New member help (please)

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to figure out how to find a specific game. I was told I can’t access it because it’s locked by controversial settings being off. However that’s not a setting I even have. I’ve heard I need oh so many posts in order to see that, though I’m not sure if that’s the case. So I’m posting in a couple areas seeing at anyone knows about this or can help in any way.
I've not heard of there being any restrictions on new members viewing controversial content. Just go to the My Account dropdown > Settings > Account Settings, and enable controversial content. (Assuming said content is legal in your country of course. Dont be stupid)
The setting isnt there. I cant find it for some reason
I'd say make some posts here and there in different discussions. If that doesn't work try asking support for help that worked for me.
Having the same issue here. Did all this content get purged or something? wtf
Huh, trying to find it myself too.
I read somewhere that it just takes time for you to get it unlocked. Don't really know because I am also new.
For ya'll who don't know it takes like 2 weeks to get the controversial setting switch so just be patient. Or submit a ticket and complain to the FAKKU help desk that'd probably work.
For legal reasons I guess but how to shoo people away to try the content they want to pay for to get it in different means. Have it be for registered accounts only. FINE but this is kind of the same but with a very anoying delay. Also some of the tags are degenerate but that is exactly what a lot of people want.

I want my lolis man.