SerS - Topic Thread 1

What Topic should it be

Total Votes : 14
So this is based on the suggtion obviouspam made.
Each one can post a topic here, when 4 topics have been posted I am making a poll that shows which topic will be discussed after the current topic has ended.

My topic suggetion is "humanity, disease of the world"

When this Topic thread has ended I will open a new one.
All topics that did not made the highest voting in the last Topic Thread can also be suggested. For example any of the three topics that will not reacht the first place in this thread can be suggested in the next Topic Thread.

the Real thread can be found here.

SerS - The Serious Squad Thread
Internet Privacy?
Edit: ^Why should the government care?
Malik_USMC wrote...
Internet Privacy?
Edit: ^Why should the government care?

I second that
Malik_USMC wrote...
Internet Privacy?
Edit: ^Why should the government care?

rbz123 wrote...
Malik_USMC wrote...
Internet Privacy?
Edit: ^Why should the government care?

I second that

So do I
wasn't everyone supposed to wait for a poll?
I believe so...oops... :oops:
Malik_USMC wrote...
wasn't everyone supposed to wait for a poll?

Aww, but the waiting, she hurts.
SerS has been majorly dead today It must come back to life must sleep now so i may wake to SerS
Blue ray, Estimated time till death, five years?
- Hentai, why you think it's better than real life pr0n -
Topics are added, you can choose now.

btw SerS were nearly dead twice but always recovered.

I added the "Following discussion" to the first post in the SerS Discussion Thread.
I will also link the current "poll threads" everytime.

When this Topic thread has ended I will open a new one.
All topics that did not made the highest voting in the last Topic Thread can also be suggested. For example any of the three topics that will not reacht the first place in this thread can be suggested in the next Topic Thread.
So this thread will end at 10 am today.

After that I will open the new one.
Closed, I will open the next one.