Red or Blue

What will you do Nov. 2008??

Total Votes : 26
I want know witch way Fakku tends to swing on the political side of things. Are you a Democrat, Republican, Other(Green and such), or are you a true American (OVER 50%) and just don’t vote at all.

So… What are you?
I'm moderate. I can go either way, depending on the politicians and the times, but currently, unless McCain wins the Republican nomination, which looks unlike, I'll probably vote Democrat.
I'm the same right now I have no clue who I'm going to pick Red or Blue black or white.
I tend to be more economically conservative and socially liberal, so the libertarians often sound ok to me. As such, I'm interested to find out a bit more about Ron Paul. Otherwise there really aren't any candidates that interest me.

If Hilary gets on the ballot, I would probably vote against her though, regardless of who gets the republican ticket. Aside from no liking a lot of what I've heard from her politically, a family friend worked closely with her for several months while she was the first lady, and she's just freaking crazy (and a bit of a bitch as well, but that isn't as important) from what I've heard.

I don't really have any alliances to either party, so I can't really pick just based on that as most people do (not that they should).
i can't vote since i'm not an american :P

but i do have high hopes for the new US leader since america always had major role on whats happening in the world(good or bad)

and i also hope that the new US leader willing to cut america's carbon based emission(which the bush administration didn't do at UN conference for climate change in bali)
I tend to be more economically conservative and socially liberal, so the libertarians often sound ok to me. As such, I'm interested to find out a bit more about Ron Paul. Otherwise there really aren't any candidates that interest me.

I have similar views, economic conservatism to some point, but generally socially liberal. I admire Ron Paul's integrity and such, but I think once you look in to his policies, he has some really awful ideas, especially in the economic sector, such as being in opposition of the Fed, wanting to put money back on a standard(he realizes the gold standard is impossible, but he is for the idea in principle, which is in my opinion a terrible idea.) and such.
I'll most likely vote Democrat, but I'm not against voting Republican in the smaller elections.

As long as the new president is nothing like Bush, I'm fine with whoever is chosen. As long as things improve in the US.

and i also hope that the new US leader willing to cut america's carbon based emission(which the bush administration didn't do at UN conference for climate change in bali)

Thats so true. A bunch of other countires agreed to reduce carbon emission, but the US has really done nothing.
lurking wrote...
If Hilary gets on the ballot, I would probably vote against her though, regardless of who gets the republican ticket. Aside from no liking a lot of what I've heard from her politically, a family friend worked closely with her for several months while she was the first lady, and she's just freaking crazy (and a bit of a bitch as well, but that isn't as important) from what I've heard.

I know Hilary personally (Father was a senator for years)... that’s why I’m voting for Obama or Ron Paul. She is a little bitchy. Shes not crazy by any means but I just don’t think she can win it in a male run country especially in the south and mid west. Those states are sure losses for any democrat and when you make that democrat a woman... you end up having a better chance winning the lottery than the majority vote.
Ugg, I would never vote for Obama. He just doesn't have the experience. I am probably going to end up voting republicans for lack of a better choice. I hope Ron Paul gets in. Although Romney is a piece of shit and I really hope he doesn't win the republican vote.
As a foreigner I can't vote in the USA, still, I'd hope that the next administration will prove to be more committed to the environment than to the lobbyists as I do rather care about cutting down pollution.

For all those who do not care to vote, remember that if you don't vote you may very well help m*rons get elected.

For those of us outside of the USA, and for those who don't mind a bit of bush humor:
lol I think that’s probably how this administration is run... sad.
Anyone who will ratify Kyoto I'll be happy with. Unfortunately I can't vote as I'm an Aussie.
Funny you should say that I'm flying there on wed. and staying in Kyoto for 2 weeks. I love Japan.
Better advancements in science will lead to a cleaner environment, such as the development of fuel cells and cheaper solar power.
Im not based in America, so i dont really care :)
Truth be told I doesn't matter, who I vote for since my state is hardcore Blue. but I don't like any of the Republican canidates (Paul isn't really a Republican :roll: ) and dislike hillary with a passion.
Being Canadian, I have no influence on the American elections but the result will still effect me greatly. I don't really want the democrats or the republicans to win since neither of them deserve it. Most of the Republicans are gun crazy bible thumping fuck ups and the Democrats are all just waving some form of minority flag and saying "Bush sucks, were your only other option."

Same deal pretty much applies to Canada as well but at least our guys are more moderate on lots of stuff. All you have to do is pick whichever government will squander less tax money.
I tend to be pretty radical and I'm not too fond of Republicans or Democrats.
I'm not a political person per say. I've been told that my views fit a centrist agenda (i.e. moderate). As far as candidates go, I've given it as little thought as possible. Not because I don't care but because I don't want to be mentally exhausted with the whole thing before it really even starts. The only one who's caught my interest has been Bill Richardson, but I'm still undecided.
Green or other is winning? What? Hold on a minute, how many of you are actually registered for a party besides Democrat or Republican? Is Fakku really full of people like me (registered Green) or is it just that nobody gives a damn?

You know what irks me the most? When people make fun of me for being a so called "third party" voter and say things like, "Bush won because of people like you" and that I should have voted for a Democrat instead. Well shit, if you flip that around and had all the Democrats friggen vote for Nader, Bush would not only have lost, but we'd have a president whose political platform actually suits my agenda. Just because there's more Democrats than Greens they feel like everybody who's somewhat liberal should vote for the Democrat just to prevent a Republican from winning? Well I don't mean to be rude, but I disagree with the Democratic platform almost as much as I do the Republican platform, and just because they're a little more liberal doesn't make me feel like we'd be any better off had a Democrat won instead.

My political persuasion is much too radical to be called merely liberal. While I am somewhat of a fiscal conservative from an economic standpoint, I can forgive heavy spending if it is directed towards social liberalism.

I get sad sometimes, and feel pretty depressed that my country is always being pigeon holed into choosing between the lesser of two evils (unless their political agendas happen to be closely aligned with the Democratic or Republican platforms) and that the nature of our voting system shoves aside parties that are not one of the two most popular at the time rather than going for a more direct process offering greater variety. I have a sneaking suspicion that it became like this because nobody wanted to spend all the time it would take for a straightforward election to be narrowed down into finalists so that one candidate could eventually get >50% of the vote, despite the fact that it would be infinitely more representational than this freaken electoral process we use today.

Ultimately I end up just proudly casting my vote for whoever fits my agenda best (usually Green), because even though I admit the chances are slim short of a nation wide epiphany, I can at least take comfort in the fact that when my candidate loses I'll hate whoever wins as much as I would have hated the other guy.