I'm trying to figure this one out

i don't know what it is, but it seems like every girl who i start talking to, communication starts to die off and we get no were. i try to keep communication but it seems like they start to fall off. communication is definitly a 2 way street so why is it that it always turns into a one way street?? starting to thing ill be a forever alone bastard if this shit keeps up ; l
example: met this girl at an anime con and we hit off pretty good. she starts texting me but not too long ago, she started not texting back. it seems almost like if i don't text her, we wont talk for a wile.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Sounds like you could be too needy or too boring.

Hang out instead of txting or something.
In a girl's point view
If your intentions are different, plus you start to push it a bit too much, she might back off.

Since is lacking lots of info, she might just playing hard to get? Or you are the nice guy that always ended up in the friend zone?

Personal opinion (:
well, we have already established that i'm not boring and farther explain who i could be too needy. i have tried to arrange hangouts witch she agrees we should do, but she never replies to a date for one.

My-only-Jun wrote...
In a girl's point view
If your intentions are different, plus you start to push it a bit too much, she might back off.

Since is lacking lots of info, she might just playing hard to get? Or you are the nice guy that always ended up in the friend zone?

Personal opinion (:

odd thing about her is that she likes nice guys. i don't quite come off as one. i told her about a month ago that i have a thing for her and there was no change in how often we communicate at all. also, what more info would you like?
Yukinari wrote...
well, we have already established that i'm not boring and farther explain who i could be too needy. i have tried to arrange hangouts witch she agrees we should do, but she never replies to a date for one.

My-only-Jun wrote...
In a girl's point view
If your intentions are different, plus you start to push it a bit too much, she might back off.

Since is lacking lots of info, she might just playing hard to get? Or you are the nice guy that always ended up in the friend zone?

Personal opinion (:

odd thing about her is that she likes nice guys. i don't quite come off as one. i told her about a month ago that i have a thing for her and there was no change in how often we communicate at all. also, what more info would you like?

Haha don't worry, I'm not gonna make you write a list about her neither. And I mean, we are all different. But maybe you should put into consideration that she saw your intention and she might be shy? Not ready for dating? You are not her type? Or even something like playing hard to get (she can do it unconsciously)?

The concept itself is always the same thing. Is the way how people choose to act that are harder to read. (: Let me know whenever you want to talk about it. Girls aren't as complicated as you guys thinks lol
My-only-Jun wrote...
Yukinari wrote...
well, we have already established that i'm not boring and farther explain who i could be too needy. i have tried to arrange hangouts witch she agrees we should do, but she never replies to a date for one.

My-only-Jun wrote...
In a girl's point view
If your intentions are different, plus you start to push it a bit too much, she might back off.

Since is lacking lots of info, she might just playing hard to get? Or you are the nice guy that always ended up in the friend zone?

Personal opinion (:

odd thing about her is that she likes nice guys. i don't quite come off as one. i told her about a month ago that i have a thing for her and there was no change in how often we communicate at all. also, what more info would you like?

Haha don't worry, I'm not gonna make you write a list about her neither. And I mean, we are all different. But maybe you should put into consideration that she saw your intention and she might be shy? Not ready for dating? You are not her type? Or even something like playing hard to get (she can do it unconsciously)?

The concept itself is always the same thing. Is the way how people choose to act that are harder to read. (: Let me know whenever you want to talk about it. Girls aren't as complicated as you guys thinks lol

ok ill message ya about it. she did tell me that she is afraid of getting her heart hurt again and that she does not fully trust me...yet.
Honestly, i think that you have to approach her carefully if she has had bad experiences, but try not to come off so blatantly obvious because then they are wary of you and tend to want to avoid you.
Yukinari wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
Yukinari wrote...
well, we have already established that i'm not boring and farther explain who i could be too needy. i have tried to arrange hangouts witch she agrees we should do, but she never replies to a date for one.

My-only-Jun wrote...
In a girl's point view
If your intentions are different, plus you start to push it a bit too much, she might back off.

Since is lacking lots of info, she might just playing hard to get? Or you are the nice guy that always ended up in the friend zone?

Personal opinion (:

odd thing about her is that she likes nice guys. i don't quite come off as one. i told her about a month ago that i have a thing for her and there was no change in how often we communicate at all. also, what more info would you like?

Haha don't worry, I'm not gonna make you write a list about her neither. And I mean, we are all different. But maybe you should put into consideration that she saw your intention and she might be shy? Not ready for dating? You are not her type? Or even something like playing hard to get (she can do it unconsciously)?

The concept itself is always the same thing. Is the way how people choose to act that are harder to read. (: Let me know whenever you want to talk about it. Girls aren't as complicated as you guys thinks lol

ok ill message ya about it. she did tell me that she is afraid of getting her heart hurt again and that she does not fully trust me...yet.

I know how that feels. And sometimes, it just needs time slowly, if you are serious. Or she might be not be ready to date you yet. From what you saying, it seems she saw your intention then (:
1. Proper spelling and grammar are always a plus.
2. Find some common ground, and build a foundation on it.
3. Girls simply don't go for guys if it's immediately apparent that the guy is interested. If you seem too eager, it's a turn-off. I'm not saying you should act avoidant or uninterested, but repeatedly initiating contact in one day looks desperate.
4. If you cannot honestly say you desire her companionship
If all you want to do is FUCK her
and would not be willing to settle for an entirely platonic relationship, then you shouldn't be trying to get her to like you in the first place.

5. Or you could just blurt out "IWANTTOBEONYOU", who knows. Maybe she'd go for it anyways. Unlikely, but stranger things have happened.

6. Love is something that happens when you're busy working on the other parts of your life. Just sayin'...
Lollikittie wrote...
1. Proper spelling and grammar are always a plus.
2. Find some common ground, and build a foundation on it.
3. Girls simply don't go for guys if it's immediately apparent that the guy is interested. If you seem too eager, it's a turn-off. I'm not saying you should act avoidant or uninterested, but repeatedly initiating contact in one day looks desperate.
4. If you cannot honestly say you desire her companionship
If all you want to do is FUCK her
and would not be willing to settle for an entirely platonic relationship, then you shouldn't be trying to get her to like you in the first place.

5. Or you could just blurt out "IWANTTOBEONYOU", who knows. Maybe she'd go for it anyways. Unlikely, but stranger things have happened.

6. Love is something that happens when you're busy working on the other parts of your life. Just sayin'...

for the record, i am indeed reading what you guys are saying and taking note on it. i actually got a text from her, after 5 days, saying "Larry! How have you been? ^_^"

Lollikittie wrote...
1. Proper spelling and grammar are always a plus.

yeah, my phone corrects this stuff automatically so i cant mess up here.

Lollikittie wrote...
2. Find some common ground, and build a foundation on it.

could you better elaborate on this one?

Lollikittie wrote...
3. Girls simply don't go for guys if it's immediately apparent that the guy is interested. If you seem too eager, it's a turn-off. I'm not saying you should act avoidant or uninterested, but repeatedly initiating contact in one day looks desperate.

yeah i know, thats why i'm starting to giver her space

Lollikittie wrote...
4. If you cannot honestly say you desire her companionship
If all you want to do is FUCK her
and would not be willing to settle for an entirely platonic relationship, then you shouldn't be trying to get her to like you in the first place.
naa that's not my intension at all. if we have sex somewhere along the way, cool. i wouldn't mind losing my virginity to her anyway, but i honestly like her for who she is and not what she has.

Lollikittie wrote...
5. Love is something that happens when you're busy working on the other parts of your life. Just sayin'...

i caught onto this not long ago ya know!

She has pretty eyes, hair and i hear she has a nice body, probably from all that Taekwondo training. also, did i mention she's a black belt? one more thing, a bonus! her picture! note that she has on green contacts for a cosplay here
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/317702_2580295189351_1313568288_3019563_735939038_n.jpg
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Bitch some more emo.
As for building a foundation, the key is to find common interests. I'm not just talking about liking the same artists or genre of books, I mean.. something meaningful. Something you can really connect to her with. Find out what's really important to her, and see where you mesh.
[font=verdana][color=green]Aaah, if there's one thing that annoys me it is when people try and keep up conversation when it has already died. I, personally, play a rather lazy role in this communication lark. It's not that I don't care, but it's more that I don't care enough to want to continue. Speaking from that side of view, I can only assume that that's all it is - if we are to believe that you aren't boring or needy or whatever. But, if she were different with other people she talks to, then you really must re-examine the relationship (yes yes, wrong word I know, but actually a friendship is a relationship, as is an employer/employee relationship, so bite me) between you and this girl.

Might be a case of rose-tinted glasses with regards to how you interact.