I voted!

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Cruz Dope Stone Lion
bongzilla wrote...
Winged-Fapper wrote...
Alright Trump, the ball is in your court, don't fuck this up!

Forum Image: https://s15.postimg.org/40n1elk2z/14993479_10155436272378858_5184936310493981793_n.jpg

Okay, Breitbart is a very click-baity "alt-right" site and
“Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy,” “Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism Or Cancer?”

Are uh...Very provocative and sexist. I wouldn't say standing up for the confederate flag in itself is racist.

Yet at the same time, I feel like I understand why they want someone as "hinge" as Bannon. Independent and alternative news outlets have skyrocketed in popularity. I do feel like Forbes is a bit more self aware and doesn't have extremely biases views on ALL of their contributors, the author of the article did say, "Trump has not been shy about his disdain for so-called mainstream media, casting it as an elitist echo chamber out of touch with the concerns of the working class" which is absolutely true. Trust in media is very low, less than 20%, and the numerous connection between the democratic party and entities like CNN are absolutely in viewers mind. Having that outside perspective, even if it is in a more...hinge...echochamber might be beneficial as a strategist.

But that's besides the point. Bannon having "bad" and "bigoted" opinions, are not indicative of what he will do as chief strategist.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Well, Trump is starting to flip flop on some of the things he promised he'd do or bring back. For instance, he no longer believes water boarding should be used to interrogate foreigners. Perhaps, there's a slight chance he isn't crazy afterall.
Cat-ness NekoMancer
FinalBoss wrote...
Well, Trump is starting to flip flop on some of the things he promised he'd do or bring back. For instance, he no longer believes water boarding should be used to interrogate foreigners. Perhaps, there's a slight chance he isn't crazy afterall.

Trump just understood that most Americans are racist, sexiest, warmongers, who would rater vote a straight ticket with their arbitrary party then spending 30 seconds to find out who it is there voting for.

SNL hit the election coverage on the head

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