How is Being Gay or a Virgin a bad thing..?

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Musuko wrote...

Your words, not mine.

To reiterate, I'm not attacking you personally, but the idea that calling something or someone "gay" in a pejorative manner isn't a big deal. You're not the one being targeted. And no, unless you use "straight" as an insult, you are not treating your straight and gay acquaintances the same.

Ok, THIS part I'm going to address, because up till now, this topic seemed pretty...meh. To me.

When I call something or someone 'gay' in a pejorative manner...what exactly do I mean by that? Because I don't mean, "You're a homosexual." And mean that particular definition, as if it's a bad thing. What I mean is, "That thing is" or "You are" to put it simply, "Retarded".

I don't use the word 'gay' to describe my 'gay' friends. I use 'homosexual', but even then, only when the question comes up. Or...and here's something...'my friend Caleb'.

To me, there is no distinction between a homosexual friend and a straight friend. One likes what they like, but that's not a descriptive trait about who they are as a person.

If I'm talking about my friend Caleb I'll say a number of things, "He's blond, he has a lot of friends, he likes to hang out at the theatre, and he enjoys singing and dancing". But "Oh, and he's gay' never comes out...because it's not important. IT's the same as when I describe any of my 'straight' friends. If I'm talking about my friend Wes I say, "He's got a bowl cut, brown hair, he works for his uncle, and he and I smoke pot together." But I never include, "Oh, and he's straight'." Because...who cares?

IF someone chooses to use the word 'gay' in a pejorative manner...that's not necessarily anything against homosexuals. And to me, the only people who tend to bitch about me using the people...who don't want to offend homosexuals.

So I don't know about you, but I'm going to keep using the word 'gay' as I choose. Because that's how languages evolved. Need I remind you of the history of the word 'fag'? And how...completely different it's used nowadays? Need I remind you 'fag' is STILL used in the UK to say 'cigarette'? If you don't MEAN 'homosexual' when you say 'gay' then clearly 'gay' doesn't mean 'homosexual', when you use it.

Words evolve with different usage. I'm for progression. How about you?
I'm glad to see that a good amount of people here are not homophobic.

The amount of bitching and moaning about Yaoi on this forum lead me to believe that most of it WAS homophobic.
Nazoc wrote...
I'm glad to see that a good amount of people here are not homophobic.

The amount of bitching and moaning about Yaoi on this forum lead me to believe that most of it WAS homophobic.

Not liking gay porn doesn't mean you're anti-homosexual. It just're not turned on by gay porn.
I've often wondered the same thing, and I've yet to find an answer. "Faggot" and "Virgin", oftentimes used in conjunction with a certain image-based community's "Virginfag" insult, puzzles me. I'm not a virgin anymore, but I personally don't see a difference between me then and now. Losing your virginity might be considered a right of passage for some, but I fail to see how someone who doesn't want to, or can't, lose it is somehow lower than other individuals. I guess it goes along with the whole "More sex = more prestige". But that's another thing I never got. Having tons of meaningless sex isn't something that I personally admire. I'd rather have a significant other that shared a mutual love with me, than risk getting something through strings of one-night stands or meaningless casual sex.

Onto "gay".
Many don't condemn females for being gay in mainstream circles, which is stupid. Just because it's dudes crossing swords rather than chicks rubbing sheathes, it's different? Bullshit. I don't think that mentality will go away as long as anti-homosexuality propaganda is essentially wiped out though. Religion is a huge one, but conservative groups are just to blame. Now, I'm not saying religion is bad, but when certain circles go towards damning, spreading slander and other such things, there isn't much difference between said group and radicals like the Nazi regime. Men are gay. Women are gay. There's no difference. Just because one is "hot" doesn't mean one should endorse the double standard that is so widely spread.
The main problem with being gay is that it isn't natural. We're all animals made to reproduce and gays do not reproduce. It will always be. Made fun of and labeled as a taboo because of that fact alone. If we were made to reproduce with the same sex then it would be all fine and dandy. 90 percent of the time any gay I've met has some sort of trauma in their lives for them to be like that. For example an acquaintance from work witness her step father rape her sister at a young age now she dresses like a male and only likes women. Not only that she doesn't trust or likes men at all. There's not really a big deal on being a virgin but it depends on how to live your life. A ultimate goal for most is to carry on your name through your children.
BigLundi wrote...
Words evolve with different usage. I'm for progression. How about you?

How, exactly, is associating the word "gay" with "weird" progressive?
The public is being taught that you can say the words but mean it in a different way.

That leads to a whole lot of confusion and also misunderstandings leading to violence, arguments and possibly even worse scenes.

Being a virgin is the most beautiful thing a person can hold ( being real this time ). It tells about you that you want to share it with someone special or someone you like, and not just ruin it with a person not worthy of it.

Being gay, HMM, depends how you mean it.
Explaining what gay really means, it means being happy, a word used as a term by people a long time ago. However people now use this word to describe homosexuality which is the wrong case, but since people just picked it up they assume it is a term used for homosexuality, thus people forgetting the source of that word gay.

About homosexuality, well....
I don't have anything against it since I am not God and I cannot change the rules of the game. However, people or guys find other guys more intimate than females, and surprisingly the bonds between males are so special and strong that males assume it must be love, and are psychologically aroused by it, being dominated by the same gender. Another case is that a lot of males got emotionally damaged from females thus leading males to distrust females and later by time, they find that other males are emotionally more caring and loving than the normal females that they love males, because homosexual guys really do love each other and show more care for their homosexual partner than heterosexual partners, I don't know why but I know that they are leading a happy life, and I am content with that.

I hate messages spreading around saying "You gotta lose your virginity or you won't be cool" or, "Being gay is wrong, why , it doesn't make sense". Let people live their lives how they want it, I assume that it is better to leave them alone and be content that they are beneficial to the community, meaning they are nice, caring, really engaging in community activity and have more respect for their peers.

So I got respect for the virgins and the gay, even though I am none of it.
Musuko wrote...
BigLundi wrote...
Words evolve with different usage. I'm for progression. How about you?

How, exactly, is associating the word "gay" with "weird" progressive?

How is it not?

Seriously, I don't understand your question. Evolving a word to a new usage is...progress...and you're asking how it's progressive to do exactly that...I'm confused.
Virgin - A inexperienced person that the world looks down upon because they believe s/he will not perform well during sexual activities.

Being bullied whilst a virgin normally happens during high school and college. Two areas in life in which males and females are extremely insecure and bathing in egomaniac lifestyles. It's not a bad thing since those that practice religion see it as a sign of innocence; most of the world considers sex with a virgin to be great. If anyone decides to talk shit about you or anyone being a virgin they most likely haven't had sex themselves either.

How is being Gay bad..?

Look at it this way and think about it without religious views.

Two men - I don't want shit on my dick bro.
Two girls - (Nothing to say)
Since when is being a virgin a bad thing? I'm a virgin, and as far as I'm concerned, I can stay that way for as long as I damn well like- I don't care if people think that I'm a looser. There's a big difference between the people who cannot get laid, and those who choose to abstain from it.
BigLundi wrote...
How is it not?

Seriously, I don't understand your question. Evolving a word to a new usage is...progress...and you're asking how it's progressive to do exactly that...I'm confused.

"Progressive" (the word I used) has the semantic component of improvement. Associating a word for homosexuals with "weird" is not an improvement.

Language has a lot of power in informing and creating perceptions. You don't think that people will, on at least a subconscious level, consider homosexuality to be weird if it is synonymous with the word itself? If you don't, then you don't understand priming.
People call other people "gay" because they usually did something better than them. At least on the internet.

There's nothing wrong with being gay. If anyone thinks it is, it's usually religious purposes or because they really have no thought process at all. Being gay is just like being straight, you're just with the same sex. I don't see a problem with it at all.

"There is always someone better than you and someone worse than you."

People go on the internet and say "HAHAHAAH I FUK 50 GIRLS A NI" when in reality, they've only let their dog lick the peanut butter off their penis.

It's just a way to annoy someone, which it never does. Just be proud that you won't be on any MTV show unlike them.
I am not sure why people are this way... its actually stupid. Even the so called "Religious" will treat you like this!

I told a preacher once that I was a virgin and that I was saving myself for marrage and he laughed at me. Laughed right in my face and then questioned my sexuality.

Our society has come to accept promiscuity and in most cases even encourage it. Its kinda sad honestly... :(
I dont believe being Gay or being a virgin is anything to be ashamed of, I have 3 very important people in my life who are Gay and I am proud to be a part of their lives.
I think those who try to convince the world that either being interested in the same sex or being someone who prefer to save themselves are bad people are the real pests and they all should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make others believe their rubbish
Asuzu wrote...
I am not sure why people are this way... its actually stupid. Even the so called "Religious" will treat you like this!

I told a preacher once that I was a virgin and that I was saving myself for marrage and he laughed at me. Laughed right in my face and then questioned my sexuality.

Our society has come to accept promiscuity and in most cases even encourage it. Its kinda sad honestly... :(

The world will pretty much be the same for the rest of the life. People who are religious will question you, while others in religion won't. If a person comes out to be gay, someone will make it their day to ruin theirs. If a person is even atheist, they're shunned.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Why can't we live in a world where we're all accepted?

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Musuko wrote...
BigLundi wrote...
How is it not?

Seriously, I don't understand your question. Evolving a word to a new usage is...progress...and you're asking how it's progressive to do exactly that...I'm confused.

"Progressive" (the word I used) has the semantic component of improvement. Associating a word for homosexuals with "weird" is not an improvement.

Language has a lot of power in informing and creating perceptions. You don't think that people will, on at least a subconscious level, consider homosexuality to be weird if it is synonymous with the word itself? If you don't, then you don't understand priming.

Improvement is subjective.

Also, words can mean two different things simultaneously in one language. This is true in tonal languages like Japanese, as well as in English.

Like the word Bare

What does Bare mean? Well, depending on the context, it can mean a couple of different things. It can mean made obvious(An argument lain bare) or something that's kept(Bare in mind).

I use the word 'gay' to mean some variant of 'bad' when referring to situations or characteristics because it's vague and non descriptive while still explaining a general displeasure with a situation, adding versatility to when I use it. It's a good word to use because it has a lot of possible contexts.

If you honestly think that words can't evolve without people becoming subconscious homophobes, you clearly aren't familiar with the history of words and languages.

In Japan, the word for "wife" is the same word for "punishment". Do you think in Japan they think women are inherently to be at all times? No, because depending on how the word is pronounced, it means two totally different things, and there's a national recognition of that. Does that mean sexism doesn't exist in Japan? No, but it's not due to the fact that a word can mean two different things.
I cannot fathom how being a virgin is a bad thing when you see joke shows like being 16 and pregnant. STDs, unwanted pregnancies, multiple sex partners...some people may want that but I sure as hell don't. The ones who condemn virgins most likely are the selfish ones who use sex as a pleasuring tool for themselves, rather than for both partners.

It is fine to be kinky and perverted but have some class and respect for oneself and others before actually doing that. For now I'll proudly keep my v-card till I find a woman who warms me enough to give it to.

As for homosexuality well, I cannot say I understand it for I'm attracted only to women in that way. I'm drawn to the differences that challenge males and females to get along. But I won't shun the ones who feel the need to go that route with their life. Just know I won't ever return feelings to one who floats that way.

I accept that everyone is just different and will live this life however they see fit. The best I can do, is care about living my own how I choose it.

TL;DR It is not a bad thing. People are just bad at accepting how others choose to live their lives.
i think that people are just unable to get rid of the old fashioned ideals of homosexuality being a negative and weird thing which should be demoted in our society. (which we now is not)

As for the insult regarding someone's virginity, it's and invalid insult since being virgin is nothing to be ashamed of. Losing your virginity is neither something to be ashamed of nor proud of. It seems that a lot of people regard sexuality as something very light and not serious in the western culture. This has a very negative impact on a lot of teens and sexual safety.
Being homosexual is fine.

Persuing marriage rights without being able to produce children is not.

P.S. Egg and Sperm doners DO NOT count as "producing children", as that child would be partially related to the doner.
i think theres already a thread about gay discrimination here and also talks about being a virgin, anyway
about being a virgin and getting called "your a virgin" or "go lose your virginity"
i do admit i say "your gay" and "go lose your virginity" to my virgin friends(not gay), but they do know its only a joke and doesnt take it seriously since were really close friends we've been saying those things for years as part of .....greeting i guess or letting them be aware that theyre getting old, but people that isnt close to you do take this words seriously, being a virgin isnt bad,i got lots of friends age 22-25 that are virgins,they say "it can wait,i always have my hands to do me" and laugh,though i advice you do fap, if not you will get higher percentage of getting prostate cancer

about gay discrimination.....

Foooooooo!!! haado gei desu! *shakes hips*

serious answer, i have a REALLY BAD experience about gays, they badmouth me (about looking like a loser,cause i still watch animes),say bad things about me to girls especially the person i like,and humiliates me in public (like shouting,you untidy like a rag, sine i dont normally tack in my uniform at school and let it loose since its annoying, or say other bad things that makes me want to shut my self in my room forever),
ever since then, i hated gays, the way they act like theyre some sort of a beauty and high, and its not only 1 gay, when i was elementary all my gay classmates do this to me,until HS, at college i got used to it and ignored them, also religion issue, roman catholic doesnt agree at 3rd sex
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