What is your favorite old school gaming console?

What is your favorite old school gaming console?

Total Votes : 3,494
I liked virtual boy. My friends and I would try and see who could play it the longest without having their eyes bleed.

"Well, there's GameCube and then there's Dreamcast. Which you got?"
"Well, I said I got Gamecast, man. Damn! I can't afford it!"
Had all of them sans the Dreamcast, which a neighbor had. Tough to choose between the SNES, NES and GB. PSone and Genesis have their highlights but I didn't take them out of the box as often. The only GBC titles I have are Pokemon Silver and Wario Land 3, the rest are GB. I love the NES simply for SUPER DODGEBALL. I'd have to go with the SNES for Bomberman, Kirby, Zelda and Mario; I bought 3 SNES consoles total! Eventually all of my remotes, then consoles, broke, except for GBCs, outlasting a GBA! I'm surprised Nintendo dominates the list, when I'm sure there were other classics from Atari/SNK.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
SNES, of course.
I would have to say,Playstation 1,cause as a kid,that was a God send,I mean,Destraga,Crash,FF,oh god damn
Dreamcast and Powerstone. The two things I'll never forget for the rest of my life.
Gameboy for sure
SNES FTW Mario kart super Mario world. But PSOne is a close second because of FFVII FFIX and crash bandicoot
I liked them all but I lean towards the Dreamcast Simply For Rival Schools: Project Justice
Where is Nintendo 64?
I want to say SNES, but I never owned one. So I've only ever played games via an Emulator.

So, PlayStation one mainly for Final Fantasy VII ~ IX and some other games.
Out of that list? The SNES, even if I never owned one myself. A few of my friends had one though and I remember playing Street Fighter II, Super Mario Kart and Super Mario World. It was always disappointing when our time was up and we had to go play outside again, haha.

I had a Game Boy myself, but aside from Pokémon no game really stuck out... most of them were minigames, so maybe that's why. Both Super Mario Land games were cool, though, even if I have yet to complete the first one.

The first actual console I owned was a Nintendo 64 and Cruisn' USA was my first game. Even though it was a mediocre arcade port, it was still great fun. I guess I just wasn't as picky back then as I am now. I also got Super Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 and I remember hiring The Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Kazooie like a dozen times. I can't say it's the best console ever, but I certainly have fond memories of it.
Playstation 1! HELLZ YEAH!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Of all the consoles listed, I only ever had a Game boy color and a Sega Genesis. Of those two, I prefer Game boys. I mean, you could save your progress when playing games. That's always gonna win, especially when Pokémon came out.

I did play on a PS1, but all I ever played was Crash Bandicoot and Wipeout, and that was at a friend's house. Never officially owned one until a couple of years ago.
game boy FTW for me. It was portable and easy, and pokemon on it was just legendary.
Super Nintendo Sega Genesis when I was dead broke I couldn't picture this.
PS1. My first owned console. Really brings back memories ;-)
Sega Genesis was the only console I owned until the xbox came out. My mom scrimped and saved to get it for me. Played the heckout of sonic and afterburner 2.
Gameboy and playstation were my favorites but gameboy was had held so woop 1-Up
As someone who has not really experienced the NES in full glory I would have to say Snes although if the GBA was an option well it would be a lot harder. That thing was a perfection on handheld gaming.