The world in your vision.

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what would be the perfect world in your opinion?

personaly it would probably be a world without racism, with world peace, yada-yada-yada...

just share your ideas for the world here.

hope you find this interesting

Edit: i know the grammar is shit, the reason is i live in the cold, hostile, and unfriendly scandinavia.. like Russia. on that discriminating and very serious note;

"me no spreak engreash."

(message to moderators: i know i have been posting alot lately and i am sorry if it's troubling you guys but for some reason i feel like bringing up alot of different things. but feel free to delete 'em when ever.)
Your. 3 times.

Also, I agree with a world without discrimination and one without morons insulting people in terms of looks e.g. mass media advertisements telling every one they are ugly and in order to become accepted your must buy their health and beauty products. People put each other down to make themselves feel better, and by corporations doing this they become better off by gaining profits, and it's sickening.

World peace would be a nice thing too. Governments starting pointless wars which as a result creates fear in citizens, and that same government relies on the fear of those citizens to recruit them as soldiers.
A world were man can get along with one another and have respect for nature.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
where everyone gets along and we all have enough food and water. Oh and we make sure that animals and nature don't go extinct. That would probably be the only change I would make
Loner the People's Senpai
One where maturity and common sense are universal.
A world made of data you turn into 0s and 1s and be reformatted.
A world where republicans weren't idiots and democrats weren't pussies; where giant space lolis rained from the sky; where people were free to rape what they pleased (aslongastheyenjoyeditintheend). That is my vision.
A world in which idiots were dropped off a cliff at birth like Spartan society.
A world where money didnt have value at all and people worked to help others out.

*Edit* I don't see why people are getting criticized for there opinion when the question is "what would be the perfect world in YOUR opinion?"
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
I can think of alot of things that I don't like about the world, but I don't mind having some bad with the good, it makes me appreciate the goods things that have experienced/have :)

Watch Gun X Sword if you think you want a "perfect" world... very creepy.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
The world in your vision.

One where everyone has to pass an English exam before being allowed on the internet.

But on a more serious note, a world where money held no value to every day life
Gravity cat wrote...
The world in your vision.

One where everyone has to pass an English exam before being allowed on the internet.

But on a more serious note, a world where money held no value to every day life

I agree, on both terms. It's not hard to sharpen your grammar skills.

Also money = debt, debt = money. Another thing, without religious conflicts the world would be a better place IMO. Oh and wars over fossil fuels.
Penises everywhere.
a world where all the continents and islands stick together. -.- no oceans between them. :D
Hanasaku i should just die
A world completely devoid of emotion.
echoeagle3 wrote...
where everyone gets along and we all have enough food and water. Oh and we make sure that animals and nature don't go extinct. That would probably be the only change I would make

This right here.
World where everyone free to spit their opinion onto whoever he wants but not get slapped like a bitch in return.
I like the world we are living in now.
Meh this is so ambiguous XD perfect world or perfect civilization?
Anyways for a perfect world: one without any human beings.
Solves war,hegemony.resources,ecocentricism,politics,anthrocentricism,utilitarianism, nuclear proliferation, bio proliferation, pollution, "global warming" , extinction threats, overpopulation.economic collapse, racism,sexism,any and all government spectrums, boredom, freedom, communism, capitalism cons, free and mixed market problems, economic freedom, and all greed,gluttony,falsehoods,and other bad traits of humanity all while removing any fear,anxiety, and problematic status of value of life to all currently living.
A world powered by slave aliens. That's the only way in which no one has to work, everyone is fed. It takes misery to make happiness.
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