Where is chapter 3 of the "Keade & suzu" series ?

Hello everybody.
I’m new and I Have a question.
I cannot find the chapter 3 of the Keade & Suzu series. So, I was wondering if there was a problem with my account or if the chapter was unavailable.
I also read on the forum that there were some contents that were not available for all users.
Could this be the source of my problem ?
If anyone could help me or give me information it would be great.
Thank you in advance for your help and concern.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Might be the incest tag that requires you to have "controversial content" enabled, yes.
luinthoron wrote...
Might be the incest tag that requires you to have "controversial content" enabled, yes.

Ok, thank you for your answer.
This helps me a lot.
I just want to ask one last question.
If I understand correctly what is written on the forum about this, I need to publish 15 post to unlock this option. Is this correct?
Thank you again for your previous answer.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
So I've heard. Wouldn't know myself, having been here long before the setting was ever introduced.
luinthoron wrote...
So I've heard. Wouldn't know myself, having been here long before the setting was ever introduced.

Ok. Thank you very much for your answer.
I will try this method.
Thanks again for your quick response.
It's really nice.
Been looking for it too