
In your perspective and values, do you think abortion is wrong?

Total Votes : 125
Minsc wrote...
Maybe we should just make 'birth' illegal for young mothers, because according this thread, it's causing them great pain and death and suffering, and raising the crime rate, increasing murders around the globe, It's worse than drugs!

Yes folks.. breeding is the enemy here, not abortion.
Why didn't Minsc see this before?

You've all awakened my greater insight. Thank you.
Ouch, Boo bit me.

I agree with it actually. The only problem is that we would need some kind of a perfectly wise and compassionate agency to oversee everything, making sure that people are actually ready to have healthy babies and raise them well. We'd only need said agency until the time comes that all humans are wise and compassionate and healthy enough to render it obsolete. It does not exist though =(, so we muddle on.

What's so great about humans anyway, I know there's always still time and hope, but so far, we've made a right mess of things eh?

Wow...I'm hoping your being sarcastic on this Minsc...Because it the mother and father's choice to have a child. Whether they plan it or not they chose to have sex. So making birth illegal is impossible...lest you pan to make a virus that kills the reproductive cycle. I'm far against what you are saying if you are being serious...but i can understand this only as a joke.

It's a joke/sarcasm, but it's to prove a serious point.

I agree with it actually. The only problem is that we would need some kind of a perfectly wise and compassionate agency to oversee everything, making sure that people are actually ready to have healthy babies and raise them well. We'd only need said agency until the time comes that all humans are wise and compassionate and healthy enough to render it obsolete. It does not exist though =(, so we muddle on.

But as you can see, people have agreed, to aburdness (e.g Cooperboy), which means they care little about Mother's rights.. but rather, stopping people from breeding. Which is totally immoral to begin with.

Also: Does anyone else find it odd, that, Cooperboy and Raoin, 50%+ of their posts, reside on the Abortion forum.

Come on you two, there's a whole bunch of FORUMS to check out.
Ok...thanks for clearing that up for meh. I have a good opinion about u, i really don't want to lower it.
As to Copper agreeing with your post...thats sorta sick man...To have freedom is something we can not live without. That is why we all have rebelled once or twice in our lives. To take it away...that would be the greatest sin of all...
Also: Does anyone else find it odd, that, Cooperboy and Raoin, 50%+ of their posts, reside on the Abortion forum.

Come on you two, there's a whole bunch of FORUMS to check out.

I probably have something similar. I don't think it means much. There's been some good debate action here and so I am where the action is.
Well heck, this is the thread that keeps getting replies, so I respond in kind =/. I've also posted in the food section, recommended some anime to you in your thread, talked about censorship, and a lot of random little threads.

Anyway, I responded to your absurdity with my own, a perfect system for managing births will never exist, nor will human beings ever be perfect. It's not nice to take an absurd response to an absurd statement and then declare that I don't care about women's rights =(.
Minsc wrote...
Maybe we should just make 'birth' illegal for young mothers, because according this thread, it's causing them great pain and death and suffering, and raising the crime rate, increasing murders around the globe, It's worse than drugs!

All I'm saying is that some women may feel that they're not ready to have a child, and women have the right to make the choice to have an abortion. Whether or not she got pregnant from rape, accidental pregnancy, or just a change of heart doesn't really matter.

cooperboy321 wrote...
I agree with it actually. The only problem is that we would need some kind of a perfectly wise and compassionate agency to oversee everything, making sure that people are actually ready to have healthy babies and raise them well. We'd only need said agency until the time comes that all humans are wise and compassionate and healthy enough to render it obsolete. It does not exist though =(, so we muddle on.


Wow, totalitarianism FTL.
if the mother is a teenager she can't take care of a kid, so when the people who stand out side the clinic booing then they should think would i've been able to take care of that kid at my age. if so step up to the plate ant take the baby off her hands, if not shut your trap and leave
if knives, guns, bombs and electric chairs (tools for killing people) are legal, why not abortion?

Whatever the argument is, whether letting an unwanted fetus live on or not may not be anybody's business

abortion is both right and wrong
(i agree on both sides)
I think abortion is really up to the Women whose child is being aborted. Although there is a certian point where abortion is wrong, after a few months I don't think the procedue should not be done.
I'm more of a secular Catholic these days, but I'm still religious. But I don't let that lead my life, either. Generally, I don't like to see anything dead, but I know its inevitable naturally and unnaturally. I honestly can't say how I'd react to the idea of an abortion until I find myself in that position myself with some [un?]lucky lady. But I do believe that it should be allowed, because I can understand how it is for people who happen into it. But also, people shouldn't see it as a readily available option and use it as an excuse to random unprotected grappling (Oops, got pregnant again, honey. Time to go to the abortion clinic. What's this? Number 12?!).
And yes, that was a Firefly reference.
Abortion is legal in Canada, I'm living in Canada and I'm glad that it's legal.

A child must feel the love of a mother that didn't want him. I'm sure that it's a good way to have a happy childhood.
I don't really feel either way about abortion. But it seems kind of wrong to just abort a person because your not ready. I mean you could always just put the baby of for adoption as an alternative to aborting it. Just my 2 cents
LilithSummoner wrote...
Abortion is legal in Canada, I'm living in Canada and I'm glad that it's legal.

A child must feel the love of a mother that didn't want him. I'm sure that it's a good way to have a happy childhood.

[In his best Richard the V voice...] Be careful following in my stead, child (I don't actually mean you're a child, it just felt right to say that in the "old man of the mountain" manner, so apologies for that). There are those about who would wish these posts dead and buried at the bottom of the stack, but I say nay, NAY! Keep them alive, raise them up again and again to spite them. Why else would they stay on the successive pages, if not for people to read back through them and contribute themselves? Ye be warned (I'm just letting off a little steam here directed at a guy who pissed me off earlier, but I'm also trying not to come off as an "asshat". Sorry.).
No one minds reviving some topics, just depends which ones. It makes sense to bring back something like this or a topic about an anime or something, but when it's a topic without much purpose, then it's preferable to leave them be. Although it's generally encouraged to try and stay on topic in the serious discussion forum.
lurking wrote...
No one minds reviving some topics, just depends which ones. It makes sense to bring back something like this or a topic about an anime or something, but when it's a topic without much purpose, then it's preferable to leave them be. Although it's generally encouraged to try and stay on topic in the serious discussion forum.

Of course, but when a guy gets angry at you for posting a reasonable response to a post that HE HIMSELF MADE and is a good conversation topic, there's just no excusing the stupidity. If one is going to start a topic, they should forsee that there will be responses they will and will not like, and they can't do anything about it. They can stop posting when they get tired of it, sure. But it's still going to be here, and people will read it. They can't renege later on and tell me to stop raising it (and blow up at me for giving a genuine response).
And generally, no matter how stupid the conversation may seem, I do contribute my two cents in an acceptable manner (my joke in the time travel post aside (I'd gotten the serious out of the way on the previous page), I have been making perfectly good posts). And there is always the possibility of an off-topic conversation skewing back onto the path and becoming worthwhile after enough posts. Threads aren't dead, just abandoned.
Actually I wasn't referring to you and Nouta in the grammar and spelling topic, was just responding to your post here about posting in old topics.
rurouni_crow wrote...
lurking wrote...
No one minds reviving some topics, just depends which ones. It makes sense to bring back something like this or a topic about an anime or something, but when it's a topic without much purpose, then it's preferable to leave them be. Although it's generally encouraged to try and stay on topic in the serious discussion forum.

Of course, but when a guy gets angry at you for posting a reasonable response to a post that HE HIMSELF MADE and is a good conversation topic, there's just no excusing the stupidity. If one is going to start a topic, they should forsee that there will be responses they will and will not like, and they can't do anything about it. They can stop posting when they get tired of it, sure. But it's still going to be here, and people will read it. They can't renege later on and tell me to stop raising it (and blow up at me for giving a genuine response).
And generally, no matter how stupid the conversation may seem, I do contribute my two cents in an acceptable manner (my joke in the time travel post aside (I'd gotten the serious out of the way on the previous page), I have been making perfectly good posts). And there is always the possibility of an off-topic conversation skewing back onto the path and becoming worthwhile after enough posts. Threads aren't dead, just abandoned.

Hah. The hell that was a reasonable response.
Hoo boy, what a topic.

My opinions actually go both ways. I voted 'wrong' because no matter what your reasons are, you're snuffing out an innocent life before it has a chance to live.


I also think that it is a woman's right to make that choice. It's not a choice to be made lightly because you are taking an innocent life, and the woman who gets an abortion only because it's more convenient needs to have her womb ripped out. But those who need an abortion because they simply cannot take care of a child--the single teenage mothers, the rape victims, the prostitutes who have their hands full just feeding themselves--should have that option available to them.

It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" choice, but it is a choice every woman should have the right to make.
mayday, mayday! abort! abort!

no. not for abortion. pro-choice is liberal and i'm anti-liberal, even if it ends up hurting me. i could explain why and talk about what constitutes as life and how this could be murder and that women can always put up their bastard child for adoption and repress the memory of them having a child but i don't want to so there is no reason except that i'm anti-liberal.
Im a guy and i feel abortion is WRONG! And any guys that makes or lets his partner go for it is terrible!!!!!!
Monster Girl
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