[Locked] Canine & Human courage combined- True story!

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My two cents for the philosophical argument: Might makes right. I wish it was not so, but it is.

For the pet thread: I have a rottweiler. He's pretty big now, but really friendly.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
to be perfectly honest I stopped caring; people ignored the points I made and simply kept creating circular arguments that weren't even the original point. Also it's hard to fight a battle when you have two voices speaking up; I find fighting my side alone much more gratifying; I don't have to defend others points... (no offense of course)
This turned stupid.

In my opinion, which is not humble, you should not value human life over any other life. As was said earlier, we aren't superior. We have the complex though. No living creature deserves death just so another with so many of itself can live. We chew through the world like sheep through grass, using up resources faster than our poor Earth can handle. There is no point to be argued, we are killing ourselves.

Sorry that most of you seem to think that another living creature should be sacrificed just in the name of keeping our destructive species around a bit more.
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