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Total Votes : 35
AX13I-I wrote...
Do you regret looking at your hentai? Do you wish you could stop looking? Are you losing your interest in hentai or thinking about hentai?

What the fuck is this?
theotaku wrote...
AX13I-I wrote...
Do you regret looking at your hentai? Do you wish you could stop looking? Are you losing your interest in hentai or thinking about hentai?

What the fuck is this?

Its what you think it is Binky-Boy
nightclock wrote...
AX13I-I wrote...
Moses wrote...
I try not to regret anything, you do what you wanted at the time because you felt it was what you needed to do. No need to feel bad about it.

I don't regret it anymore but I suppose I regret the first time I did because I was in the 4th grade and didn't know what the hell I was looking at.

First time I saw hentai was 5-6th grade, I remember thinking "Wow. This looks better than the girls in my class ^_^ wait...this looks better than the girls in my friends magazines!" After that I didn't look at it till 8th grade cause my mom was hardcore christian and i wasnt crafty enough to look lol.

From time to time i look at rl porn to remind myself why i liek hentai so much, thats about it.

By the time I was a Junior in High School I was already crafty enough. It also helped me become a very persuasive person, but It also made me more naive as well.
By the time I was in High school I was crafty enough to look at hentai in a public library and not get caught.

I will admit though one time I was actually doing school work and I clicked on a bad link and a ton of porn popped up, since this was when pop-ups were a big pain in the ass to get rid of and I wasn't that computer savvy, all I could do was turn off the computer, but I was too late a librarian had already noticed, which was the sign to make a swift get-away, because I could do that too.
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