
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Well, I am an Engineering student in a known university in my country, My grades are well, average. I'm will be a second year student this coming school year, but I'm still confused on what course will I be pursuing... I want to study Law, but Everyone I know tells me to continue Engineering... They always say that I'm good at math, etc. etc., So what I want to ask is this: Should I continue this course which they say is suitable for me, or go on and take Law? I can't really decide cause I like both courses... So... uhh... Help?
Go for the one you like the most. The one that, if you choose it, you won't someday look back and think "crap, i should have done that..."
mibuchiha Fakku Elder
Aya-senpai wrote...
Go for the one you like the most. The one that, if you choose it, you won't someday look back and think "crap, i should have done that..."

this. because at least in my case, i'd rather regret failing doing what i want to do, rather than regret not doing it at all...well, certain risks are sure to come with that thinking. i'm a physics student, and i take it cuz i love it, despite taking physics in my country could mean i cannot secure a job in the future...

but ugh, physics is hard.
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Aya-senpai wrote...
Go for the one you like the most. The one that, if you choose it, you won't someday look back and think "crap, i should have done that..."

Uhh... I can't really decide on which i like more...
mibuchiha wrote...
but ugh, physics is hard.

I only have to take it as a required science, and I heard it's not too hard, since if I can understand and remember the rules in the math, it'll be as easy as fapping.

About your dilemma: Realistically speaking, choose the one you think you will have the most success in. If you enjoy them both, then choose which one is going to help you be more successful, like getting a well paying job. It doesn't have to e about the money though, but look at all the possibilities with engineering and law and see which is best. For example, I am an accounting major, not because I chose it, but because accounting what was the most realistic choice for me as a "good job" in new york city.(and my mom said I wouldn't be a "successful" fucking video game designer, so...) Since I find the classes I'm taking now pretty easy, in regards to accounting, I feel it wouldn't be a bad idea to continue. Saying choose what's best based on certain criteria is the best I can do for you since ultimately the choice is yours.
mibuchiha Fakku Elder
rbz123 wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
but ugh, physics is hard.

I only have to take it as a required science, and I heard it's not too hard, since if I can understand and remember the rules in the math, it'll be as easy as fapping.

well, if all you're gonna do with it is just answering questions, then yeah, it's easy.
Well think down the road about what kind of profession you want? Do you want to design planes and shit or fucking put OJ behind bars or keep OJ from going behind bars.
Personally, I'd take law. Law is harder in terms of cramming nonsense and passing the bar, but people will always sue the shit out of each other over petty bullshit. Your profit.
Engineering, on the other hand, can (and increasingly is) being outsourced.
GinIchimaru_09 wrote...
Well think down the road about what kind of profession you want? Do you want to design planes and shit or fucking put OJ behind bars or keep OJ from going behind bars.

Sounds like you're leaning towards Law, Gin.

@mibuchiha: I'd go for something that you're more comfortable with like what others said, which I'm assuming is engineering. Law also requires a shitload of memorizing and essays and analyses. Either way it's going to be tough.
g-money wrote...
Sounds like you're leaning towards Law, Gin.

What I gave both options I'm going into a law like occupation so I would of course be bias towards it. I think it's a great occupation I mean not for everyone but it's a civil service job (or almost one) and that’s a great thing.
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Hmmm... I'll take Law... Thanks for the help...
Im an IT (Information of Technology) student
thats all i can say