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Have you tasted it?

Total Votes : 33
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Adding to the conversation, I once met a guy on a forum a while back who had tasted his semen and had hated the taste, but he wanted to like the taste. He even had a dream where he ate his semen and loved the taste, and when he woke up, he was sad because it was just a dream. It was kind of creepy.
It's not kind of creepy... It's REALLY creepy :D And I know few girls who liked sperm and few who not. But because I'm guy I can say anything more than this
Dante1214 wrote...
See, it's not gross that we want women to swallow. It isn't some perverse desire. We are just looking out for their well-being.


Yaknow, looking at it from that aspect, if it could be mixed into foods that I couldn't really tell the difference (maybe a cum topped strawberry? lol), I wouldn't mind doing it for those kinda results hehe.
Ayase wrote...
Yaknow, looking at it from that aspect, if it could be mixed into foods that I couldn't really tell the difference (maybe a cum topped strawberry? lol), I wouldn't mind doing it for those kinda results hehe.

It wouldn't work because 1) semen smells - it's odor is pretty unique and it sticks, 2) semen is filled with so many nutrients that it would smother the taste of the food put into, provided you can obtain a large amount of semen - so taste-wise it isn't compatible with food, 3) yuck.
I also like how that site says that the best way to swallow without tasting is deep-throat it so it doesn't touch your tongue. That's fun and educational right there.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Dante1214 wrote...
See, it's not gross that we want women to swallow. It isn't some perverse desire. We are just looking out for their well-being.

mwuahahahahaa, you're saying the same thing i always says to my girl
but in my case she like the taste (i'm a healthy guy i think :D )

but i do wonder what semen taste like (never taste it and never will)
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I've only had one boyfriend, but it's sorta a fetish to go down on a guy, so I often swallowed. I had a bad experience when I didn't swallow too.

It depends on the guy, I know when I tasted him the first time it was bizarre and I wasn't sure what to think of it. It was evident though apparently when he said 'you don't like it do you..' but after that I told myself it wasn't bad tasting, just different.

It really does depend on the guy, if I had to sleep with some random person, I wouldn't want to suck their pole. Just the idea of someones jizz who I don't know grosses me out really bad. It has to be someone I care about.

I'm sure more guys have tasted themselves out of curiosity then they let know. Hell I've tasted myself, several times. But that goes with my ex's fingers going in my mouth after being other places, also with me just tasting out of curiosity too.

It's not like you're tasting piss or shit..
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I've only had one boyfriend, but it's sorta a fetish to go down on a guy, so I often swallowed. I had a bad experience when I didn't swallow too.

It depends on the guy, I know when I tasted him the first time it was bizarre and I wasn't sure what to think of it. It was evident though apparently when he said 'you don't like it do you..' but after that I told myself it wasn't bad tasting, just different.

It really does depend on the guy, if I had to sleep with some random person, I wouldn't want to suck their pole. Just the idea of someones jizz who I don't know grosses me out really bad. It has to be someone I care about.

I'm sure more guys have tasted themselves out of curiosity then they let know. Hell I've tasted myself, several times. But that goes with my ex's fingers going in my mouth after being other places, also with me just tasting out of curiosity too.

It's not like you're tasting piss or shit..

Well, if you are going down on someone, you are already putting their skin and sweat and probably a little piss that didn't get shaken or wiped entirely too, so the juices aren't so nasty, comparatively, I guess.
I've never intentionally tasted my own jizz, like out of curiosity or something, I don't know, just never came to mind, but I think most of us have had those really good, stored-a-bit-up shots that hit just the right arc, an hits you right in the mouth.
Well, maybe not everyone, but it happened to me. And honestly, I'm sure I've had worse things in my mouth just on a dare or something. Really just tasted salty, like when you have the sniffles and have that snot drainage get into your mouth or something. The substances themselves are very similar, so I guess it makes sense.

Moral of the story; ladies, just swallow. You've probably put worse things down your throat anyway...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Gambler wrote...
Getting back on topic, I have never tasted semen. However, according to some sources and word of mouth, its taste supposedly varies depending one's diet. The act of semen-swallowing is similar to that of anal sex; Males may desire to see females perform such an act, but unwilling to do so themselves, though I have no proof to back up my claims.

I can back up Gambler on this one. I've heard the same thing from several of my previous girlfriends. The taste changes based on your diet. Red meat makes it more bitter while legumes and fruits give it a sweeter taste. You'll have to change your diet to get a girl to do it if she normally hates it.

....semen of guys with diabetes taste sweet.......
Dante1214 wrote...
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
I've only had one boyfriend, but it's sorta a fetish to go down on a guy, so I often swallowed. I had a bad experience when I didn't swallow too.

It depends on the guy, I know when I tasted him the first time it was bizarre and I wasn't sure what to think of it. It was evident though apparently when he said 'you don't like it do you..' but after that I told myself it wasn't bad tasting, just different.

It really does depend on the guy, if I had to sleep with some random person, I wouldn't want to suck their pole. Just the idea of someones jizz who I don't know grosses me out really bad. It has to be someone I care about.

I'm sure more guys have tasted themselves out of curiosity then they let know. Hell I've tasted myself, several times. But that goes with my ex's fingers going in my mouth after being other places, also with me just tasting out of curiosity too.

It's not like you're tasting piss or shit..

Well, if you are going down on someone, you are already putting their skin and sweat and probably a little piss that didn't get shaken or wiped entirely too, so the juices aren't so nasty, comparatively, I guess.
I've never intentionally tasted my own jizz, like out of curiosity or something, I don't know, just never came to mind, but I think most of us have had those really good, stored-a-bit-up shots that hit just the right arc, an hits you right in the mouth.
Well, maybe not everyone, but it happened to me. And honestly, I'm sure I've had worse things in my mouth just on a dare or something. Really just tasted salty, like when you have the sniffles and have that snot drainage get into your mouth or something. The substances themselves are very similar, so I guess it makes sense.

Moral of the story; ladies, just swallow. You've probably put worse things down your throat anyway...

Dante1214 wrote...
Moral of the story; ladies, just swallow. You've probably put worse things down your throat anyway...

Wtf?! LMAO! Sad thing is in most cases that's true XD
Ayase wrote...
Dante1214 wrote...
Moral of the story; ladies, just swallow. You've probably put worse things down your throat anyway...

Wtf?! LMAO! Sad thing is in most cases that's true XD

I don't know if it's a sad thing. I mean, it's culturally acceptable to eat fish eggs and squid, man.
anyone tried flavoured condom (how about you ziggy)
I've heard that what you ate determined the taste of your semen...
Asparagus would make it bitter and pineapple juice would make it sweet! Its just a theory though, I don't know if anyone has tried it lol
Afroman wrote...

Is Eating Cum Healthy?
Healthy semen (that is, cum produced by a well-nourished, disease-free male) may in fact be not only safe to eat, but actually good for you. Seminal fluid, the base of cum, is a veritable nutrient-rich soup. Semen is a source of highly concentrated, high-quality protein. In dietary terms, it's comparable to egg whites or gelatin.

Besides protein, semen contains high concentrations of some minerals, such as zinc, and trace amounts of other important nutrients, like calcium and magnesium. While you shouldn't depend on a shot of cum to get your recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals, swallowing semen on a regular basis can't hurt as a dietary supplement.

I loled at the truth of this.

I've heard cranberries are the best thing to eat if you're trying to neutralize the taste and smell of your semen/genitals. As far as tasting your own juices... I'm the kind of guy that finds it hard to ask the girl I'm with to do something I won't do myself, so yes I have tasted my own semen, just put the tip of my finger in it and then onto my tongue. To me it seems the reason so many guys find the idea disgusting is a deep rooted homophobic thing, even if it's not a conscious fear/hate (ie. you have nothing against gay people, but your afraid of being or appearing gay yourself). Myself, I got over any trace of homophobia a while ago simply because I'm completely comfortable being the very slightly effeminate straight guy that I am haha. As far as the taste of semen... salty, much like Dante's reference of having the sniffles and having a bit of sweat mixed with snot on your uppper lip (a bit saltier though).

Edit: Maybe this will end the topics asking this question?
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