Question on facebook

Hi everyone!
A friend of mine asked me to create him an extra Facebook account, because he can't do it (he's not keen on informatics). So I said “what's the problem”: a new email account and then some fictitious data and the work is done... but it wasn't so easy. I created one, but then at the second one appears a notice which asks me to confirm the account with an sms. Could it be maybe the IP number? New email, different IP, even deleting the cookies, changing browser that's what it comes out. I've tried to reboot the computer, but I'm pretty sure that the problem would remain even changing computer, it'd bypass it at at first, but I believe the problem would arise again.
At this point it's becoming a personal challenge, I'm trying to understand how can Facebook understand that it's always me creating a new account rather than someone who's activating his/her first account.
Do you have any ideas on Facebook adopting a standard that asks the phone number? How can someone then activate an account from an internet point? Do they have to put their phone number?
Thank you

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Sms is a text message.... let me see if i can get one without a sms text.

Edit.. i wasn't asked to make a sms verify or anything.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
You could try clearing your cache, cookies and session data. What you're experiencing could be due to those.

Otherwise I have no idea, I'm stumped.
Tegumi "im always cute"