Serious Uprise With Mine Fiance, Before Florida Vacation

On The Road To Florida, as Eshi types mindless insignifcant into this thread/post, To Visit Mine Mother's Boyfriend's Parents... With His Three Children, From Two Different Mothers. Hah! That Sounds almost made-up out of sake to interest the following viewers, buh beware tis truths. Fullest, somewhat happiness in the crowd of somewhat bliss through this following vacation/event to Florida.

Well, anyways, the topic suggests right. Been having some issues with mine sweet love. Recently, start of this year -or even before. Should have rang a bell, evermore, when cheated on him. Buh, by cause of insanity through love/lost you can't really express a better answer through to mine/his actions throughout the time together. Love this bliss we have, this love we have thrived. Everything we have done was in the intent to beh together forth most.

We've been engaged for five years in August. RECENTLY ASKED MY HAND FROM MY MOTHER! Buh, we've promised ourselves before then, of course. Different matter. The beginning of my year has non been all that well for either ends. Then, As a misfortune, did something stupid on one really fucked up night at the last day (literally) in Feb. Planned on moving in together -et we did in End March / Early April. Some other misfortunes continued to happen, buh we still thrived.

Anyways, day before was going to run off with my mother et various people to a vacation, in which, he was invited! Had good friend over, we drank.. I DRANK ONE BEER! Then , walked my sweet friend (whom neither has interested in another via orientation) --That's were it began.

Didn't bring him home immedately.. we walked around for hour/half. I was sober, he was drifting.. Walked home, after dropping him off, fully happiness. Came home to broken apartment, everything scattered on the ground, et non sweet love of mine to beh found. Two messages telling meh various means of accusations -Broke Meh.

Called him up.. which lead him home. Remained on our balcony listening to the same bullshit of his tired insanity; the constant of misfortune. He finally left meh a note on the window, inside apartment outside view of the balacony, which was read. Gave a reply et left for another hour to calm down. Friend walked meh back to apartment to sleep the rest morning/day before left for trip/vacation.

Le Sighs. Woke in/out of that morning with him trying to get near meh -I wanting nothing to do with him slept with mine back to his, non vocal. Woke around two mid-day. Cleaned apartments -right got done people were home, mine love still at work, had dinner with peices of somewhat called family... He came after meh when was heading out to the apartment to pack.

Mine thoughts were that everything had cooled, buh instead he was threaded to different topics et various things still strung to his mind. Walked out of a moving vehicle to grab mine things, call for a ride.. spends two hours crying/shaking, spend four hours packing, left of night was getting things back/forth to apartment... found he took off his ring when came to him in confidence. Hah!

Nevertheless, here I am. Saddened by such events that have become of some insanity called love. Don't know if this could beh called a serious discussion, buh need someone to talk about this mess... details inclinded if questioned. Le Sighs!
Ok so what I'm getting is that you cheating on him earlier (I already knew that part) and then you were drinking lightly with a friend who you walked home. When you came back your guy had trashed the place because he got angry cuz he thought you were cheating on him again. Then recently he got angry and yelled and crap after you thought things were cooled down.

What I wasn't sure of was whether or not you talked to him about it at all. At this point I think you should probably let him cool off some more and then explain to him that you didn't do anything.

I'm not sure if you were looking for other specific advice or something else but, I'll hand around for a while to chat.

*pat on head*

It's always difficult for me to figure out what you're saying, it's
Ramsus wrote...
Ok so what I'm getting is that you cheating on him earlier (I already knew that part) and then you were drinking lightly with a friend who you walked home. When you came back your guy had trashed the place because he got angry cuz he thought you were cheating on him again. Then recently he got angry and yelled and crap after you thought things were cooled down.

What I wasn't sure of was whether or not you talked to him about it at all. At this point I think you should probably let him cool off some more and then explain to him that you didn't do anything.

I'm not sure if you were looking for other specific advice or something else but, I'll hand around for a while to chat.

*pat on head*

It's always difficult for me to figure out what you're saying, it's


try to calm. solve the problem with anyone who can help you. there'll be someone who help you convince him.


when were you learning to be nice on a girl?
Chuu !! wrote...

when were you learning to be nice on a girl?

Huh? I don't exactly see what you're saying. I don't really see anything wrong with what I said. I just surmised what I thought was going on, offered advice, then offered to stick around and talk/listen. Btw this seems like the sort of thing you should have just sent me a pm for instead of inserting into a thread where someone was asking for people to listen/talk.
Ramsus wrote...
Chuu !! wrote...

when were you learning to be nice on a girl?

Huh? I don't exactly see what you're saying. I don't really see anything wrong with what I said. I just surmised what I thought was going on, offered advice, then offered to stick around and talk/listen. Btw this seems like the sort of thing you should have just sent me a pm for instead of inserting into a thread where someone was asking for people to listen/talk.

boy. it was a teasing
.....stupid internet. It's not like it'd be the first time I said something someone thought was offensive to a girl. *shrug*
ragakitty wrote...
On The Road To Florida, as Eshi types mindless insignifcant into this thread/post, To Visit Mine Mother's Boyfriend's Parents... With His Three Children, From Two Different Mothers.

Ok let me get that straight, your boyfriend has 3 Kids from two different Woman ?
Sorry for being so inquisitively, but how old is he ?

ragakitty wrote...
Should have rang a bell, evermore, when cheated on him.

You cheated on him more then once ?

Taking all information you posted here, i can somehow understand his reactions. Personally i wouldn`t have talked to you ever again if you cheated on me. For me its pretty much the worst thing you can do to your partner.
However his violent reactions, at least only directed against your apartment, points to some lack of selfcontrol. He should work on that.

Now how to solve this mess: The only advice i can give you is, talk to him. You have to convince him that cheating on him in the past was an failure and you don`t have the intention to ever do it again.
If you want to stay together he has to trust you. It`s not like he can control you every second of your life (trying it wouldn´t bring any good anyway).

@Hibia Damn Spammers.... can somebody plz ban him :twisted:
Lord_Helmchen wrote...
ragakitty wrote...
On The Road To Florida, as Eshi types mindless insignifcant into this thread/post, To Visit Mine Mother's Boyfriend's Parents... With His Three Children, From Two Different Mothers.

Ok let me get that straight, your boyfriend has 3 Kids from two different Woman ?
Sorry for being so inquisitively, but how old is he ?

thats what i also like to know :?
So...he threw a temper-tantrum because he saw you, *gasp*, with another man?

That's a little...obsessive, ya know?

I mean, even if he's still sore about being cheated on, freaking out because you walked a friend home is...

Unless you have a personality 180 when alcohol is introduced into your system?

Unless drinking induces some major change in you, I think he's over-reacting. Badly.
:( there was no poll to choose boobs this time...
ragakitty wrote...
On The Road To Florida, as Eshi types mindless insignifcant into this thread/post, To Visit Mine Mother's Boyfriend's Parents... With His Three Children, From Two Different Mothers. Hah! That Sounds almost made-up out of sake to interest the following viewers, buh beware tis truths. Fullest, somewhat happiness in the crowd of somewhat bliss through this following vacation/event to Florida.

So... you were on the way to see the Parents of your mother's boyfriend, along with his 3 children, mothered by 2 other women... if I'm not mistaken?

ragakitty wrote...
Called him up.. which lead him home. Remained on our balcony listening to the same bullshit of his tired insanity; the constant of misfortune. He finally left meh a note on the window, inside apartment outside view of the balacony, which was read. Gave a reply et left for another hour to calm down. Friend walked meh back to apartment to sleep the rest morning/day before left for trip/vacation.

He might need some help with some of the things going on in his life. You said before that he was ranting and raving about his life problems on the balcony, and that was DEFINATELY a cry for either help, attention, or both.

ragakitty wrote...
Le Sighs. Woke in/out of that morning with him trying to get near meh -I wanting nothing to do with him slept with mine back to his, non vocal. Woke around two mid-day. Cleaned apartments -right got done people were home, mine love still at work, had dinner with peices of somewhat called family... He came after meh when was heading out to the apartment to pack.

In hindsight, by turning your back on him the next day, he may have thought along the lines of..
"When I try to talk to her about it, and get close, she keeps on avoiding me. Maybe she has more feelings for this other guy than me. Maybe it's all over."
I'm not necessarily saying its true, but that thought would have definately crossed My mind if I were in his place.

ragakitty wrote...
Mine thoughts were that everything had cooled, buh instead he was threaded to different topics et various things still strung to his mind. Walked out of a moving vehicle to grab mine things, call for a ride.. spends two hours crying/shaking, spend four hours packing, left of night was getting things back/forth to apartment... found he took off his ring when came to him in confidence. Hah!

Based on his actions here, the lack of communication between the two of you probably had him thinking that all of his suspicions were confirmed, and that the relationship might be a lost cause.

If it's not to late, my advice is to call him up and try to work things out. Invite him over for supper and a chat. Also, if you do manage to have a discussion with him, micro-manage the problems. What I mean by that is, don't let all the issues build up into one MAJOR issue. It will become MORE difficult to work things out if you let that happen.

Lord_Helmchen wrote...
Now how to solve this mess: The only advice i can give you is, talk to him. You have to convince him that cheating on him in the past was an failure and you don`t have the intention to ever do it again.
If you want to stay together he has to trust you. It`s not like he can control you every second of your life (trying it wouldn´t bring any good anyway).

As he said, make sure your BF knows that you still want to continue the relationship, and that this was a mistake that you regret. I also agree about the part that you two need to be able to trust each other. I'm not really sure how you'd do this, but find a way to prove to him that he can trust you.

I'm not sure if I'll be of any help, but I truly do hope that things work out between you and him, Ragakitty.
Hibia wrote...

I surely do admire your consistency =).

Sorry to hear that you're going through another rough patch =(. It's hard to give good, personally tailored advice to someone when you're never really met them, know them, know how they live, etc. That being said, as hard as it is to do, perhaps it's time to step back and examine your relationship. You know, just really give a lot of thought to how it was, how it is, how it could be and how it affects you. When you have a good idea of whatever way you want it to go, talk with him about it, with other people present, maybe some parents?

Any type of violence raises a red flag for me. He didn't lay a hand on you from what I gather, but still. That's my 2 cents. Take care of yourself and call your friends too, you're not alone!
Hibia wrote...

Hope everything works out well tho.
ragakitty wrote...
On The Road To Florida, as Eshi types mindless insignifcant into this thread/post, To Visit Mine Mother's Boyfriend's Parents... With His Three Children, From Two Different Mothers. Hah! That Sounds almost made-up out of sake to interest the following viewers, buh beware tis truths. Fullest, somewhat happiness in the crowd of somewhat bliss through this following vacation/event to Florida.

Well, anyways, the topic suggests right. Been having some issues with mine sweet love. Recently, start of this year -or even before. Should have rang a bell, evermore, when cheated on him. Buh, by cause of insanity through love/lost you can't really express a better answer through to mine/his actions throughout the time together. Love this bliss we have, this love we have thrived. Everything we have done was in the intent to beh together forth most.

We've been engaged for five years in August. RECENTLY ASKED MY HAND FROM MY MOTHER! Buh, we've promised ourselves before then, of course. Different matter. The beginning of my year has non been all that well for either ends. Then, As a misfortune, did something stupid on one really fucked up night at the last day (literally) in Feb. Planned on moving in together -et we did in End March / Early April. Some other misfortunes continued to happen, buh we still thrived.

Anyways, day before was going to run off with my mother et various people to a vacation, in which, he was invited! Had good friend over, we drank.. I DRANK ONE BEER! Then , walked my sweet friend (whom neither has interested in another via orientation) --That's were it began.

Didn't bring him home immedately.. we walked around for hour/half. I was sober, he was drifting.. Walked home, after dropping him off, fully happiness. Came home to broken apartment, everything scattered on the ground, et non sweet love of mine to beh found. Two messages telling meh various means of accusations -Broke Meh.

Called him up.. which lead him home. Remained on our balcony listening to the same bullshit of his tired insanity; the constant of misfortune. He finally left meh a note on the window, inside apartment outside view of the balacony, which was read. Gave a reply et left for another hour to calm down. Friend walked meh back to apartment to sleep the rest morning/day before left for trip/vacation.

Le Sighs. Woke in/out of that morning with him trying to get near meh -I wanting nothing to do with him slept with mine back to his, non vocal. Woke around two mid-day. Cleaned apartments -right got done people were home, mine love still at work, had dinner with peices of somewhat called family... He came after meh when was heading out to the apartment to pack.

Mine thoughts were that everything had cooled, buh instead he was threaded to different topics et various things still strung to his mind. Walked out of a moving vehicle to grab mine things, call for a ride.. spends two hours crying/shaking, spend four hours packing, left of night was getting things back/forth to apartment... found he took off his ring when came to him in confidence. Hah!

Nevertheless, here I am. Saddened by such events that have become of some insanity called love. Don't know if this could beh called a serious discussion, buh need someone to talk about this mess... details inclinded if questioned. Le Sighs!
hrm well i think that if he is going to be that way insted of talking it out with you and trying to reconsile and wont let you try to talk to him to reconsile then he is no good asshole and you should find another and see if he comes crawling back cause he sounds like a total ass (sorry hate to be mean not really like me to be)and so thats what i think on this matter