Happy Anniversary!

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Happy anniversary!

Total Votes : 37
Yep. It's been one whole year that I've been with you, FAKKU.net/forums.php. I've been in the IRC channel longer, but I don't have any records of when I joined it. This may not be the same as the date on the forums, but it is by my computers clock, and by my New Zealand timezone.

It has been a fun ride. I remember sitting at Ryuuu's place when Nikon first extended me the question of something along the lines of "Hey, uh, do you know anything about subbing?" and that's when I did School Days. I can't share any of the laughs we got out of subbing it, but boy it was fun. After that, I tried my hand at typesetting on doujins. First that Keroro Gunsou one, and slowly I worked my way through the rest. Recently, I parted from the team, or moreso "Went on indefinite-hiatus". I suppose my life has been busy since then as well. I did 9 doujins and one video [I wanted to do more videos, but Bob64 was far better than I].

IRC, well, where do I begin. I've been in there for a good while, and slowly moved from +v to +h and finally +o. I enjoy my position, but find it hard to deal with some levels of stupidity [leaving the rest of the channel with some nice, happy kick messages]. I run the channel bot, Rei-chan and her explosive mood. I was around to cause Raze to make his "10 year old" quote by using my bot at the time [_God_] to cause him to make the slip. :3

Forums. Forums forums forums. Boy oh boy. I used to be an avid fan, and only now am I starting to make the effort again. Threads like the recently evolved "Random Squad" make me avoid sections I normally lurk in. However, I still take the time to do the rounds and correct anyone who breathes loudly. I used to be sitting in here 24/7 though. Now it's more of a part-time job. I now moderate the Computer section, which isn't exactly a hard job, nor does it make me hard. Well, the last part of that was a lie, but lets keep that to ourselves.

More recently, I've been disappointed with some of the newer members, but proud of some of the others. Yes, I do keep tabs on everything, I am the resident stalker after all. Oh, and you can blame that title on Raze. I kept replying to his topics impossibly fast on day, and he was all "Woh!".

I had more to say, but I'll leave it at this. Cheers, FAKKU! And to many more years to come! I'd put this on the front page to bump away anything else, JUST to be rude but I can't.
Happy Anniversary Hibia. A whole year on Fakke eh. I think I remember some of your first posts when you popped onto the forums. I too look forward to the many years that we'll spend on the IRC and hopefully many of the lulz that should insue.
Now that I think about it, my IRC anniversary is sometime October or so...
Kaimax Best Master-San
Although I don't lurk around much in IRC, but without your existence, FAKKU would be missing something very special.

Hope you can still be with us till the end of time.

My FAKKU anniversary is on Christmas, so prepare for presents!
Who Are you?

Just kidding, Happy anniversary.

Happy Anniversary.

If strippers really ain't your thing, I've gotta find something else. <_<
Happy Anniversary! Sekai WHOO!
hmmhmm,happy 1ST birthday hibia.
Happy Anniversary Hibia! You are the man.

I remember when I used to randomly check out the forums and see your posts. I would say to myself, "Hey, that guy's pretty cool." Little did I know you were way to cool, too cool for school even. You got me to hop into IRC and make some good friends, and you inspired me to do some editing.(Black x Gold ftw.) You rule.

So let's board the Jebus, pick up some rakes and hoes, and fucking party.
Happy 1st Fakku birthday. This brings back a bunch of things that I remember from when the IRC was under 15 people at times. ^_^ I would like to think you helped me learn some things, which you did. Keep up the great work with Fakku.

Forum Image: http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm33/RaiArashi/untitled.jpg
Happy anniversary! (even though you don't like us)
You have been a huge part of the site, happy anniversary and thanks for sticking with us for so long.
Never been here that long to know much about you and I don't really know (better yet care) who are the new members you are proud and disappointed of. But there's one thing for sure. You are one awesome member of Fakku that will never be forgotten by people, both old and new. So Happy Anniversary Hibia! Hope that you'll stay here and on IRC till you die...wait, is that good??

...oh well, KANPAI! :D
Congratulations on your anniversary! :D Well, I don't think there is anyone on the forum that doesn't fear your stalking *looks around panicking*... That isn't you lurking infront of my window is it :P?
For your gift, I shall bless the #IRC with my presence tomorrow, even though I have no clue as to how to use it.
Happy Fakku Birthday #IRC guy :)
(Anniversary was being overplayed)
too years to come
Your old! 1 year old!

I don't really know what to say....Except, I hope to enjoy the times I spend on #fakku as much as you have and I look forward to the future.

All things needed to be said has already been said by everyone else so I can't think of anything witty to say xD.

So, Happy Anniversary!
Hey there love, happy anniversary <3
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