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Humans are intrinsically selfish and therefore capitalism will continue for the ages, the ideals of communism are good but the people never live up to them, I would like to see an anarchic society consisting of altruistic individuals, however this will not happen in my lifetime - humanity has a lot of growing up to do.
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
I would like to see an anarchic society consisting of altruistic individuals, however this will not happen in ANY lifetime


Humans will never "grow" to the point that we could have a large altruistic society. The only way it could happen is if 90% of the world died and the few remaining people left were good-natured, altruistic people.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I don't really find it true that if you start out poor you'll most likely end poor.
Me and my mom are bad. Like - according to tax return information and shit we don't make enough money to live. We get by very thin, usually by some money under the table that she makes by doing some house cleaning and preparing food for this handicapped woman every Saturday.

And.. I'm attending college fully covered by the government. Yes I'm using tax dollars, but I also work, so it's not like I'm leeching. I can take that and run and get a nice education and in turn a nice career, because if I do well in school then it's more likely that I'll be able to continue my education at full coverage (if the economy doesn't shit anymore then it already has ~.~)

There are a lot of programs out there, trust me, my moms been in about every one of them due to cancer and unemployment and then she had her knee ruined and couldn't walk for a long time.

I also understand that sometimes programs are dumb, like you make $10 more to fit into this program a month and what not.
Hell my moms had cancer twice, now has a chronic disease that will be the death of her and a permanently damaged knee but she doesn't qualify for disability - yet there's people out there who get full disability because they have diabetes. :roll: Nonetheless she still works full time at a doctors office and then under the table on Saturdays.

I'm just stating that despite the oddness to some things there's a lot of opportunities that I personally think make it so you can make the best of your situation.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I don't really find it true that if you start out poor you'll most likely end poor.
Me and my mom are bad. Like - according to tax return information and shit we don't make enough money to live. We get by very thin, usually by some money under the table that she makes by doing some house cleaning and preparing food for this handicapped woman every Saturday.

And.. I'm attending college fully covered by the government. Yes I'm using tax dollars, but I also work, so it's not like I'm leeching. I can take that and run and get a nice education and in turn a nice career, because if I do well in school then it's more likely that I'll be able to continue my education at full coverage (if the economy doesn't shit anymore then it already has ~.~)

There are a lot of programs out there, trust me, my moms been in about every one of them due to cancer and unemployment and then she had her knee ruined and couldn't walk for a long time.

I also understand that sometimes programs are dumb, like you make $10 more to fit into this program a month and what not.
Hell my moms had cancer twice, now has a chronic disease that will be the death of her and a permanently damaged knee but she doesn't qualify for disability - yet there's people out there who get full disability because they have diabetes. :roll: Nonetheless she still works full time at a doctors office and then under the table on Saturdays.

I'm just stating that despite the oddness to some things there's a lot of opportunities that I personally think make it so you can make the best of your situation.

Our respective families are prime examples of how the argument of "the poor remain poor" is invalid and those with strong drives to succeed will always succeed in a capitalist society.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I don't really find it true that if you start out poor you'll most likely end poor.
Me and my mom are bad. Like - according to tax return information and shit we don't make enough money to live. We get by very thin, usually by some money under the table that she makes by doing some house cleaning and preparing food for this handicapped woman every Saturday.

And.. I'm attending college fully covered by the government. Yes I'm using tax dollars, but I also work, so it's not like I'm leeching. I can take that and run and get a nice education and in turn a nice career, because if I do well in school then it's more likely that I'll be able to continue my education at full coverage (if the economy doesn't shit anymore then it already has ~.~)

There are a lot of programs out there, trust me, my moms been in about every one of them due to cancer and unemployment and then she had her knee ruined and couldn't walk for a long time.

I also understand that sometimes programs are dumb, like you make $10 more to fit into this program a month and what not.
Hell my moms had cancer twice, now has a chronic disease that will be the death of her and a permanently damaged knee but she doesn't qualify for disability - yet there's people out there who get full disability because they have diabetes. :roll: Nonetheless she still works full time at a doctors office and then under the table on Saturdays.

I'm just stating that despite the oddness to some things there's a lot of opportunities that I personally think make it so you can make the best of your situation.

Our respective families are prime examples of how the argument of "the poor remain poor" is invalid and those with strong drives to succeed will always succeed in a capitalist society.

Agree. My dad lived in a poor neighborhood when he was a kid. His mom didn't work and his dad was a drunk so he always had trouble growing up. But He decided to study and succeed in life.

Now he works for GE, one of the largest companies in the world, and makes a ton load of money. Seriously, a little bit of effort and self-determination is all you need to succeed in this world. Just because you're poor, doens't mean you're screwed for life. That's why I never have any sympathy for the poor.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...


Islam was NEVER a economic system. It did have rules, that one should go by such as when burrowing money both parties needed to sign a contract with witnesses, no interests added on debts, etc. etc..

But, if you want to insist that this made it a economic system, than you also need to add Christianity, as they had several laws about dealing with money and affairs in businesses.

As for me, personally, I believe that capitalism as it is known in the US is ending. We've got too many issues ranging from people abusing loop holes, to down right taking advantage of other countries. The biggest loop hole of all is the fact that a corporation is LEGALLY considered a human being, which is one reason why those in charge of the corporations have gotten away with all sorts of things; although this has been changing since the 1970's, BUT it has been a VERY slow change.

Also, another reason I believe it is coming to the end is the fact that people are just simply getting tired of the ridiculous prices for the basic utilities; I can tell you where I live, the water company is run by a private corporation; and water in my area was about like $4-6 a gallon 5 years ago, and now it's up to about $18-20. The area I live in has some what of a drought conditions, but we've been getting a lot of rain this year, yet prices are still high! Why is this? The county governments are charging extra money for people who use over a certain amount of water. This has in effect, according to an article I read a few months ago, cut water usage close to half of what it was 5 years ago, and the water company we use has claimed that the price is going up due to the drought, but the article pointed out that a memo that was sent out a few years ago stated that they needed to increase profits due to the conservation of water, and they raised the price per gallon shortly after...

It's not just the price of utilities, but lets not forget the price of gas! Gas is getting ridiculous, when the cost of oil per drum raises, gas prices are raised immediately, but when the price goes down, it takes weeks or sometimes even months before the price we pay at the pump follows accordingly. I've heard all their excuses, and personally, if all of them are true, why is it gas prices jump almost immediately and take so long for them to go down? I had worked at a gas station for a year, and in many cases, when oil goes up, the distributors raise their prices automatically, despite the fact the gas we get right when the price goes up was bought weeks ago when it was cheaper! Now, I've heard some people claim that the distributors are the ones who are ripping people off, but the distributor for our station was a small one, and the owner of it was also one of the drivers who had shown me the price he bought the gas from the American Oil Companies (I was often charged with assisting the drivers with anything they needed, which would often be to help pull the hoses to the right tanks to dump the fuel in).

We've got so many issues with Capitalism that they are coming out due to the state of the economy. When the economy is good, no one really complained about any of these issues, now that the economy is continually dropping, all these issues have come out into the light, and I can tell you, all of them are part of the reason why the economy is doing bad right now. There isn't one single, or a handful of reasons why the US economy is doing so badly, it's so many reasons it would probably take 1000 pages to discuss fully!

As I stated before, I believe Capitalism as we know it in the US is coming to the end; now when this end could be, I can't say. It could be a few years to over a decade. But, Americans can no longer afford to allow companies and corporations to continue on as they have been for the last 5 decades. And personally, I think the government might fall as well, as they seem more intent on trying to keep things as they were, instead of trying to find OTHER ways to fix it. You can throw as much money at problems as you want, but any man who is smart will realize that money isn't going to solve every problem we have.
Gendo36 wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...


Islam was NEVER a economic system. It did have rules, that one should go by such as when burrowing money both parties needed to sign a contract with witnesses, no interests added on debts, etc. etc..

But, if you want to insist that this made it a economic system, than you also need to add Christianity, as they had several laws about dealing with money and affairs in businesses.

As for me, personally, I believe that capitalism as it is known in the US is ending. We've got too many issues ranging from people abusing loop holes, to down right taking advantage of other countries. The biggest loop hole of all is the fact that a corporation is LEGALLY considered a human being, which is one reason why those in charge of the corporations have gotten away with all sorts of things; although this has been changing since the 1970's, BUT it has been a VERY slow change.

Also, another reason I believe it is coming to the end is the fact that people are just simply getting tired of the ridiculous prices for the basic utilities; I can tell you where I live, the water company is run by a private corporation; and water in my area was about like $4-6 a gallon 5 years ago, and now it's up to about $18-20. The area I live in has some what of a drought conditions, but we've been getting a lot of rain this year, yet prices are still high! Why is this? The county governments are charging extra money for people who use over a certain amount of water. This has in effect, according to an article I read a few months ago, cut water usage close to half of what it was 5 years ago, and the water company we use has claimed that the price is going up due to the drought, but the article pointed out that a memo that was sent out a few years ago stated that they needed to increase profits due to the conservation of water, and they raised the price per gallon shortly after...

It's not just the price of utilities, but lets not forget the price of gas! Gas is getting ridiculous, when the cost of oil per drum raises, gas prices are raised immediately, but when the price goes down, it takes weeks or sometimes even months before the price we pay at the pump follows accordingly. I've heard all their excuses, and personally, if all of them are true, why is it gas prices jump almost immediately and take so long for them to go down? I had worked at a gas station for a year, and in many cases, when oil goes up, the distributors raise their prices automatically, despite the fact the gas we get right when the price goes up was bought weeks ago when it was cheaper! Now, I've heard some people claim that the distributors are the ones who are ripping people off, but the distributor for our station was a small one, and the owner of it was also one of the drivers who had shown me the price he bought the gas from the American Oil Companies (I was often charged with assisting the drivers with anything they needed, which would often be to help pull the hoses to the right tanks to dump the fuel in).

We've got so many issues with Capitalism that they are coming out due to the state of the economy. When the economy is good, no one really complained about any of these issues, now that the economy is continually dropping, all these issues have come out into the light, and I can tell you, all of them are part of the reason why the economy is doing bad right now. There isn't one single, or a handful of reasons why the US economy is doing so badly, it's so many reasons it would probably take 1000 pages to discuss fully!

As I stated before, I believe Capitalism as we know it in the US is coming to the end; now when this end could be, I can't say. It could be a few years to over a decade. But, Americans can no longer afford to allow companies and corporations to continue on as they have been for the last 5 decades. And personally, I think the government might fall as well, as they seem more intent on trying to keep things as they were, instead of trying to find OTHER ways to fix it. You can throw as much money at problems as you want, but any man who is smart will realize that money isn't going to solve every problem we have.

Another problem (that I rarely see mentioned) is that the minimum wage hasn't gone up in years. It went up in the 90s, and before that, in the 70s. That doesn't make sense, considering that prices raise more than once every couple of decades.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Ambivalent Ecstasy wrote...
I would like to see an anarchic society consisting of altruistic individuals, however this will not happen in ANY lifetime


The truth. Anarchy will never be an option.

I look at it this way. Look at any government in the past and you will see that capitalism is the best choice. The other forms of government kept poor people even more poor and rich people were complete dictators. Feudalism even caused the rich to be the leaders of the country and left some of the rightful heirs to the throne powerless. So looking at this I'm quite satisfied with captialism.
I'd like to see some Dystopian government.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Another problem (that I rarely see mentioned) is that the minimum wage hasn't gone up in years. It went up in the 90s, and before that, in the 70s. That doesn't make sense, considering that prices raise more than once every couple of decades.

Minimum wage has been raised in 06 or 07 and by the end of 09 it is suppose to be 7.25 or so. Then again this causes a problem because kids and adult failures working at McDonalds shouldn't be earning $7 an hour. They are fucking High school kids. McDonalds is going to make up for that price increase somewhere. Maybe more Mexicans making your big mac or possibly raising the prices on it's products. Thus the cycle starts over.

M2991 wrote...
I'd like to see some Dystopian government.

Look up socialism, communism, fascism, totalitarianism, and dictatorships and you'll see plenty of Dystopian Governments. The only people who are happy with them are the ones at the top with all the power.

As long as you definition of Dystopian is as wikipedia states
wikipedia wrote...

"A dystopian society is a state in which the conditions of life are miserable, characterized by human misery, poverty, oppression, violence, disease, and/or pollution"
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Minimum wage has been raised in 06 or 07 and by the end of 09 it is suppose to be 7.25 or so. Then again this causes a problem because kids and adult failures working at McDonalds shouldn't be earning $7 an hour. They are fucking High school kids. McDonalds is going to make up for that price increase somewhere. Maybe more Mexicans making your big mac or possibly raising the prices on it's products. Thus the cycle starts over.

Aye, although their prices have increased somewhat already due to the price of food going up, and I believe their prices went up as well back when the government raised minimum wage also. McDonald's is one of the corporations that's abused a lot of the loop holes in the rules. To be honest, the first thing we should do is either remove or cut down the fast food restaurants. I live somewhat out in the boondocks, so there aren't too many fast food places near me, but back when I lived in Northern Virginia, there was like 10 McDonald's within a 10 mile radius of my house.

Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...

As long as you definition of Dystopian is as wikipedia states
wikipedia wrote...

"A dystopian society is a state in which the conditions of life are miserable, characterized by human misery, poverty, oppression, violence, disease, and/or pollution"

Isn't that what the US is turning into?
By the wikipedia definition you provided we would be living in a dystopian world right now.

How you best judge a society is by how they treat their worst off. Although capitalism is the form of society we have now it is not without its faults. No system overall is totally perfect because no matter what there will always be at least 1 person who acts on his or her basest desires, and go against society. Star Trek, as utopianesque as it was, could not even portray the "perfect" social system.

Of all the social systems listed socialism is the best bet of them all. But this is based around a view point that people should be able to have an equal ability to compete for a good and fulfilling life. Although we hear alot of success stories about how people go from zero to hero and escape poverty, people do not realize that alot of the time it is done through socialist methods. One person here mentioned how he is going to university because the government is paying for it at the moment. This is an example of socialism at work. People do not realize it. Schools, police, fire departments, and publically funded hospitals are all forms of socialism, but everyone thinks it as natural in a capitalist society when it is actually not a capitalist function at all. You only need to look at the Industrial Revolution in order to see capitalism at its finest. It was not a pretty picture.

To respond to the point of "adult failures and high school kids" getting more than minimum wage working at a McDonalds, or at least having MW higher, why should they not get a fair wage for the work they have to perform??? Working at places like that is hard work, although it does not look like it. The amount of money raked in at a McDonalds on a daily basis is staggering. Giving employees a couple extra bucks an hour can do no harm for such a big corporation. Remember, if people do not have money they cannot spend money.

I would also not call adults working at a McDonalds "failures". Sometimes things do not work out in life the way people expect and working at a place like that is what is needed to survive. Someone HAS to do the work, or else who would serve us our Big Macs and Shakes??? Sometimes working for MW is all a person can do before trying to put him or herself through university to get a better job. Also, kids these days have the TV and internet blarring at them constantly about how crappy things are in the world. If a teenager is conditioned to think he or she only has a life of flipping burgers waiting for them it does not take a genius to wonder why they would become apathetic.

Lowering taxes is actually a worse idea for helping the poor than keeping them at the status quo. The government has to function off of tax money and in order to get it there has to be a tax. If a person brings in MW every month a 1 or 2% decrease is not going to make much of a positive difference. But if a person is making a 6+ figure income that is a large amount of change the government loses to put towards funding social programs like education, health care, economic policies, infrastructure, ect. In order for lower taxes to make enough of a positive impact for the poor there would have to be no tax on anything. But then how would the government run?
Bloodbane wrote...
By the wikipedia definition you provided we would be living in a dystopian world right now.

How you best judge a society is by how they treat their worst off. Although capitalism is the form of society we have now it is not without its faults. No system overall is totally perfect because no matter what there will always be at least 1 person who acts on his or her basest desires, and go against society. Star Trek, as utopianesque as it was, could not even portray the "perfect" social system.

Of all the social systems listed socialism is the best bet of them all. But this is based around a view point that people should be able to have an equal ability to compete for a good and fulfilling life. Although we hear alot of success stories about how people go from zero to hero and escape poverty, people do not realize that alot of the time it is done through socialist methods. One person here mentioned how he is going to university because the government is paying for it at the moment. This is an example of socialism at work. People do not realize it. Schools, police, fire departments, and publically funded hospitals are all forms of socialism, but everyone thinks it as natural in a capitalist society when it is actually not a capitalist function at all. You only need to look at the Industrial Revolution in order to see capitalism at its finest. It was not a pretty picture.

To respond to the point of "adult failures and high school kids" getting more than minimum wage working at a McDonalds, or at least having MW higher, why should they not get a fair wage for the work they have to perform??? Working at places like that is hard work, although it does not look like it. The amount of money raked in at a McDonalds on a daily basis is staggering. Giving employees a couple extra bucks an hour can do no harm for such a big corporation. Remember, if people do not have money they cannot spend money.

I would also not call adults working at a McDonalds "failures". Sometimes things do not work out in life the way people expect and working at a place like that is what is needed to survive. Someone HAS to do the work, or else who would serve us our Big Macs and Shakes??? Sometimes working for MW is all a person can do before trying to put him or herself through university to get a better job. Also, kids these days have the TV and internet blarring at them constantly about how crappy things are in the world. If a teenager is conditioned to think he or she only has a life of flipping burgers waiting for them it does not take a genius to wonder why they would become apathetic.

Lowering taxes is actually a worse idea for helping the poor than keeping them at the status quo. The government has to function off of tax money and in order to get it there has to be a tax. If a person brings in MW every month a 1 or 2% decrease is not going to make much of a positive difference. But if a person is making a 6+ figure income that is a large amount of change the government loses to put towards funding social programs like education, health care, economic policies, infrastructure, ect. In order for lower taxes to make enough of a positive impact for the poor there would have to be no tax on anything. But then how would the government run?

Maybe in America they're not failures for working there, but in England they are only failures, secondary school students and scum that work there.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Another problem (that I rarely see mentioned) is that the minimum wage hasn't gone up in years. It went up in the 90s, and before that, in the 70s. That doesn't make sense, considering that prices raise more than once every couple of decades.

Minimum wage has been raised in 06 or 07 and by the end of 09 it is suppose to be 7.25 or so. Then again this causes a problem because kids and adult failures working at McDonalds shouldn't be earning $7 an hour. They are fucking High school kids. McDonalds is going to make up for that price increase somewhere. Maybe more Mexicans making your big mac or possibly raising the prices on it's products. Thus the cycle starts over.

It's not just McDonalds that pays only minimum wage, and it's not only teenagers who earn minimum wage.

Besides, raising the minimum wage isn't going to hurt any company, because the price of everything has been going up at a very quick pace. McDonalds may raise their prices, but that's not because they're struggling - they'd just be using the minimum wage increase as an excuse to get themselves more money.

Also, you may consider any adult who works at McDonald's a failure, but what would we do if all these "failures" decided to do something else and nobody was able to get their greasy fries? There always have to be people who will accept a humiliating job. What if there were no "failures" in the world? There'd be no janitors, no construction workers, no restaurant workers, no gas station employees, nobody working at the grocery store! No shoe salesmen. Nobody selling cell phones in the mall. Nobody working in the mall at all. Hell, if there were no failures, there'd be nobody working in a tiny cubicle, and without those, next to nothing would get down in the country.

People take the jobs that they can get, and just because they didn't go to college or study business for years, that doesn't mean they're failures. Unless you want to be strict and say that anyone who doesn't make over $100,000 a year is a failure, but in that case, the majority of people all over the world are failures.

If there are no jobs available where you live except for the shitty job at McDonalds, or Kmart, or Shoe Carnival, what are you supposed to do? Just refuse the job? Then you'll starve. Should you move? But you don't have the money to move. Should you go back to school and get a degree? Well, you could do that, but you'll starve before you finish one semester, and even if you make it through the one semester, you still have a couple more to go through before you can reap any benefits. Sometimes, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, because you didn't make all the right decisions five years ago. But that doesn't make you a failure. You could have just been unlucky, or a stupid kid whose brain didn't fully grow until he was in his mid-twenties. These people who have shitty jobs may be unhappy, they may not be where they wanted to be when they were young, but hell, at least they're living and working and helping the system in some way. That means they're not failures. They're not heroes, but they're sure as hell not failures.
Bloodbane wrote...
Of all the social systems listed socialism is the best bet of them all. But this is based around a view point that people should be able to have an equal ability to compete for a good and fulfilling life. Although we hear alot of success stories about how people go from zero to hero and escape poverty, people do not realize that alot of the time it is done through socialist methods. One person here mentioned how he is going to university because the government is paying for it at the moment. This is an example of socialism at work. People do not realize it. Schools, police, fire departments, and publically funded hospitals are all forms of socialism, but everyone thinks it as natural in a capitalist society when it is actually not a capitalist function at all. You only need to look at the Industrial Revolution in order to see capitalism at its finest. It was not a pretty picture.

How is it the best when the few are forced at gun point to support the few? If you disagree with me then try to go without paying taxes. The government will haul you off to jail and take everything you own no matter if you are rich or poor. Here is the income taxes by the percentage of income earners.

Forum Image:

Please explain how the huge difference in the percentage of income being paid is fair. How can one even justify this kind of act? The poor pay next to nothing in comparison. This talk of "that people should be able to have an equal ability to compete for a good and fulfilling life" has a detail you left out. In order for everyone to be on equal footing then there must be income and resource redistribution. That means the rich can't be rich anymore and the poor can't be poor anymore. That leads to apathy. If the situation means no matter how hard you work, invest, save. Whatever you earn will be taken away and redistributed to everyone else to give them an "equal ability" then who is going to work hard? In capitalism we work hard for that ability to get ahead. A simple analogy is "Do a good job and you get a cookie" Who is going to do a good job when you'll get the cookie anyways?

Bloodbane wrote...
I would also not call adults working at a McDonalds "failures". Sometimes things do not work out in life the way people expect and working at a place like that is what is needed to survive. Someone HAS to do the work, or else who would serve us our Big Macs and Shakes???

Who would serve us our Big Macs and Shakes? The teenagers looking for a foothold in the job Market. That is the purpose of McDonalds,Starbucks and similar jobs or as I like to call them "starter" jobs. Usually these are the lowest paid jobs and the reason is it doesn't take a genius to do them. I worked in a video store for a while (Think blockbuster except we didn't suck). I was paid 5.75/hr and my paycheck at the end of the week was $100 but, the experience I received from that place was enough to help me move up to a better job earning $7/hr. I don't see where it is a good idea to start kids who should be studying for school or college exams to be paid 7.25/hr. If you justify the raise in minimum wage as "a fair wage" then what prevents the cycle from starting over and getting to the point of $10/hr? I want to give you soemthing to think about, it is a simple concept in economics. As cost of business increases (wages, materials) then the prices increase to cover the increase in the cost of business. So as you raise minimum wage you raise the prices for everyone else. Instead of raising the pay of those at the "minimum" you are effectually lowering the income of everyone else in the country.

Bloodbane wrote...
To respond to the point of "adult failures and high school kids" getting more than minimum wage working at a McDonalds, or at least having MW higher, why should they not get a fair wage for the work they have to perform??? Working at places like that is hard work, although it does not look like it. The amount of money raked in at a McDonalds on a daily basis is staggering. Giving employees a couple extra bucks an hour can do no harm for such a big corporation.

(I was using McDonalds as an example but, Captain D's, Block Buster, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Martins,etc will suffice)Any idiot can work for McDonalds (as long as they know underwear goes inside the pants). If you are thirty and flipping burgers (Not the management). Then you have failed somewhere in your life. Even the most pathetic of people can get a temp job. Hell, I have worked beside high school dropouts, convicts (on work release) to crack adicts, to respectable men and women. If you pay that pathetic man a "fair wage" of $7.25. Then why would he leave? He won't aspire to greater heights. He'll just continue to flip burgers and operate the fry-a-lator. The old saying is relative to this subject

"Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". Give the man an increase of money or you can teach the man how to get that increase. Which do you think will work out better in the long run? The hand out or the education?
Why would people become apathetic if wealth was distributed evenly???
Bloodbane wrote...
Why would people become apathetic if wealth was distributed evenly???

No incentive to work beyond what is "passable". Why would you spend years to become a lawyer or a doctor when you'll earn just as much as the guy salting the fries at McDonalds? Some people become doctors or lawyers because of their ideals of helping people. Others choose those professions so they can be rich and retire early. People will work only if they have to it is part of who we are. If you give people the ability to achieve more based on how hard they work then people will work harder. There isn't a way for everything to just start off from the same point. Two things will happen after you hit that "reset" button.

1). The differences in abilities will show up again while the smart and ambitious prosper and the others wont. Then you have to keep hitting the reset button over and over to keep us all at the same level.

2). Redistribute income and resources and place a body in control to make sure income and resources are handed out evenly so nobody has more or less than any other person. In order to do that you have to take all money earned so you can distribute it accordingly.

Capitalism may have some glaring flaws but, the system is more "fair" to everyone since it allows the greatest chance for those in the basement to reach the penthouse.
Or it could lead to a system where people have a better ability to become what they want to be. How many people are there that want to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists, ect, but cannot because the apparent hardships outweigh the benefits??? It is all good to say you want to be a doctor, but when you do not have the money to pay the bills for the 6-10 years of medical training, society loses out on those fringe participants who would rather choose 'living' another day with a full belly than risk going hungrey for the 'chance' of fulfilling their dream.

Teaching a person to fish is all well and good, but if you do not feed that man for the first couple days he'll die before he learns how to do it on his own.
Bloodbane wrote...
Teaching a person to fish is all well and good, but if you do not feed that man for the first couple days he'll die before he learns how to do it on his own.

That is just nitpicking and making excuses. It's a tidbit of wisdom not the answer to all of life's questions. If you going to bring in the man starving then why not bring in the risk that his line may break reeling in a fish thus making him starve or that he may accidentally get the hook stuck in his finger then die of an infection or possibly dieing of a preexisting medical condition. Let me phrase it differently

Which is better? Giving you twenty dollars or teaching you how to get a job?

Bloodbane wrote...
Or it could lead to a system where people have a better ability to become what they want to be. How many people are there that want to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists, ect, but cannot because the apparent hardships outweigh the benefits??? It is all good to say you want to be a doctor, but when you do not have the money to pay the bills for the 6-10 years of medical training, society loses out on those fringe participants who would rather choose 'living' another day with a full belly than risk going hungrey for the 'chance' of fulfilling their dream.

How is making everyone poor suppose to help everyone achieve more? Even if you do manage to allow everyone an equal chance to become a doctor. How many people will go through the negative aspects of the job? The stress, the long hours, the personal sacrifices they have to make,etc. How many of the "good" people will stay with that job if they are forced to earn the same income as everyone else? Good intentions only go so far, even the most dedicated to a cause eventually burn out due to hardships. Why should a doctor or a nurse who works 12-16 hrs a day and is constantly on call be paid the same as the guy slinging boxes in a warehouse or the bag boy at the grocery store? How is it logical that the kid working at blockbuster should be paid the same as people who put their lives in danger for us all like a fireman or a police officer?

So under your "fairness" logic everyone should earn the same amount no matter the harsh aspects of their jobs. Police, firemen, politicians, surgeons, EMT's, carpenters, cartoonist, voice actors, plumbers, cattle ranchers, computer programmers, game designers, scientist, pilots, bodyguards, factory workers, warehouse workers, Bus drivers(school), Bus driver (greyhound), accountants, engineers, architects, hair stylists, teachers, Senators, congressmen, lawyers, Truck drivers, gas station attendants, video store employees, etc, etc, etc should all earn the same exact wages. You even hurt productivity with "fairness". Since people will only do what it takes to keep their job (i.e. the bare minimum). To correct that problem you have to assign jobs and threaten people to work otherwise face punishment.

Forcing everyone to start on "equal ground" isn't right and is a horrible and impractical concept.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Which is better? Giving you twenty dollars or teaching you how to get a job?

Which is better? Teaching a person how to get a job or teaching a person how to get a job and giving him twenty dollars for clothes so he may actually get the job?
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