
Parkour aka Urban free running is arguably one of the most badass and toughest sports out there. Even though it's name is French it doesn't lack backbone. It a sport that makes you look and feel like a ninja. I'm gonna try it and learn the basics before I try anything big like a flip,or flag.

side flip


Run through
care to explain in detail ? because from what i see is that is very similar with urban ninja's move perhaps you can enlighten me with the actual facts?
Parkour basically means--- Efficient movement through a given area.

Freerun- Same concept as Parkour but with the emphasis being on aesthetics, fun and creativity.

Urban ninja was using gymnastics and Parkour. He just thought he'd use a catchy title. There are a lot of moves to learn before I get out of the basics.
wtf? They are just jumping around? Why is that so great.. they look like idiots doing that.
That was the basics you should watch this and see if you are in a place to talk.

Well, I think the ' running-up-walls-and-flipping-off-of-them ' is pretty cool,but other than that they are just jumping off high things... anyone can do that... they are going to break their ankles, lol.
I like it and have always wanted to do things like that but, this area is really poor for that sort of thing. That and I can't do a flip to save my life. Never learned the technique
Waar FAKKU Moderator
mess up and you can really fuck yourself up though...
SymbioticYuriGuy wrote...
Well, I think the ' running-up-walls-and-flipping-off-of-them ' is pretty cool,but other than that they are just jumping off high things... anyone can do that... they are going to break their ankles, lol.

Those are just compilation videos. If you've ever seen it, its pretty cool. Pulling off some of the more advanced techniques requires training and skill.

Urban Freeflow
American Parkour

Waar wrote...
mess up and you can really fuck yourself up though...

Exactly it's that adrenaline rush and pushing physical limits is what I love to do and for me this seems like it could be a lot of fun. Hard work for sure but fun most defitnatly.

\\Here's one of my favorite moves.

I just got to learn how to do that, just because it looks good.
Also, for some survival skills, like climbing, escaping, etc.
sweet. i wanna go be a ninja. :D
finally a type of sport that i actually want to participate in!
[size=10]though me = pussy, damn i need to rewrite this equation. :[ [/h]
I have a video of ninjas here doing parkour training xD

I really wanted to learn parkour, but for reasons I cannot explain myself (basically, I can't overcome fear.... yet), I can't learn it properly.
Parkour is really cool. I'd love to do it someday.
Until then I'll just play Mirrors Edge, lol.
There is a difference between Parkour and Free Running, although they share their origins.
I believe it's Parkour that is about the quickest path between two points; that being a straight line, regardless of the obstacles.
Free Running, I think, is the one that is more of a personal art form, more about doing what you feeling like doing than the destination.
Cool shit, though. Have some friends who are into it. It's not so easy for me to move like that though, I'm 6'5" and built like a lumberjack.
I came into this topic thinking York was back, I was sadly disappointed. Fuck you damn spammers!
York wrote...
Parkour aka Urban free running is arguably one of the most badass and toughest sports out there. Even though it's name is French it doesn't lack backbone. It a sport that makes you look and feel like a ninja. I'm gonna try it and learn the basics before I try anything big like a flip,or flag.

side flip


Run through

that's awesome flipping.
Tricking is also an alternative if you don't live in a dense city
because you may only use your body for the sport, look it up

freerunning, parkour, and tricking, I've tried them all
but I need a few more years of training to actually be pro

try these, they are awesomely dynamic sports, they get you as fit as any other sport

also try it in public places, you might make a scene and impress someone

I disagree with parkour, etc. making you look stupid. There are risks involved (physical injuries,etc.) but if you think its stupid I would gladly call you closed minded, these sports make you feel GOOD. Good can't be bad, in a logical sense
I only know of freerunning. I sometimes do it with friends when we hang out. Just make out one entire course, then run it. Or sometimes just run through the city.

Its a fun sport. Gets you PLENTY of exercise. I mean 80% of the time you run and 15% of the time you rest and 5% is the actually jumping/flippinf/tricking part. Dangerous and it takes massive balls for the flips and jumps.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
The first try on the flag reminded me just of break dancing. I remember watching my ex's brother practice doing all sorts of tricks on one hand and holding his body up in weird with his own muscles. The flag is probably the least dangerous but the most difficult.