First US President Debate: Who won?

Who "won" the first U.S. Presidential debate?

Total Votes : 19
I'm an avid follower of politics, and I was very excited about the first debate. It probably won't be long before some intelligent political debates erupt, but let's start simple

Who "won" or did better in this first debate and why?

My opinion is that it was pretty even. Neither candidate came out with a flurry of blows, and the few attacks that were put out there were mostly brushed off or deflected. I think McCain managed to gain some offensive initiative in the later half in the debate, but Obama managed to clearly state some important policy points that were being inaccurately portrayed by his adversaries and looked perfectly comfortable and confident speaking about foreign policy, where his inexperience is seen as a weakness. McCain, for his part, managed to sound much more upbeat and gentler than his campaign has of late while still managing to question Obama's policies and experience.

One thing I found interesting was what I would describe as the general attitude of disagreement. When Obama disagreed with McCain, he would look serious, shake his head slightly, and respond in the manner of "we've been making mistakes for too long, and that is simply another mistake we can't afford to make." McCain could be seen smiling and almost laughing softly and had more of a "Can you believe this guy? Are you serious?" attitude. Many of his responses were more in the vein of "You don't get it, do you?"
Wheres the "the building should have known how bad they both sucked and fell in on it's self" option? I didn't watch it (I was at work), but I really do feel sad about where my poor country is headed.
Bioman007 World's Greatest Mang
I have no idea whats going on in America
The only thing I've watched involving politics this year, not counting The Daily Show, was the republic national convention (or whatever the hell is was called), since the remote was too far away. I was honestly shocked at how half-retarded everything sounded.
If there weren't any BarackRoll's then im not interested Forum Image:
Obama has this election won. Just move the election date forward so Americans can get this over with.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I fell asleep to it :( This is why I don't watch TV. I lay my ass on the couch (I like to lounge) and I fall asleep.

The last thing I remember was them poking things at each other. McCain was saying how Obama wants to raise taxes and Obama got a serious look on his face and shook his head and then smiled. (His teeth look so much better then McCains btw) Then Obama corrected McCain.

Then Obama went onto something and McCain, like you said, got that 'Can you believe this guy?" face on and corrected him - more like butting over the guy who was asking questions and insisted on responding to Obama before the next question. After that... the question was 'Do you think there will be another 9/11', of some context. Mostly is America's security working.

After that.. they answered, commercial break. I was out.
well.... In the first half of the debate the economic policy questions gave obama many furious attacks at mccain, but towards the second half of the debate mccain's foreign policy answers and rebuttals were really good and were on par with obama's economic arguments, even though the policies he stated were bad, the way mccain presented them was incredible rehearsed.
WhiteLion wrote...
I'm an avid follower of politics, and I was very excited about the first debate. It probably won't be long before some intelligent political debates erupt, but let's start simple

Who "won" or did better in this first debate and why?

My opinion is that it was pretty even. Neither candidate came out with a flurry of blows, and the few attacks that were put out there were mostly brushed off or deflected. I think McCain managed to gain some offensive initiative in the later half in the debate, but Obama managed to clearly state some important policy points that were being inaccurately portrayed by his adversaries and looked perfectly comfortable and confident speaking about foreign policy, where his inexperience is seen as a weakness. McCain, for his part, managed to sound much more upbeat and gentler than his campaign has of late while still managing to question Obama's policies and experience.

One thing I found interesting was what I would describe as the general attitude of disagreement. When Obama disagreed with McCain, he would look serious, shake his head slightly, and respond in the manner of "we've been making mistakes for too long, and that is simply another mistake we can't afford to make." McCain could be seen smiling and almost laughing softly and had more of a "Can you believe this guy? Are you serious?" attitude. Many of his responses were more in the vein of "You don't get it, do you?"

Even though I am an avid political follower...I didn't watch much of the debate. I didn't find it interesting listening to a socialist debate an old person. I think I got annoyed and changed the channel when I kept hearing Barrack interject tiny comments when McCain was speaking. I never heard any of them clearly but, I guess he was voicing his disagreement with what McCain was saying.

I think the two are pretty much even. It all depends on if American vote on the issues or buy in what the salesman is selling. Either way, I dislike the two choices America has. Where is the change they are promising? All I see is more of the same.
I want to know why a McCain supporter would continue to support McCain in any form such as voting in this poll after seeing what happened at the debate.
First of all, his economic "strategy" (Or should I say, tatics?) is fucking bullshit for the fortunate Americans.
Second of all he flat out lied about a ton of shit. He has no clue what preconditions are. It blew my fucking mind.

FieryPenguin, you must have watched the wrong parts because McCain was smirking his ass off and interrupting Obama's speech as well as looking away and just generally being a cocky assfuck. Obama was looking McCain in the eye when he spoke. A debate isn't child's play. It's not exactly for fun. McCain doesn't know his place.

Obama's interjection : "That's not true." Was..well, TRUE.
GourmetPrince wrote...
I want to know why a McCain supporter would continue to support McCain in any form such as voting in this poll after seeing what happened at the debate.
First of all, his economic "strategy" (Or should I say, tatics?) is fucking bullshit for the fortunate Americans.
Second of all he flat out lied about a ton of shit. He has no clue what preconditions are. It blew my fucking mind.

FieryPenguin, you must have watched the wrong parts because McCain was smirking his ass off and interrupting Obama's speech as well as looking away and just generally being a cocky assfuck. Obama was looking McCain in the eye when he spoke. A debate isn't child's play. It's not exactly for fun. McCain doesn't know his place.

Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
I didn't watch much of the debate. I didn't find it interesting listening to a socialist debate an old person.

Wanna know why people continue to support McCain? It is because Obama is a liar and doesn't know shit about anything other than promising "change" without having the platform to make it happen. When you promise "change" and you associate with people like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, Michael Klonsky. People know they don't want your kind of "change". When you associate with and receive money from these kinds of radicals. Average Americans aren't going to support you which describes the loss of his lead in the polls as of late. Intelligent and rational people are starting to realize how much of an extremist he really is. Most of the people who still vote for Obama are voting for three reasons 1) They hate republicans which voting because you hate a group is a waste of a vote. 2) Because he's black. 3) They are uneducated about the person and policies behind the Charisma

I dislike McCain but, I'll take another republican over a socialist any day.
Wanna know why people continue to support McCain? It is because Obama is a liar and doesn't know shit about anything other than promising "change" without having the platform to make it happen. When you promise "change" and you associate with people like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, Michael Klonsky. People know they don't want your kind of "change". When you associate with and receive money from these kinds of radicals. Average Americans aren't going to support you which describes the loss of his lead in the polls as of late. Intelligent and rational people are starting to realize how much of an extremist he really is. Most of the people who still vote for Obama are voting for three reasons 1) They hate republicans which voting because you hate a group is a waste of a vote. 2) Because he's black. 3) They are uneducated about the person and policies behind the Charisma

I dislike McCain but, I'll take another republican over a socialist any day.

You can say all the same things about McCain. McCain also has adopted a mantle of coming to Washington and changing things. He has people like Rod Parsons, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson in his corner, and since we are going way back, Charles Keating of course. How can someone who associates with and courts the support of these radicals promise to bring positive change the country, unless of course, adopting the notion that God sent hurricane Katrina to smite the gays and that we should generally further this cause is a positive development. Intelligent and rational people are beginning to figure out just how much of an extremist he is really is. Most of the people who vote for McCain are still supporting him for three reasons 1) They hate democrats which is wasting a vote because you hate a group 2) Because he's not black 3) They are uneducated about the person and policies behind the persona of the noble veteran and the "regular guy".

Or, one could admit that both candidates have reasonable supporters who generally do believe in their policies and that they are decent people and want to see them elected. I can personally attest that there is no shortage of Obama supporters who are rational, knowledgeable, genuinely believe in the man and his policies, and are not voting for him because he is black. I can attest to the same for McCain.

Truthfully, if one can't reach the point where supporters of multiple candidates and ideas can be simultaneously seen as having rational and intelligent supporters who merely disagree, one can't engage in any form of intelligent debate regarding the election and issues. After all, why debate the madman, or the deluded fool?

I dislike McCain but, I'll take another republican over a socialist any day.

How does this not fall under your category #3?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
So, am I the only one hesitant to vote right now?
I've heard about both candidates enough to be scared to vote for either of them. There's 3 other candidates that I don't even have a clue about. And ugh.

I've been trying to do research but seem to be incapable of finding things past the bullshit, and when I think I do I feel like I'm talking to a conspiracy nut and get turned away. Then I go back to the bullshit and feel like I'm running circles.
WhiteLion wrote...
Or, one could admit that both candidates have reasonable supporters who generally do believe in their policies and that they are decent people and want to see them elected. I can personally attest that there is no shortage of Obama supporters who are rational, knowledgeable, genuinely believe in the man and his policies, and are not voting for him because he is black. I can attest to the same for McCain.

WhiteLion wrote...
Truthfully, if one can't reach the point where supporters of multiple candidates and ideas can be simultaneously seen as having rational and intelligent supporters who merely disagree, one can't engage in any form of intelligent debate regarding the election and issues. After all, why debate the madman, or the deluded fool?

You have a point but, I have viewed and reviewed Obama's policies and his history since he announced his candidacy. I did the same for every candidate from Ron Paul to Hilary Clinton to Bob Barr.

All Obama is offering is a socialist state where the Government own all large industries from Big Oil, to the "Big 3" automakers, colleges, etc, etc. He claims to lower taxes even though he promises billions more in spending. How does he plan to pay for more social security, medicare, medicaid benefits, college,healthcare,etc? The cliche' reason of "tax those evil rich people. They don't deserve what they earn. They don't deserve to have while you go without. Tax those evil rich people!".

The truth is that the overwhelming majority of federal income taxes are paid by the very highest income earners. The top 1% of income earners pay about 32% of all income taxes. The top 5% pays 51.4%. The top 10% of high income earners pay 63.5%. And the top 20% of income earners pays 78% of all federal income taxes. That’s nearly 80% of the entire tax base being funded by only 20% of the work force!!! And Biden’s solution is to tax these folks harder? Please.

All that is happening is the rich are being forced at gunpoint to pay for the middle class. Under that logic, Hibia, Jacob and others who have a regular job should pay for me because well, they have money and I don't.

His foreign policy is to sit down with Iran without making them agree to conditions. To legitimize Iran and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's insane comments about wiping and entire country, people, culture off the face of the planet. His insane comments about trying to bring about the end of the world for religious beliefs.

The reason I think Obama supporters are idiots is because of what they say. "Yeah, Obama will give us free college, and health care. Everyone can get a college level education and we will all be healthy." "You won't vote for Obama because your a racist!" and all sorts of deluded nonsense. if I hear someone say something stupid my brain automatically labels them as stupid. Just like when I hear the guy in the tin foil hat ramble crazy things my brain labels them as crazy. If you can provide solid information as to how his "policies" are supposed to help people (that aren't cut from his website) but, actually come up with news articles, excerpts from books, or other solid information. Then you can debate me but, just rattling the same dribble as every other lemming Obama supporter isn't going to change my mind. Present Facts, not opinions if you want to change my mind. I'd vote for Obama if you can prove that he isn't a socialist, class-envy puppeteer.

Then again I don't see why I bother to educate people when everyone thinks Obama is the next Messiah.

(Whitelion: Nice call on editing my argument rather than come up with your own)
I saw bits and pieces of the debate at the bar I went to with some friends(weird, I know). Well, from what I saw, and what I could hear, sadly, I think it was pathetic. Honestly in my opinion it seemed like me and my kid sister arguing, we never really win, but we never really lose, and by god we both wanna wail on each other.

Both of them were making smart remarks and interrupting each other during the others turn. I expect my politicians to be a bit more mature than that, after all, if they can barely have a civil conversation with each other, how in the world do you expect them to have a civil conversation with people from other countries?

To be honest, I had predicted a year ago that if the US continued down it's current path, it would pretty much fall apart within 20 years. Now as I see it, with either candidate, we're pretty screwed. We either go down a radical path in hopes that this would help revive our ailing nation, or we stick with a more conservative path that, which with all honesty, has lead us to what is going on now, in hopes that things will work out.

If either candidate is elected, and can't get the nation back on a reasonable track (IE balancing debt, regaining some international prominence, restructuring the government, financial system, and the biggest one, taking down the freaking corporations who've helped to get us here), the US as the nation we know it today, will probably last for another 10 years before we finally screw ourselves to the point of no return. And to be honest, it isn't just our generation, parents generation, or our grand parents generation to be blamed for this. This all started back during WWII when Franklin D. Roosevelt began to place more and more power in the federal government, in the late 1930's ad early 1940's.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
GourmetPrince wrote...
I want to know why a McCain supporter would continue to support McCain in any form such as voting in this poll after seeing what happened at the debate.
First of all, his economic "strategy" (Or should I say, tatics?) is fucking bullshit for the fortunate Americans.
Second of all he flat out lied about a ton of shit. He has no clue what preconditions are. It blew my fucking mind.

FieryPenguin, you must have watched the wrong parts because McCain was smirking his ass off and interrupting Obama's speech as well as looking away and just generally being a cocky assfuck. Obama was looking McCain in the eye when he spoke. A debate isn't child's play. It's not exactly for fun. McCain doesn't know his place.

Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
I didn't watch much of the debate. I didn't find it interesting listening to a socialist debate an old person.

Wanna know why people continue to support McCain? It is because Obama is a liar and doesn't know shit about anything other than promising "change" without having the platform to make it happen. When you promise "change" and you associate with people like William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, Michael Klonsky. People know they don't want your kind of "change". When you associate with and receive money from these kinds of radicals. Average Americans aren't going to support you which describes the loss of his lead in the polls as of late. Intelligent and rational people are starting to realize how much of an extremist he really is. Most of the people who still vote for Obama are voting for three reasons 1) They hate republicans which voting because you hate a group is a waste of a vote. 2) Because he's black. 3) They are uneducated about the person and policies behind the Charisma

I dislike McCain but, I'll take another republican over a socialist any day.

Undecided voters like you are the reason I occasionally miss out on a good night's sleep. I don't really want to hear from you why you believe that people are voting for Obama when you don't even know why you're voting for McCain. I want to hear what you think about their policies, not their race, party, or supporters.
GourmetPrince wrote...
Undecided voters like you are the reason I occasionally miss out on a good night's sleep. I don't really want to hear from you why you believe that people are voting for Obama when you don't even know why you're voting for McCain. I want to hear what you think about their policies, not their race, party, or supporters.

I'm not even voting for McCain. I didn't vote for Bush either. Can't say I'm a republican supporter because I never voted for them. The closest any candidate of the republican party ever got to my support was Ron Paul (Smaller Government, Lower Taxes, Less spending, Ending Federal Income Tax, Opposes the patriot act,etc) Then I he dropped out but, as much research I had done to that point I liked what I read.

Which reminds me I need to do more research on Bob Barr. If he doesn't interest me then I'll probably not vote.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
The reason I think Obama supporters are idiots is because of what they say. "Yeah, Obama will give us free college, and health care. Everyone can get a college level education and we will all be healthy." "You won't vote for Obama because your a racist!" and all sorts of deluded nonsense.

And we can't forget that all Obama has is four years in the Senate as prior experience. I don't really keep up with politics, but that alone makes me doubt that all of his "big plans" will be successful.
So...hmmm..I'm going with the excuse "Obama sounds like Osama"

In all seriousness, both avoided questions that should be answered and just talked about "CHANGE" and claimed to lower taxes.

I've never been too much into politics, but I keep myself informed on things here and there so I know what kind of life I'm looking towards for the next 4 years.

So, lets brace ourselves for the great depression eh folks?