Right and Wrong?

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Human invention or something more?
Right and wrong change with the times and the social structure.
Moses wrote...
Right and wrong change with the times and the social structure.

As I said human invention.
well majority of the time to do the right thing you have to do the wrong thing and vice versa so is it actualy possible that right and wrong are the same thing sometimes
Moses wrote...
Right and wrong change with the times and the social structure.

Quoted for Truthery
Moses wrote...
Right and wrong change with the times and the social structure.

Right and wrong, good and bad, are all subjective. 'nuff said.
Wouldn't right and wrong be the invention of all sentient being in existence? Vying under the assumption that they have intelligible chemical structures, would they not have their own concepts of right and wrong, making it not solely the decision of humans to say whether or not we created something as possibly universal as this?
yeah, its a product of the human mind.
Noutakun wrote...
Right and wrong, good and bad, are all subjective. 'nuff said.

I will be more specific.
Incest has been/is taboo in most cultures. There are theories that we naturally consider incest something 'wrong' because breeding with our family creates evolutional disadvantages.
This could be an example of something that is 'wrong' for humans, and if that is so, there could be things wrong to life in general.

Perhaps this was not on topic. As for some universal morality, I'd say there is none.
M2991 wrote...
Human invention or something more?

Well its not so simply put I'm afraid. for the most part right and wrong exist in every social structure that even includes animals. So we cannot say human invention because its been around a lot longer than we have. Take lions for example they have a system in which the females do (most of) the hunting and the males (usually one male) mates with the females and fends off attackers (other predators or lions).Also when there is a kill the males eat first. So if a female ate first that would be a social taboo or wrong where as if the male eats first it is considered right. Therefor on some level its natural because we like lions are a highly social species. That is not to say that we have not come up with a few odd ones but many of the right or wrong situations are there more for survival than something we cooked up to be silly. for instance if you insult a man in public and he kills you. He will be sent to jail so that he cannot harm others and also to send a message to other people showing them its wrong to kill someone. On the same it also becomes wrong to insult a man because he may kill you over so insults also become wrong. This in no way says we didn't through a few odd balls in their but for the most part it is a necessary part of our species.
M2991 wrote...
Human invention or something more?

I'd say the concept of "morals" in and of itself is a man-made concept.
The notion that there is some sort of intangible penalty(Karma, Banishment to hell or w/e, etc.)for going against these ideas, not to mention the need
to TEACH these values reinforces this idea.

I mean, of course there's a more effective, less-stressful, not-so-painful way of doing everything, from addressing others, to giving someone a piece of your mind.

However, the only reason things HAVE to be done a certain way is because people have established rules. Humanity as a whole seems to be unable to function without order, and, in any sort of gathering circumstance, we(as humans)tend to rely on the idea that order has to be established.
what is right to me may not be right for you, and vice versa.
It all depends on what a certain human believes.
There can be no society without rules or morals(not a very stable one anyway) so when humans stated hunting in packs, they needed rules. That simple.

The "morals" EdwardRoss posted are closer to what I'd call common sense. The male is stronger than the females from the beginning, while they are faster and more agile. Therefore, the females hunt and bring back food for the male, who gets to eat first because he needs to defend the group if there's any trouble.
I agree that "right" and "wrong" are invented by the human mind, but to go further in-depth, it is usually those in power who come up with the rules. More often than not, the powerful will be "right" and the weak, "wrong".
Seph wrote...
There can be no society without rules or morals(not a very stable one anyway) so when humans stated hunting in packs, they needed rules. That simple.

Agreed. Though the problem with morals is that they are left up to personal opinion and interpretation. What I find morally acceptable will cause blood to shoot out of the eyes of hardcore Christians, Muslims, and various other people. While some things other people find morally acceptable would drive me insane enough to make me want to saw off my nuts with a spoon.
Seph wrote...

The "morals" EdwardRoss posted are closer to what I'd call common sense. The male is stronger than the females from the beginning, while they are faster and more agile. Therefore, the females hunt and bring back food for the male, who gets to eat first because he needs to defend the group if there's any trouble.
well i don't totally disagree with you but i was simply stating that we didn't invent the idea of right and wrong it has been around for some time because they are survival tactics. your survival depends on you know how far you can push things. That is what I'm trying to say.

I know it hurts but self mutilation isn't the answer you seek. WMD's are :twisted:
EdwardRoss wrote...
I know it hurts but self mutilation isn't the answer you seek. WMD's are :twisted:

Sooo...these are not the droids I seek?
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
EdwardRoss wrote...
I know it hurts but self mutilation isn't the answer you seek. WMD's are :twisted:

Sooo...these are not the droids I seek?

These are not the droids you seek. He can go about his business
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