Which of these character archetypes do you prefer?

Which of these character archetypes do you prefer?

Total Votes : 5,178
Shy = Damn cute!
What? So not many people like the problematic ones?
I prefer my women fanatical and malevolent. Yandere all the way.
Definitely Tsundere. Aisaka Taiga from Toradora! Made me fall in love with Tsundere type characters. Is it just me or does Rie Kugimiya voice the best Tsundere type character?
yandere because hey, she wanted ME for something
Where is my Kuudere?

This is blasphemy.
trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!! trudere banzai !!!
It's Hard to decide between shy and tsundere
shy type like hinata, nodoka, kururu, etc
tsundere type like taiga, kallen, and sa??? EH!!! I CHOOSE TSUNDERE
I don't like girls who are "Damsel in Distress" types AKA shy types, so I'll go for tsunderes, assuming that most of them can hold their own. I used to have a shy type girlfriend before, and it's such a pain in the ass to watch over her all the time.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I like the independent strong willed female archetype. Such as Akemi Homura from Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Not to be confused with tsundere... tsundere can easily get irritating for me. I think Kirino from I can't believe my sister is this cute is the best example of the kind of tsundere I hate.
i'd have ta go with the sweet an innocent little sister type
I like badass girls, ones who could kick my ass if they wanted to. Like Yoruichi Shihoin from Bleach.
I chose Yandere but if I were to choose more than 1 I would choose Yandere and Tsundere :)
i love yandere. nothing can beat the combination of love and danger...its like playing an eroge and resident evil at the same time...
A pity that my favourite one "DanDere" isn´t in the list. Well, after that comes "Shy" and "Tsundere", but I think "DereDere" should really be in the list because "Shy" doesn´t necessarily mean DereDere. I also like KuuDere but that one also isn´t in there. I find "YanDere" very interesting but if you´re asking which I would prefer as a girlfriend, PLEASE NO YANDERE!!! Well, at least it wouldn´t get boring with a YanDere ;)
I like shy type
Neheeeeeehehehe...yay for being the minority... BD
I actually chose delinquent...I don't know. Especially in Bust to Bust, there's just something about having a strong girl crack open to reveal a cute, soft, almost masochistic interior... It's just like how I am.
It was hard to decide between Shy and Tsundere for me, nevertheless I picked Tsundere. They feel like they both overlap each other, kinda but yeah Tsundere is the way to go.
I would say Tsundere but what I like is character who don't notice any feelings they or the other have for a long while (not being cold or mean, just sees them as a friend), but when they do finally realize are affectionate (or try to be). Minorin, and Haruhi are the prime examples. So Other?
I gotta go with shy girls. They're more easily approachable, are often very kind, and once they open up to you, they're often freaks in bed!
Monster Girl
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