Does life has any real reason that makes it worth living?

Thousand Eyes wrote...
I personally think there is no real reason that makes life worth living. It's really something that you create for yourself. That in itself to me feels pointless. I wish the reason for living was natural, not something created by you for you. In the end, it baffles me how everyone around me can continue to exist without deeply thinking about a topic like this and just go with the flow as if I'm the one unusual for even questioning existence. I can tell you that I AM feeling rather suicidal and that there is nothing left to do when all has been done already.

Does it matter if what you do is worthless or not? If its something you want to do then it doesn't matter, or to me that is the case. If life is worthless but I want to live then it doesn't matter as long as I can find enjoyment out of it no matter how small.

If the reason for living was natural, something given by something else. It would be easy. There's very little value in something easy, and looking at the people who choose to take value from... Controversial sources. Go as far as choosing foolish misconceptions/delusions of reality and refuse to question and expand out of the complexity of reality (the US governor who claims "science is the product of the devil" comes to mind). I understand that a lot of people want meaning, want a purpose, want a indefinite validation for there existence, I admit that I'm such a person. But this is not something given, if you want any sense of belonging, any type of feeling that someone wants you, that someone needs you, you'll need to seek/create (fond of the idea of having my own daughter someday and becoming a doting father) that someone. They will depend on you the same you will depend on them, but its hard and painful to do so, but it is worth the hardship if you find the right person/people. Even with the wrong person/people you can find bits of happiness, that can motivate you to find the real more, if not from them from others. (To an extent i'm trying to find that feeling of "belonging", a place, here on fakku, surrounding yourself with the right type of people will always help, knowing this is why I try even though a small bit of me wants to give up and probably always will seek the easiest solution when ever it becomes hard for me. Regardless of the difficulty, I've already had a taste of happiness and I want more. I enjoy being happy over sad so much more.)

People choose to ignore because its easy, when you don't think too much about it it becomes easier to keep moving forward, it's not a bad thing. But as I have shared above, I do think some people go to far in seeking the easy. Humans are frail and weak, mentally and physically, its not unreasonable that a person has limits and would seek the easy. But the burden of difficulty is not something only a single person needs to shoulder.

No one person flow is the same as another, this is something I believe. That no two people can truly be in perfect unison in every manner of being, but we can find those who are close, and amass ourselves in many of these close to us individuals, they may not understand everything but that they can understand anything, helps. We flow differently but its the differences that can bring in new and interesting in our lives, internet makes it tremendously easier in every way to me, one the best creations in the history of man.

Sorry if I'm preachy, I rewrote this over and over... -_-. I made a number of assumptions and guesses, some still in this, and I apologies if there off. There are a lot of people out there willing to listen, being someone to depend on and depending on you. Its hard to find them, and can also be hard to stay by them at times, but they can be a necessary support when you feel alone. I know fakku users are here, rather it be a positive or negative response, people here care enough to listen, think, and respond, they care enough to bother, which I see as a good thing. Even if I get a negative response I'm still being valued. I'm not invisible and unwanted, my opinion matters to someone (enough to support it or not accept it and try to change it). Everything to be gained in life has to be sought after, even if its only through seeking that next mornings first breath. All things gained by people are gained through continuing to seek, in general, life. That you came here and posted leads me to believe you seek something too, if I can I'm trying to give you any shred of it that it may be, but from what I understand at most I can make only assumptions of what it is that you seek. I can end up going on and on (on assumptions), and I've already spent over an hour (suppose to be studying XD) on this so I'll stop here. Hope this makes you feel, even a slight bit, better.

Your own existence lies solely on your ancestors struggle in the past. "They won against all odds that life had thrown against them and had accomplished the ultimate goal of survival and reproduction."

If mankind were as ignorant as people are today. You wouldn't be standing sitting where you are. Now, I'm not saying that thinking twice is bad. But sometimes it's better to ignore the facts - and keep on living. Because does it really matter if we weren't send here for a reason?

Livided FAKKU Writer
My view of this is rather simplistic I guess.

Meaning of life to me is to enjoy it and experience everything I want to experience and as much of it as I can before I die.

The simple things that we easily take for granted are treasures to me as well as more extravagant things like traveling and buying anime goods and much more is what life is about for me.

Learning is also a lifelong pleasure of mine as well as any fakku contained pleasures I suppose. :)
bowserman wrote...
Since I cannot find a reason that could make any life to have some sense, I´ve decided to ask this question widely.

The reason for a life (at least for me) is to die, because only in dead we can reach to a logical and useful end. But that end means we are giving life (and this is the only good reason I found) to other beings, and if life has no sense until we die, there is no sense in giving life from death, so, the life we aregiving is useless as our own lives. Maybe there is something else I have not considered, but what could it be? Could it be money (yeah, right, like if money is worth something), could it be family (HA, an stone in your shoe), or it would be love (another HA, love is an illution [Gabriel Garcia Markez])? So, what do you think about this, life has some reason that makes it worth living or not. I just want to understand life.

(No matter what you say, the only good thing we do when we die is to be food for other species)

Well, entropy would say that death is a cool thing to do, since you are coming to the state of balance with the surroundings and no longer alien to it (like you keep your core temperature different to the outside, chemical balance, etc while you are alive and no longer do it when you are dead), but there is no point in defining meaning of life outside life itself - the question is rather circular in nature.

So, if you think there is a choice - than its your choice. If you believe humanity has destiny - than the meaning is defined for you already in either searching what destiny is or pursuing it if you know it.

Biological reason would be survival and reproduction as already mentioned. All life forms present just show that there is more than 1 way to survive in given conditions.

I personally find it pleasurable to obtain and analyze scientific knowledge and that what I think my meaning of life is.
No, there is no real and true reason for life. You create a reason to live and live by it or you commit suicide.

You can also be inbetween and not do a single fuck but then that would be your reason for living, not doing anything.
Yoshii wrote...
No, there is no real and true reason for life. You create a reason to live and live by it or you commit suicide.

You can also be inbetween and not do a single fuck but then that would be your reason for living, not doing anything.

There's no real and true reason to die. You create a reason to die and die by it or you continue living... Sounds off, right?
Cuz you die anyway. So maybe there is something reasonable in life, beside creating your own.
Ryssen wrote...

Your own existence lies solely on your ancestors struggle in the past. "They won against all odds that life had thrown against them and had accomplished the ultimate goal of survival and reproduction."

If mankind were as ignorant as people are today. You wouldn't be standing sitting where you are. Now, I'm not saying that thinking twice is bad. But sometimes it's better to ignore the facts - and keep on living. Because does it really matter if we weren't send here for a reason?

In my opinion, the reason to live is to pass on your genes to the next generation, just like every other species on the planet. Its a cold and simple reason, but that sums it up. If somebody wants a moral or philosophical reason, then find that reason through interactions with others.

So I do agree with your opinion. Also, nice vid!

opanihuya wrote...
Yoshii wrote...
No, there is no real and true reason for life. You create a reason to live and live by it or you commit suicide.

You can also be inbetween and not do a single fuck but then that would be your reason for living, not doing anything.

There's no real and true reason to die. You create a reason to die and die by it or you continue living... Sounds off, right?
Cuz you die anyway. So maybe there is something reasonable in life, beside creating your own.

I see what you did there.
What? Saying that also means there's no real and true reason for being born. He can use any subjective values as much as he likes but the fact that we're born to live doesn't change.
Wake up! Take notice of something. Take notice that YOU are the key. A world decaying and decrepit and yet all YOU can do is whine… Shameful act as it is I understand… Understand this though, no matter what troubles you have or may go through, many before and many after will go through the same or worse. Here's the question: What will YOU do for another? The key to life is not so mysterious as to evade the human conscious. We learn from an early age that love, not some lying emotion, but actions above and beyond yourself are what matters. Seek not your truth, but seek truth for humanities sake.

All to often one finds that in life things just don't flow as they would want. What then? Shall we just roll over and give in to self? NO! Life is a grand and precious thing, why else should we hold it in such high regard? Life as we know it is not some sort of singular thing, we are to be as one and the one is to be as many. Stop for a moment and really think. Why do you exist? I for one believe that we all have a purpose, whether self created or otherwise. Seek the betterment of your fellow man and with this you will surely find the key of which you seek. Sometimes the hard part is not so much in knowing what to do, but in doing what needs to be done. Therein lays the problem. Get up slothful beasts ! I know with such zealous words that I too am but a hypocrite…My point is this; we know what it is that we need to do and why we are here. For the sake of true love of which there are no laws against. For the sake of your fellow man. For the sake of YOU. Buuuuut…..wad da I know? Meh….life is but a dream and one day not so far away we will all wake up. Whether you awake from a nightmare or an ethereal vision of beauty is up to YOU. Here's a simple saying; when life gives you lemons make lemonade. Make the best of the worst and even better of the best. From every word, every action and every thought.

We could argue over things such as genetics and spreading ones seed but really, hasn't humanity proven to be something different than a mere animal? Life though, in a metaphorical sense, is so much more than living it's being truly alive. Just my two cents.
Reasons to live? Let's see:
Well, it's favorable to alive in my condition, sex, having the praise of other people when I do what I want, laughing (I'm fucking serious, humor/laughing is one of the best things to ever exist), Art and Music (creating and experiencing it), food, friends, and to offer assistance to those in need.

I make my own purpose.
Asking the question of "Why are we here?" is one I used to ask myself a lot (and it's a good one), but I found out that I should have been asking "How can I live a better life?". Chances are, you might not know why you are here, but you EXIST (or at least, you think you do), so why not make the best of the time you have in life.
You'll get to die and stay dead for eternity.
Have some fun.
I get that alot when I find myself in a religious discussion. People say, Without god, what's the point of living?

To me the answer is quite simple. Since the dawn of times, mankind has established a society and has been progressing ever since. The 'point' each one of us has is to continue life and die leaving the world a better place it was when you were born. Even if it's just a small difference.
I think at this point in the human race, the reason to live is to procreate. It's okay if everyone doesn't do it, but most humans will eventually if not already create an offspring(s). Doing so ensures our species survivavl, for better or for worse.

There are only very few who actually change and shape our world for the betterment of the future. Most other people just live menial lives whose sole purpose is to just breathe air.

As far as the original question goes, does life have any real reason to make it worth living....that is dependent on each person. Do you want to continue to be intelligent/somewhat intelligent and be on top of the pecking order or do you want your species to die out and let the apes take over?

Personally, I think they should implement those suicide booths from Futurama.
In the grand scheme of all that is and ever will be, no. we are all insignificant. one of my favorite pieces of dialog is from the matrix movie where agent smith compares humanity to a virus.

i think it was the end of jr high, or the begining of high school that i saw through the bullshit. school had become less about gaining knowledge, and more about how to be a drone. one teacher even yelled at me for "asking too many questions". when i saw advertising, i started to notice the item less, and how they were selling it more. the constant atempts to convince us that we need more material possesion, even if it meant going into deep debt to obtain them. as i walked home from school, i'd see peoples garages packed with that same stuff. peole are in debt because they bought crap they never use with money they didn't have. but that's the american way i supose.

all i care about any more is eating, sleeping, and something to keep me distracted in between. i do only enough work to keep me fed and warm. at 35, i have no credit cards and zero debt.

in closing...
This question is hard to answer. As we all know the meaning of life the universe and everything is 42, that being said, is there a reason to live life? When you look at it from a real stand point the answer is no. Once you die (if you don't believe an anything) how do we know if you will remember anything about your past life, for all we know once you die every trace of a conscious mind you had could be forever lost. So all accomplishments wouldn't be remembered, and it would meen nothing to you if people remembered you because not even you would remember you. This isn't saying we shouldn't "live", but there really is no reason to live, we just do, if things are tough, it always gets better somehow. Now on the other hand if you believe in a god, I guess you do have a reason to live, if what is said in religion is true, you will live for eternal happiness, so all your grieving and pain on earth would eventually be washed away and you would have had a reason to live. Life is weird man, and the scary thing is that no one really knows for sure. But me personally, outside of thinking philosophy, I would say yes, you have a reason to live, even if you don't know it yet :)
(This is only my opinion) You see, I've desperately trying to live. I got nothing like huge pressure like bullying, but I have been living with many disease since I was 5 years old. This made me really think that life is wonderful. How my family support me, how someone think that I'm precious to them, even though some of it might have been a lie, but at least I'm happy.

Because of that disease of mine (cancer, tumor, asthma, and on...) I realize there are 2 things that keep me on living. One of them is dream, and the other one is nightmare.

You know what dream is. Something you want to do, something precious, want to be this, want to be that... Dream is something that motivate you. For me, my dream is so everyone won't forget about me. But yeah, dream alone isn't good enough to get you moving. There is one you called nightmare. You know, something scary, unbelievable, something you don't want to happen? That what make me afraid. What will it be if I died? What will happen to my family? What will happen to me when I die? Something like my family is a mess, my friends will be sad, or maybe I'm going trough hell or whatever it is... I certainly DON'T WANT THAT to happen. It makes sense right? When you scared of something, you will seriously trying so it won't happen. And how you will let that didn't happen to you? By chasing your dream. Well, something like, if you running without direction, of course it soon will catch up to you (the nightmares). So, make a good planning and decide your destinations so you won't get lost (...or at last you can ask someone for directions if you lost). That's what I think.

Dreams and nightmares is what make me keep on living for me
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
My reasons and your reasons can be different, your job is to find your reasons to make it worth living. If you can't, then no offense, you better go jump off a cliff instead of living a pointless life.

I am not saying my reasons can change the world for the better, but at least it's not pointless for me to keep living due to my reasons. Even thinking that "I wanna see what the world throws at me" can be good enough reason to keep living if you think it is.

My point is, there is no right or wrong in terms of the reasons of living, what you got to do is just find that reason.
That´s the point, what could be a good reason? Dreams, things I like, family, etc., they are not really important if I compare them to everything else in universe. If that is the case, excistance itself is nothing, each life is even less, and living is useless.

What I want to find is something that could change that, and to know what means to be happy (and happiness is not in anything I´ve got or felt), because I see that people do things, find other peple, etc., to feel that way, and if there is not a good reason for living, why people tries to "be happy", if is imposible to reach a true state of happines?

I can´t understand, the real motivation for life, the reason why the first living beings holded to life besides they where doomed to extintion, or what led us to think in ourselves as a superior specie and think we deserve everything. That´s the reason I want to find.
fuwaruu wrote...
bowserman wrote...
cannot find a reason that could make any life to have some sense, I´ve decided to ask this question widely.

The reason for a life (at least for me) is to die, because only in dead we can reach to a logical and useful end. But that end means we are giving life (and this is the only good reason I found) to other beings, and if life has no sense until we die, there is no sense in giving life from death, so, the life we aregiving is useless as our own lives. Maybe there is something else I have not considered, but what could it be? Could it be money (yeah, right, like if money is worth something), could it be family (HA, an stone in your shoe), or it would be love (another HA, love is an illution [Gabriel Garcia Markez])? So, what do you think about this, life has some reason that makes it worth living or not. I just want to understand life.

(No matter what you say, the only good thing we do when we die is to be food for other species)

As of now your mind and body may be lacking due to the inescapable barrier that is youth

To be young is like a to be sick, you are useless, weak, and depend on other people to take care of you, thanks to... no god ... that I´m cured of that.
Eh, like you, I sometimes question life. Whats the purpose? For us to experience emotions like anger and happiness? [I've already felt all of it] For us to reach enlightment? [Religion?] For us to contribute to mankind? [I hate people]
But still, I don't think of lying down and doing nothing and wait for death, I continue on, I blindly go on to the path we call "Life", even if its filled with mediocrity.
Basically, it's how you've lived all these years that makes you the type of person you are now. From this, you set objectives you aim to achieve before your life will end. And once you've achieved every goal you've set, only then you can say that life is worth living.