Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Total Votes : 7,222
I was torn between Hanako and Lily, but in the end I chose Lily. I guess i'm just a sucker for blondes XD
I'm gonna have to go with Lilly out of the 3 routes that I've done (Lilly, Hanako, Emi). Lilly's route was just the sweetest thing I've read, plus it didn't really have a lot of melodrama like Hanako's and Emi's did.
It's a tie between Lily and Hanako for me.
A scene with both of them at once would have been cool, but I guess it'd be too much for Hisao to handle.
I haven't played Katawa Shoujo yet...though I hear great things about it.
Sadly enough I am unable to play it for the time being but from the info I've gathered my vote goes to Lilly.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Luvnarg wrote...
I've never played it. Pirating now. :D

How exactly do you pirate something that's free? :P
darksno wrote...
Edging on spoilers? Lol. I've beaten the game so it wouldn't be spoiling me unless there's some hidden message that I missed or something. Hanako is nice, not going to lie. The whole shy thing, than opening up was very nice, but I liked how much more she opened up while on the Lily route. She did things for herself and didn't need to have someone there holding her hand kinda thing. The bad end for Hanako was so....... unexpected to say the least lol.

Well I meant spoilers for other people.

Yeah, I agree about how she was on the Lilly route. If only we could have seen more of that in her own route, or there existed the option to go more down that path.
There are only 2 lines Ive played so far, and I really cant get myself to try the other routes. Seems I cant let go my lovely Hanako and Lilly...
gather round Rin bros! *feetbumps*
also lol at Misha got 2 entries
I have beaten every route except for shizune's and my favorite is a tie between Hanako and Lily, then Shizune, Emi, and Rin. Rin was my least favorite story line because for me it was really confusing and the ending didnt make me feel much better.
chinesefriend wrote...
I have beaten every route except for shizune's and my favorite is a tie between Hanako and Lily, then Shizune, Emi, and Rin. Rin was my least favorite story line because for me it was really confusing and the ending didnt make me feel much better.

funny, i though Rin's good end was quite good what's with role reversal in the end. her lines are quite memorable too compared to Shizune's which is rather bland IMO (thank god for Misha).
I have got to say Hanako but all of them are nice.
I've gotta cast my vote for Rin. Her route was an emotional roller coaster, and while it didn't quite hit my heartstrings as hard as Lilly did, I would definitely say Rin's is the most well written. I loved it.
Rin without a question!
She reminded me so much of my ex girlfriend (which i know sounds very needy etc but i was attracted to her none the less) From her frank manner of speaking to her attitude of doing something you "can't" just because you can right down to the core fundementals of being classified as "broken"; Although personally i never considered Rin or my ex broken but hey what can you do!
I also REALLY liked miisha for some strange reason, can't really explain that one
I have 100% everyone except Rin, and so far my favorite has been Emi. My second choice would be Hanako. I know their personalities are extremely different. But I love Emi's trouble making attitude and petite-ness, but I also love how shy Hanako is, makes me want to hug her O////O
I am ashamed to say that I haven't had time to play it all that much.
Its a free game so I am shocked that so many have still not played it. Its not even hard to load. Anyway, my favorite is Lily... back in the day when there was only Act 1 my fav was Hanako, but having played the game Lily just took her place. Awesome body, well mannered.......rich. Hard to compete with that. After that was Emi. Her story makes it easy to fall for her. Hanako was good, but the first 2 were just better. Shizune's route was my first route, but it seemed more like I was just reading a book rather than playing a VN, still she has an awesome body. Misha was just sad and I am not into that. As for Rin.... it was just stressful. I hate girls like that, of which I have had many, and she reminds me why I settled down and got married, too much drama. But thats me, some guys like that sort of thing.
Haven't played yet...YET. In the middle of downloading the game.