them just because they are crazy.

Technically, that's not how it would work. If the love between you and a yandere is mutual, it's more likely that SHE'LL want to be YOUR pet, according to what Yanderekology teaches. The only time I've seen a Yandere go sexually dominant was some doujins where the guy didn't like her back, or was in another relationship.
I mean I would go submissive on her if it would make her feel secure. I'm obsessive myself, just don't have the killer side to back it up. So having someone who is also obsessed with me makes things easier.