2012: The Year The Internet Ends

I'm bored, so I decided to post this like they said, you can if you want. I think this will be a huge problem if it's true, and there is a lot of info to back it up.


I already saw this before.

Like hell I'm going to pay just to use an x ammount of websites. If that happens I'm just not going to bother with a computer anymore. People survived without computers before and I could do the same.

Edit; There's a 'Save the Internet' Petition that I signed a while ago. I found the website [http://savetheinternet.com] incase any of you want to sign it yourself.

Again, I can't see this happening but if it does I'm not paying for it.

You guys honestly believe what he is saying? Now THATS scary.

Seriously this is a dudes 5v5 team on World of Warcraft just fucking with you. Y'all got Punk'd.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Lets savor the net while it last....

Heh, if that happens, lots of people will get fucked...
Those capitalist bastards...


Take a look at the Save The Internet website. In it's FAQ section it has more information. I'm also aware who he is [WoW Paladian].

savetheinternet.com wrote...

Isn't the threat to Net Neutrality just hypothetical?

No. By far the most significant evidence regarding the network owners' plans to discriminate is their stated intent to do so.

The CEOs of all the largest telecom companies have made clear their intent to build a tiered Internet with faster service for the select few companies willing or able to pay the exorbitant tolls. Network Neutrality advocates are not imagining a doomsday scenario. We are taking the telecom execs at their word.

So far, we've only seen the tip of the iceberg. But numerous examples show that without network neutrality requirements, Internet service providers will discriminate against content and competing services they don't like. This type of censorship will become the norm unless we act now. Given the chance, these gatekeepers will consistently put their own interests before the public good.

The cable and telephone companies already dominate 98 percent of the broadband access market. And when the network owners start abusing their control of the pipes, there will be nowhere else for consumers to turn.

Just go to [http://www.savetheinternet.com/=faq] for more information.
I've heard all this before, and honestly, I do not think it's a threat.

Sure, I agree. Cable CEOs are dicks.

However, in the end, their "Rich" status depends on consumers buying their shit.

And, with the level of computer knowledge among the average consumer rising yearly, by 2012, more people will use their heads and simply boycott the internet for a bit.

Once the money starts running dry, Companies will be the ones giving way, not consumers.
Arizth wrote...
I've heard all this before, and honestly, I do not think it's a threat.

Sure, I agree. Cable CEOs are dicks.

However, in the end, their "Rich" status depends on consumers buying their shit.

And, with the level of computer knowledge among the average consumer rising yearly, by 2012, more people will use their heads and simply boycott the internet for a bit.

Once the money starts running dry, Companies will be the ones giving way, not consumers.

I doubt it, a lot of changes like that occur in the pattern of being a big change that a bunch of people wail against at first. Then eventually they give up and everyone just kinda moves on and adapts and the rich keep getting richer. It will happen that way, and this will completely fuck up the internet. There really isn't anyone to stop it, the companies have it in their best interests because they are money hungry fucks. And the government won't stop it because they get to tax the profits, and they have no reason to help citizens over corperations. We don't have a powerful enough lobby group, except for the whole voting thing that no one gives a shit about anymore.
Arizth wrote...
I've heard all this before, and honestly, I do not think it's a threat.

Sure, I agree. Cable CEOs are dicks.

However, in the end, their "Rich" status depends on consumers buying their shit.

And, with the level of computer knowledge among the average consumer rising yearly, by 2012, more people will use their heads and simply boycott the internet for a bit.

Once the money starts running dry, Companies will be the ones giving way, not consumers.

I have to disagree. The average idiot will pay whatever the companies demand. Until the day where they just can't afford it they will continue to shell out the money. Eventually, the bitching of the people will reach the leaders of the country and they will intervene by socializing the companies. Thus, instead our money going to some corporate shithead it'll go to the shitheads who ruin our country.
Cheer up if Aztec's doomsday prophecy's that will take place at year 2012's true after all, they'll wont get richer, they'll be dead too.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Callonia wrote...
Cheer up if Aztec's doomsday prophecy's that will take place at year 2012's true after all, they'll wont get richer, they'll be dead too.

Lets hope so...lets hope so..
honestly i can't see it happen like which idiot is stupid enough to go against almost everyone in the world just because he want to monopolize the profit of the internet? besides even he did pull it off the internet will just simply controlled back by us consumers by letting it down a bit making him cough out all the shit he's trying to hog and eventually the internets will be back into our hands i dun see how would it go, plus there are god-like hackers here who would fight just to keep the internet alive... btw wat ever the girl in the video is talking is probably drunk shit or some mindless statement that she came up when she's in her bathroom singing 'i lost my mind'...
Athene have my babies. LoL love the guy

People get so pissed at him. Its hilarious!

This one is also fucking hilarious
Fuck that. I don't need internet. If this happens, my computer goes straight to the trash can and I'm back to no internet. I don't care.

Edit: If this does happen, there will be a huge amount of loss of money for the companies.
I'm pretty sure by the time 2012 gets here the internet will be the least of our concerns. With rising gas prices, and other yet unknown bullshit in the near future.
ActivisionBlizzard is going to take over the world!!! And it's all part of Athene's plan!! Save the interwebs and urself and runz...ahh! Lawl...this is just...idk...but on topic of the end of the internet/world.


If we do lose all our interwebs...single player games are still around...and thats what external harddrives are for ^_^