Which of these popular search engines do you use?

Which of these search engines do you use?

Total Votes : 7,021
hentainerdpervert wrote...
GOOGLE all the way, I can't even imagine surviving my college and hentai double identity life without the helpful search engine of Gooooooooooooogle! xD

EPIC and apt. Here, take all my Internetz!
Google. It used to be altavista and jeeves back in the day but nowadays it is just easier to use google for everything. ._:
<------ another google user.
Google, because i use it for everything... from research.. to porn..
DuckDuckGO for the win. Although I usually use google for searches, I have DDG as standard search engine. Typing '!g' in front of or after the search terms makes it automatically search in google, which is convenient.
AOL for my childhood but now its all about the GOOGLE
i use bing but mainly google
Wait, there are search engines OTHER than Google?
Google is the only one for me too. To be honest anything else isn't really worth it in my mind when Google covers everything you might ever need to search for period
I feel sorry for the people that use Bing. ;(
First time i use the internet... i used yahoo...
but then yahoo added too many elements to its page that my old PC
can't handle the load..... then, somebody suggested Google...
I liked it very much since it can produce many results and the page itself
loads fast.... and i mean fast
Google. if google doesn't work then nothing..
Duck Duck Go.

It combines several different searches from multiple sites and compiles them together, but it takes no information from you, doesn't modify results based on history, and doesn't sell user info to companies.

Wish i could go back in time and invest all of my life savings on google
godsend The Pun Master
dasLeben wrote...
I use DuckDuckGo. It's amazing to search with bangs.
e.g. !wiki Shoes brings me directly to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoes without having to find it in a long list of results.
or !maps Destination A to Destination B brings me to Google Maps' direction section with both destinations already selected.

And it doesn't track you or puts you in a search bubble like Google and the other big search engines do.

damn straight. ddg.gg FTW!
Most of the time, I use Google, but I did try to do a little experiment where, for a full 2 months, I only used 4chan to search for anything. It went way better than I had originally thought it would. Then again, it might have had something to do with the fact that I had other people Googling stuff fo me...
whats the point in using anything other than Google seeing as it searches all the other search engines... its the ultimate meta search engine! anyone remember webcrawler and metacrawler?
I quite enjoy using DuckDuckGo myself mainly because of the bang syntax feature.
Google too stronk
I once had this this weird search engine called sweetim :S
I didnt know how to get rid of it so i switched to google when i got a new computer ^^