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are you waiting until you get married to lose "it"

Total Votes : 67
Lelouch24 wrote...
I'm willing to wait 'till marriage, but the question is whether or not my gf could wait 'till marriage

Took the words right out of my mouth.
Losing your virginity isn't a big deal, you don't feel any different because of it. The only reason why it was valued before was, back then they had no way to confirm STDs or paternity testing, so virgins are the only surefire ways to make sure there are no STDs or having someone else's baby.
Temptation or Beliefs?
What do you prefer??
too late for that >__>
I have no idea, it depends on what my future/possible girlfriend says.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Lost it already to someone I really liked at the time.

Never saw the appeal of waiting until marriage, it goes against human nature to limit yourself sexually until you make your relationship official by a man-made system.
I'm Not Waiting For Anything Really, It Just Has Never Been The Right Time...But I Do Admire Those Who Are Seeking The Ultimate Partner To Share That Experience With. I Just Don't See Myself As Being One Of Them. ❤ ❤ ❤
Lollikittie wrote...
I gave my virginity to the person I chose. We're still together, and we already mutually chose the other. We're engaged.

Wow, that's so awesome! Best wishes to you both! I wish I can find someone with who I can share that and my virginity with one day. But as life would have it, I've been turned down by every girl I've ever liked. Biggest c-block ever, life is.
I waited until I found that "special" person. He's the only one I've ever done it with and I plan for it to stay that way.
Honestly, I prefer saving my 'honor' until marriage, since I find no sexual attraction to anyone as of now. I find it more acceptable to wait for marriage, and if that marriage doesn't work out, then things won't really matter as to who I want to do it with. I'm more inclined to the old days, but I don't really know as of now if I will end up losing it before marriage. There is a small possibility.
i might wait for the right girl or when i get married, even though i am a guy.
I'm not waiting till marriage,when the time comes it comes that simple.
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