What pets do you have?

Two dogs at my parents house. Love going home to play with them, and they are always happy to see me.
[font=Verdana][color=green]I have a black and white Springer Spaniel called Toby. Got such a personality on him; I've never met any other dog quite like him <3
None. None at all.
Well other than the three stray cats that would leech any leftovers food thrown at them, I don't have what it would be considered a pet. I used to have a dog, but well he died a long time ago. My family has some lovebirds and a cockatiel, but since I don't really consider them my pets, I would say I don't have any kind of pets.
Two cats. Socks and Smokey. Yes, I have good, original naming sense.
I have a dog..don't know what's the type...I call him Garland..XD

and also a black cat...I call him White...
I have a pure bred maltese named Simba, he is dopey and yet incredibly smart. My little friend :)
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/248862_10150205041656626_518161625_7559532_4458555_n.jpg

My cat, Cleo

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/253910_10150205041736626_518161625_7559534_4711900_n.jpg


Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247105_10150205043121626_518161625_7559549_6294948_n.jpg

And Oreo...

She is now a lot bigger...

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225365_10150172767656626_518161625_7314676_1017901_n.jpg
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
HappyDia01 wrote...

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247105_10150205043121626_518161625_7559549_6294948_n.jpg

And Oreo...

She is now a lot bigger...

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225365_10150172767656626_518161625_7314676_1017901_n.jpg

Sooooooo ccccuuuuutttteeeee
Tsujoi wrote...

Sooooooo ccccuuuuutttteeeee

Hehe, thanks... She's a borador (a border collie/labrador mix)! So on top of being a really smart dog, she's also a fucking happy little ball of energy ALL THE TIME. I just adore her.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
HappyDia01 wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...

Sooooooo ccccuuuuutttteeeee

Hehe, thanks... She's a borador (a border collie/labrador mix)! So on top of being a really smart dog, she's also a fucking happy little ball of energy ALL THE TIME. I just adore her.

Yeah, my parents have the same breed, so I know what you mean.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/773017-06L5AA0.jpg
Tsujoi wrote...

Yeah, my parents have the same breed, so I know what you mean.

Awww! Your parents' dog is really cute too! Seems worn out though, haha~! What gender? The only weird thing about Oreo is she has this really, really, REALLY curly tail that developed as she got older. Neither a BC or a lab has a tail like that, so we're all confused. :P
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
HappyDia01 wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...

Yeah, my parents have the same breed, so I know what you mean.

Awww! Your parents' dog is really cute too! Seems worn out though, haha~! What gender? The only weird thing about Oreo is she has this really, really, REALLY curly tail that developed as she got older. Neither a BC or a lab has a tail like that, so we're all confused. :P

Female named Mika. As she got older, we thought she would get less hyper, but nope! She always wants attention or someone to pet her. Or let her lay ontop of you, lol.

Haha, that's weird, but cute too.
Tsujoi wrote...
HappyDia01 wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...

Yeah, my parents have the same breed, so I know what you mean.

Awww! Your parents' dog is really cute too! Seems worn out though, haha~! What gender? The only weird thing about Oreo is she has this really, really, REALLY curly tail that developed as she got older. Neither a BC or a lab has a tail like that, so we're all confused. :P

Female named Mika. As she got older, we thought she would get less hyper, but nope! She always wants attention or someone to pet her. Or let her lay ontop of you, lol.

Haha, that's weird, but cute too.

Our dogs are exactly alike then! Oreo won't even let anyone be affectionate unless that affection is going towards her. Like, we made kissy sounds towards her since she was a puppy, so now whenever anyone wants to kiss in the house - Oreo will jump right between them! Cock block dog! She also gets weirded out whenever someone makes a strange sound, and goes to inspect right away... for instance, my Mom is tone deaf, so whenever she sings (squeals, rather) Oreo will come down thinking she's dying or something. It's really funny.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
HappyDia01 wrote...

Our dogs are exactly alike then! Oreo won't even let anyone be affectionate unless that affection is going towards her. Like, we made kissy sounds towards her since she was a puppy, so now whenever anyone wants to kiss in the house - Oreo will jump right between them! Cock block dog! She also gets weirded out whenever someone makes a strange sound, and goes to inspect right away... for instance, my Mom is tone deaf, so whenever she sings (squeals, rather) Oreo will come down thinking she's dying or something. It's really funny.

Our dog is really affectionate to humans, but not other dogs for some reason. She is the worst guard dog ever.

Haha, our dog is like that too with the sounds. If you yawn or make noise when stretching, she'll think it's some kind of signal to play.
Right now, it's just the one. Tuxedo domestic shorthair.
Her name is Wynnifred Berkle.
I love her so n-n
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Lollikittie wrote...
Right now, it's just the one. Tuxedo domestic shorthair.
Her name is Wynnifred Berkle.
I love her so n-n


I miss her on tv :(
Tsujoi wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
Right now, it's just the one. Tuxedo domestic shorthair.
Her name is Wynnifred Berkle.
I love her so n-n


I miss her on tv :(


I'm such a Joss Whedon dork, it's unreal. :
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Lollikittie wrote...
Tsujoi wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
Right now, it's just the one. Tuxedo domestic shorthair.
Her name is Wynnifred Berkle.
I love her so n-n


I miss her on tv :(


I'm such a Joss Whedon dork, it's unreal. :<

Same, can't wait to see Avengers and Cabin
I have 2 pets, they are roommates