Japan News: Scars We Can't See: Bullying in Japan (part one)

Kana-san is a very admirable person. Through the sharing of hardships with fellow bully victims, they find sanctuary on a BBS, a place of acceptance. I know here in the USA, schools have programs that helps with bullying, and there are school counselors. If there was a international site like the one of Kana-san's I'm sure that it would prevent future cases of social disorders.
[size=20]Scars We Can't See: Bullying in Japan (part two)[/h]

In our previous article, the Mainichi Daily News introduced us to Kana, a survivor of bullying who started a website called The Union of Bully Survivors (いじめ被害後遺症同盟).

Kana's room has windows just like most people. However, the inner and outer frames of her windows are all covered with thumbtacks. The thumbtack points are all exposed, facing outward. In her darkest nightmares, Kana fears that the junior high school students who tormented her ten years ago will return. In order for her to not constantly worry about them, she's super-glued hundreds of thumbtacks all over places where she thinks they might break in. Despite this, she still wakes up sweating and screaming in the middle of the night.

As an elementary school student, Kana enjoyed making friends. One particular female student accused Kana of stealing her close friend away from her. The jealous student began bullying Kana, teasing her and spreading rumors about her.

When kana began her junior high education, she encountered the bully.

[size=14]The bully walked behind Kana, and whispered close into her ear. "I'm going to make your life miserable again."[/h]

As Kana heard those words, her heart pounded and she suddenly began hyperventilating.

True to her words, the bullying increased, only this time, others were able to be convinced to join in it. The peak of kana's bullying occurred in her third year of junior high. Upon arriving at her desk, Kana found thumbtacks taped to her chair and crumpled garbage all over the floor beneath it. Her pencil box was covered in puddles of glue. During class, those around her threw paper airplanes, aimed at her eyes.

Sorry for the longish post. The rest of the Article is at the Kiss-sui Blog.