I want to share something.

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If you're serious about asking this woman out, keep something in mind.

I have Asperger's too, and I have a hard time socializing with people my age... but there's the better part of a decade between the two of you. That's not a good thing. I myself was a good five years older than everyone else in my Rocky Horror Picture Show shadowcast troupe--people were flabbergasted I was 25 at the time! But you're planning on asking her out on a date.

She's old enough to make her own choices, and 8 years between an 18-year-old and a 26-year-old isn't quite the same as, say, a 16-year-old and a 24-year-old (and let's face it: from one Asperger to another, chances are you're probably at the same emotional wavelength--not an insult, mind you). It could work out. But please note that there's still a good chance that this really could go either way. Age differences do matter, regardless of what romanticists like to claim.
I asked her, but she turned me down (she's interested in someone else). She did say that it was sweet and very brave. I've come to accept that you're right about the age difference. While I did really want to date her (I'm not just attracted to her physically, but I also love her personality), I've also come to the conclusion that I also wanted to make up for my wasted youth (which wasn't just because of LDS church doctrine, but also because of social anxiety brought on by Asperger's). I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that my youth can't come back, and it still sometimes depresses me. When I started growing out my beard, a few of my female managers asked if I was trying to attract anyone. I answered yes, but I also said (I regret being this forthright) that I have no idea what I'm doing because I've never had a girlfriend. I got depressed when one of them asked me why I didn't. I played it down a bit, but if I knew the reason, I'd probably have a companion already.
I'm 26 years old. How would I fit in there with high schoolers?

Just want to comment on this, because I can relate.

A couple days ago, in the same day, two completely different people who didn't know each other, when I told them my age, replied that I look 22-23 at best.

I'll be 30 next April.

Also, back when I was active as a Yu-Gi-Oh player, so for a few years from 24 to 26-27 give or take (can't remember the exact dates, my memory blows), my group was one guy a few months younger than me, and the average age of everyone else was 16-17, and I won't lie when I say I've had a ton of fun in those days.

I don't believe that being much older/younger than the rest of the group you're a part of is odd. It may be for a random observer, but if you're fine with it well, why not?

...though, to be honest, and regarding dating and relationship, I did cringe at a friend of mine who back then was almost 30 and dated a 16-year old girl (no foul play thankfully, but she WAS a minor).
Religion can be an amazing thing. Religion can be the worst thing ever. It has the ability to draw in 90% of the entire human population with its various forms. It's fairly simple. Religion is a fantastic thing when you use it in an open way. For example: Give a kid a bible, tell him or rather encourage BUT NOT FORCE him to read it. Come back to the kid and go, "So what did ya think?" Then talk about your different opinions and work on a mutual understanding. You do that with the next person and so on and so forth.
I consider myself an atheist who is in the process of trying to find some outlet for praise and faith. The bible is a great book (-) the magic and fairy tales. I highly recommend a book Titled: Zealot it takes out the crap and gives you the good.
All religion in my opinion should be followed this way. On a solely individualistic basis. IT should be up to your interpretation. NOT some guy who went to school for 4 years and studied the book and now has the right to tell you how to interpret it. Most Religions advocate free will and yet you aren't given the free will to follow the damned thing how you want.

TLDR: Most if not all mainstream religions preach the same ideologies. Be a good person, don't steal, don't kill, don't be a lying asshat, don't cheat etc. they provide an individual with a fantastic opportunity to live their life in a positive manner. THE INSTANT you remove the individual aspect of religion it becomes the most toxic, horrible, manipulative thing on the planet that doesn't even advocate half of the things that are clearly in the text. Its brainwashing for the masses. DOWN WITH ORGANIZED RELIGION.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
Family are Nazarenes, so i know how u feel... I was spared from a religious upbringing, but i know how hard it can be.

I would recommend you try online dating. Its low pressure, and allows you to revel some of you insecurities right off the bat in your profile, and find people who can relate to you.

MTFBWYA friend, and good luck :)
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