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Heard this on the radio this morning and thought others might like to hear this. You can also listen to the story by clicking the top the page. The article is below.

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ArashiX wrote...
Heard this on the radio this morning and thought others might like to hear this. You can also listen to the story by clicking the top the page. The article is below.

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I hope mediafire doesnt go the way of megaupload, I have a lot of stuff on there and if it goes down there will be a lot of dead links here.
I worry for MediaFire as it's based in Texas.
I worry for the future of the internet. :(
Yeah. I use mediafire to host most of my releases and if it gets shut, then I got more reloading to do.
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
The whole fighting pirates via web is retarded. No one buys pirated stuff off the net. Stop the swapmeet dvd and fake items selling.. it's that what makes a pirate a pirate. Only broke college students and foreigners torrent and dl stuff because it cost to damn much or they can't get the legal content. We are weebs.. we can't get jap tv signals nor afford the shipping from nipon and the 99.95 for two or three eps of madoka faggotery. We steal to live. We share it for free. Fuck dl's go to the torrents my friends.
From what I hear, the spotlight is slowly turning toward Mediafire...and don't ask for sauce, cuz its a rumor I heard.