What interests you most in anime?

What interests you most in anime?

Total Votes : 4,195
Story, Art and characters.
But seriously tho, i`ve had enough of the typical "Harem" style story. I need something really unique like this manga..
For me personally what makes an Anime amazing to watch is its atmosphere. If the anime can make me laugh, cry, or even blush, than it has touch my heart deep enough to make me feel like home ^~^
The story is the most important part of any type of entertainment. Whether its a movie, video game, tv show, etc the story tells what a character drives for or what they really need. Without a good story there is no plot development or character development. Along with the twist that tells that something, a person, or someone else is not the person(s) that they are/aren't. And this is coming for me who has been working on script writing for at least a year, plus also watched enough movies to understand what a story really is and have a certificate in film/video production. Mainly for script writing/ story production.
For me, in would be characters, they make the story for me.
the music and maybe the voice acting. Otherwise I'd just read the manga instead. Faster, gets more story faster, and I can pace myself rather than just having to go along at the anime's pace.
Have to say, there is no particular part of an anime I value more than the other. It must either succeed in all regards, offset a poor part with the others, or simply not include one all together if failure is to be the outcome. I'd rather and anime have amazing art, story, and music with no voice acting than to throw in poor voice acting for the sake of it.
Story is the biggest draw for me. However, characters is right up there at a close second. Some villains and heroes make or break a show, but especially the villains. If a character's personality is flawed or contains something different then what is socially expected of them, all the better.
I mostly focus on the story the most, for it attracts me more.
A story could be great, but if the characters aren't then it all falls.
Now personally I love everything about anime but if I had to choose my favorite thing about it would be the characters! Now story is also important but if you don't have enjoyable characters then the story would be point less that's just me though
if there's no story in an anime, it'll only entertaining at first.

but when there's interesting story in it, even the art is not so good, everyone happy and it'll still be a good anime/manga.

I read some manga which arts so bad but the story so good, so that those manga can survive to hundreds chapters....

not to mention that everyone will like the "good" story, arts, characters all in an anime...
Combo of story and character's. =)
I have to say other due to the fact that I like all the choices for this poll. Truthfully I can't pick just one.
A good Story is all I need but some sexy female characters aren't that bad.
said story, but I kind of would've wanted to go with art for the sake of claiming all of a show art ;D

(this is also my first post. fancy, fancy things!)

generally, the things i enjoy most are the incredibly inspiring, beautiful scenes that involve profound statements or messages about the beauty of the world and stuff like that. things that really want to express something like that. poetic things and stuff :oo

yeahhh, though it's kind of a symbiotic thing; to have a scene that invokes strong emotive response, gotta have the amazing musical scores, voice acting, characters (or whatever, could be no characters, innovate!) developed enough and stuff. can't have only one, heh.

...is not having a story considered a story? like, slice-of-life kind of stuff that doesn't really lead anywhere?

ANYWAY, enough tangenting, goddamn. cheers!
for me its the art, character development and story.
And if possible a little bit of "Plot".
All of the above.
story and art.... the anime that has both is amazing

Soundtrack is a good option too...
I feel like such an ass for saying this, but I mostly like the fanservice...
Monster Girl
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