Hentai Movies

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I knew what I was getting into when I was little, I watch them now and that's exactly what I expect them to be, so there is no shame. I had amazingly good judgment when I was small, when I was a teenager that naturally went out the window, and now that I'm fully grown I marvel at how my judgment got so bad, and wonder "how the hell does that happen!!!!" when I think about it.
yea its cinda fucked up isnt it the things i loved as a kid i now look at with learned eyes and sharper mind the thrils that once held me happinesses grasp now break and shatter like fractured glass
Meh, my judgment wasn't that bad, well it wasn't when it came to T.V. and movies, it's my other decision making processes which suffered greatly.
yea sorry bout the last post that wasnt wat i was thinking i just started writing lol
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