Which anime are you most looking forward to this season?

Which anime are you most looking forward to this season?

Total Votes : 5,474
I'm expecting "Jojo's bizarre adventure" but Nisekoi is what i wanted too :P
Pupa looks interesting but I'm looking forward to Nisekoi and Witchcraft Works
For me, I'd say Nobunagun, the main character is interesting and I'm pretty interested in the story.
There should be a choice; 'I should care about this season, why?'
Everyone!!! Please watch or read Magi!!! It's cute powerful and sexy, for boobs!
Witchcraft Works all the way.
This girl makes Natsu Dragneel look like an amateur pyromancer. This bitch is on FIRE.
I'm disappointed guys. The answer should obviously be Seitokai Yakuindomo!!! It's true to the spirit of this website!
Nathaniel Renko wrote...
Chuunibyou demo koi ga shita ren *-*
pupa and nourin look interesting too
but who would possibly choose "I hate anime" when they're already on a hentai site? O_O

Trolls, obviously. And come on. There's bound to be a sizeable aggregation of 'em here. Can't you smell the stench?
... Although that might be something else...
Two episodes into "Noragami" and I LOVE IT! There are quite a few human/spirit partnerships out there, but this one has a lot of possibilities. A spirit who wants to become Japan's ultimate deity a nickel at a time, and a girl who crushes on a MMA fighter and can't keep her spirit in her own body--what's not to like?
Picked "I hate anime" because there was no option that allowed you to say none. Because while I don't hate anime, I don't actually watch it either. And as far as manga goes. I'm reading Sekirei, and UQ Holder.
SnK season 2 baby!

Solid Snake approved
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
Space☆Dandy. I have high expectations for it.
I don't really have any anime that I'm looking forward to at the moment. I kind of just look for new anime throughout the year. Plus, I'm still pretty backed up on a lot of others. :P
Going to enjoy the mind-fuck that is currently turning out to be Nobunaga the Fool.
The people who vote "I hate anime", why are they even visiting this page?
Ok so doujins aren't anime, but it's related :P

Anyway, Sakura Trick for me. Very nice yuri so far, except for a little rushing in ep 2.
Seitokai Yakuindomo and Tonari no Seki-kun! I love short comedies
Now who really pick "I hate Anime" button
i really love to meet them and give them a long lecture
I just can't wait for the new SAO aka gun gale online nya!
Super Sonico... DAT ASS