What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

well mine says it all i spended so much time playing this game...
It's probably too girly of a reason for a hentai site but I chose mine because I like the nyu sound that kittens make and himesama because I like to think of myself as a princess.
Nyuu Hime-sama wrote...
It's probably too girly of a reason for a hentai site but I chose mine because I like the nyu sound that kittens make and himesama because I like to think of myself as a princess.

Is it bad that I find this kind of cute?
I picked the name Chronus coz' it sounds very ancient..
it came from greek and latin and means TIME..
well, my favorite no. is 14..
so i get the name Chronus14
i picked kurono cause we're kind of a like
I went through a phase where I tried to be the coolest, most unique person around, but now I realize that I'm just a stupid dumbface.
Its nothing special really, its just my hotmail email address. Plus my friends call me random and i usually have loads of one line answers. Thus, randomliner. :P
I picked my Fakku User name because it's pretty much the same username I use for everything else.
Damoz ~Not A User~
I picked mine because i have used the same one for years, and in hope i may meet old friends occasionally on the forum's plus it makes it more fun when people claim to know me and don't know my real forum name ;)
There was a phone function in my friend's phone that translates one's name to Japanese back then at around the 2005... I just had my friend to do so out of curiousity thus.... TADAAA! This werid username that i can't really get rid out my head.
It was in 7th grade when I was in a strings class. I wanted to learn how to play guitar and my friend (named Legend, seriously) who knew how to play said I needed a stage name. Well he told me that Trace Enders was a good stage name till I found out he got the idea from another band called Ace Enders(You should check them out). Then he decided to call me Triboy, since my name is Tri. Though didn't like it, he kept calling me Triboy and a month later, I finally accepted the name. Though now, sometimes he calls me Triboner which really pisses me off sometimes, but I deal with it. I guess that's how I decided my user name for Fakku.
Named after one of her songs.

Forum Image: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/294152_142697695816738_116389481780893_253079_3836145_n.jpg
pick it from the name of a manga character tena o string
Named after this character.
Forum Image: http://images.wikia.com/skullgirls/images/b/b8/060506_painwheel_01.jpg
Mine is my Everquest name from when Ruins of Kunark first arrive on the scene. Mage ftw
I’ve been surfing here for a couple of days now and find some interesting users. Maybe not the users themselves, but by how they interact with co-users as well My brain can recall some remarkable users.
Rise-Chan- the mistress? I can see she’s very “high” above others. Treating them like butlers. I often see her in writing section.
Tsujoi- I think his/her is American. His the global moderator right?
Gravity cat- he is naughty, I guess. He lurks in Babbling section
And the inspiration of this topic,
Artcellrox- I saw his covers and his origami too.

I wonder what lies behind these usernames. All your usernames. I wonder what stories lie behind those colorful avis.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
There's no story behind my avatar, nor a mask that I wear. What you see of me is all of me, and my avatar, other than the blonde hair, almost perfectly represents who I am everywhere. I have absolutely no reason to hide who I am really am.
Rise is actually a guy.
My avatar is just a front to a deep and emotional man, burdened by the weight of the world crushing down...

jk i like hentai
My name 'Yuuki' is the romaji from the kanji 勇気 which means courage. I went for this name because I kind of needed it before, made my name as a role model. Right now I'm overflowing with it.

My avatar right now is a female ninja demon. Well, I like ninjas and demons.