Dominant or Submissive: which are you?

Which personality type are you?

Total Votes : 29
Which would you say best fits your personality: dominant or submissive? If you're a mix of both, which role do you tend to prefer? If you're inexperienced or unsure, which would want to try first? Note that you don't have to be into S&M to answer.

Personally, I lean more towards dominant than submissive. Granted, I have my moods and my fantasies, but overall I'm far more likely to take control than to give it up. It's become more and more obvious with each passing relationship in the types of guys I end up dating.

I am technically a virgin, but this hasn't hindered me in the least. One of my fondest memories of my last beau was tying him to his bed for his birthday and doing to him whatever I saw fit. He, like me, was very open to experimentation, so we both enjoyed the experience.
Hmm... I'd say un-sure. Probably a bit of both, leaning towards submissive. Nerds are like that, you know.
I'm not really interested in S&M, but...
I think I'm more toward dominant, I like to become the one who takes the lead.
Risch wrote...
I'm not really interested in S&M, but...
I think I'm more toward dominant, I like to become the one who takes the lead.

That's what I'm talking about. Not necessarily whips and chains but whether or not you initiate or follow. Speak or listen. Walk ahead or behind.

etc. etc. etc.

Whips and chains are just a plus (for me, anyway).

SiC wrote...
Risch wrote...
I'm not really interested in S&M, but...
I think I'm more toward dominant, I like to become the one who takes the lead.

That's what I'm talking about. Not necessarily whips and chains but whether or not you initiate or follow. Speak or listen. Walk ahead or behind.

etc. etc. etc.

Whips and chains are just a plus (for me, anyway).


Yes, I'm the extroverted types. I usually the one who started and direct where the conversation goes.
That's just 1 example. The others are like, when I'm playing games with some friend, I order my teammates around like a boorish general. Some of them complain how I'm very demanding. But I think I did a good work as a dominant, as some of the result from me being the leader are quite good.
From my personality I guess I'm more the submissive guy, since I cant really argument with people, being the quiet one, and so on.

Though I was forced into the dominant role (one actually had a rape fetish which I had to play o_O) with some obedient (cock worship and stuff) girls in the past, in which I did kinda well, so I guess I can't really tell.
Personality-wise, I'm split between the two. I'm typically highly assertive (if not necessarily self-confident) and stubborn, but on the other hand I often just let things happen. Whether this translates into future sexual preferences or not, I don't know....

....but I have had a bondage fetish for as long as I've been into hentai. Give me a chick with a pair of handcuffs and I can (probably, no prior experience and all that) keep myself entertained for a loooong time.
I'm a mix. Personality wise, I'm very dominate. But people are surprised to find out how submissive I like to be in the bedroom. I like the whole fetish of slave/master roleplay and I like to be the slave. :oops:
I can go either way in a private setting, although in public I tend to be dominate.

Or at least thats what I think since I really don't have any experience with women.
I see myself as submissive. I'd rather the girl took the lead and just told me whatever she wanted done, or do to me whatever she wants. I'm sure this has to do with my being a follower, not being very leader-like, and generally not wanting any kind of responsibility what-so-ever. So, yea... As long as things don't get out of hand, I'm completely docile.
I'm submissive and proud of it...I think.
I'm most of the time dominant in public and the bedroom. But, one of my old gf's told me that most latin guys tend to let the girl lead take the lead, but from the experiences I've had they say otherwise. Anyone know if there's any truth behind it?
I think I'm right between dominant and submissive. Or perhaps I should say that I'm co-dominant? I usually am the one to initaite sex, but sometimes she just grabs my arm and drags me into the bedroom ... or onto the couch or other viable place. Of course, I'm hardly in a position to complain at that point. One time, she suddenly snapped handcuffs on me ... I was quite shocked, though I had an inkling a few weeks earlier that she had wanted to try something along those lines. So yeah, I'm slightly co-dominant. (If that's even possible.)
If you pick the third option guess what...YOUR SUBMISSIVE! Whats with this Co-dominance! Your not Genes your just a submissive dog like me.
I'm definitely not submissive but I'm not dominant either. I love being in control but I frequently need to be told what I'm supposed to be doing or I just do a bunch of pointless tasks if I'm not in a working mood.

Dominant in the bedroom though. I'm not into whipping or being tied up (being tied up during sex is the only thing that I'm aware of being actually scared of without the situation being inherently life threatening) but biting and scratching always feels good.
York wrote...
If you pick the third option guess what...YOUR SUBMISSIVE! Whats with this Co-dominance! Your not Genes your just a submissive dog like me.

Noooooo~ I don't want to be forced to wear a dog collar~!
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York wrote...
If you pick the third option guess what...YOUR SUBMISSIVE!

That's not necessarily true. Sure, someone can be virginal and then later figure out that they're submissive, but virginity itself does not necessarily limit one to submission. Although the basic mechanics of sex are instinctual (insert tab A into slot B, repeat), a person's personality both in and out of the bedroom is developed through life experience.
I can do both, some days I'm submissive, other days I am dominate... It all really depends on my mood.

Yes I can admit to wearing a dog collar, though purely because I've wanted to try it and ended up just wearing it for months, kinda sucks when you lose your necklace xD

All in all, I can say it's fun either way ^_^