Laptop Fan is broken.

I was wondering what's the best solution to fixing my laptops fan? Get a new fan and fix it myself(have never opened a laptop before), Let someone else fix it, or something else I'm not just seeing?

Also my laptop is a Gateway NV53 I think. The model number is ms2285

Thanks in advance
if the laptop's age is above 5 years i suggest a new fan and a cooling pad
if the laptop is younger than 5 years buy a new fan for it

sorry but i dont know the shop where they sel you laptop's fan
check out the below site for parts for your laptop, u can choose make and model. service is rather good
Try checking out if your warranty is good, get the fan part for free and service to replace it for you. If you never opened up a laptop before your better off taking it a shop and getting it fixed.
I bought my laptop 2 years ago so its not that old. My warranty is long gone. I'll check out that laptop site and see if its good. They have no fans available for my laptop. I wanted to do it myself first since, it would be cheaper, I saw this
and it didn't look that hard, and that I plan on trying to fix computers whenever I can get better experience and I thought it would be a good chance. But since its mine and I need it that might be a bad idea.