[Locked] Quotes

What's a quote that's stuck with you through TIME AND SPACE! or just life. Please don't just make copy pasta. Try to think from your head, quotes that have stuck with you whether they be deep and meaningful, just plain silly, or from a Pokemon movie (Herman Cain smh).

Life is too short to hold a grudge, also too long.~Robert Brault
My right to swing a fist, ends where the other man's nose starts.~Oliver Wendell
Procrastination is like masturbation. At first it feels good, but in the end you're only screwing yourself.~Monty Python (can someone confirm?)

I literally live by the first two. I tend not to hate someone and let it go within the next few minutes.
A little wisdom from those who've been through different things. Also you'll be helping me finish a little assignment. No, I am not procrastinating.
Identical thread:

Tyranosaurus_Secks wrote...
Identical thread:


Not exactly the thread I was looking for. Half the posts don't even have anything to do with quotes, somewhere along the line people just started to spew out random crap. Which is funny no offense but I can't exactly put "faggot" down on paper and hand it to someone. Although that would be funny......

Anyways could someone...close or I dunno throw this thread out or something if there's already another thread like it. I'll be sifting through that one thanks.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Daroo wrote...
Not exactly the thread I was looking for. Half the posts don't even have anything to do with quotes, somewhere along the line people just started to spew out random crap. Which is funny no offense but I can't exactly put "faggot" down on paper and hand it to someone.

It'll get merged nonetheless.
"Hostility is the calling card of a weak intellect."