Issues with Canadian customs

I was wondering if Canadians have had an issue with getting orders past the boarder. I'm thinking of buying one or two mangas or maybe a boxset but on research am seeing some are prohibited but they don't seem to be loli or even petite. So I. Worried about stuff being randomly stopped.
overlord_881 Lord of Cinders
All characters depicted in content licensed or distributed by Fakku are the age of majority (18) or older, notwithstanding appearances or suggestions otherwise implied. But I understand your concerns, which is very unfortunate. Can only hope things get better there :/

Not a lot of countries seem to really care about free speech..
If stuff doesnt make it then it's oh well that sucks I just dont want to end up with a charge lol
The borders are still closed right with Canada due to covid?
Not Canadian, but one time I visited the country, and the border patrol had to look through the comics which my friend brought with him. They bluntly asked "are these porn comics" while holding a bunch of American comics clearly meant for children.