Sharp decline in IQ

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This is mostly directed toward people living outside the US. People here seem to be getting more and more idiotic. I was just wondering if this is only happening in the US, or if it's global? Hell, it may only be in Texas. Either way I'm witnessing a sharp drop in intelligence. Sometimes it feels like when I'm around certain people MY IQ is dropping. Comments opinions?
hey,if bush could be president,it means that iq in usa is declining.

it happens here in my country too.
i noticed a lot of people do stupid things.
TOO MUCH stupid things it would be so long if i list them one by one.

for example,the fans for my hometown soccer teams.
the soccer team lost a match last night,to their rival team,from jakarta.
and you know what?they throw stones/burn/destroy every car with a jakarta license stupid is that?10 years ago this wont happen.

maybe its in the know,after the junk-food invasion 15 yrs ago people in my country seems to become more and more stupid.blame Mcdonalds and co. for the IQ decline problems.
Well, at least we're not alone. And just for the record I didn't vote for Bush.
When i'm beside someone who's more stupid than me, I feel a lot smarter^^

Anyways, I think it's spreading worldwide, but it's not affecting the Japanese mangakas'. Their heads is so full of ideas, there's no more room for stupidity.


The cause of all this is that people and especially the President is neglecting the schools. They visit them, but what the hell does that do?! Does it make people smarter?! HELL NO!
All I have to do to find that people is dumb is to simply browse some kind of gaming forums.. my head hurts after browsing >.>
i tend to make people stupid when i'm around.

but i'm probably smarter then thme to begin with.
Oh, that's smart.
Hmmm, maybe because so many school lowering their passing grade?
Or we maybe have too much mind control from the media and government, that we're stripped from our freedom, creativity and unique individuality...
Or maybe we're being fucked by consumerism and such?
I don't know...

Maybe we're just returning to our original state.... and that is as stupid beings, yeah...
Since IQ is based on an average, it can't technically go down, but what that IQ represents can be of inferior quality to previous years, that and all people are dumb to some degree, many have a far greater degree than I like to deal with.
This is one of those facepalm moments I've read about, isn't it?
People have always been stupid. It's just that a hundred years ago, you only knew all the stupid people within a few miles of you. With the growth of mass media such as TV and especially the internet, now you can meet millions of people you think are stupid with the push of a button, so you end up knowing more stupid people, so you think that people are getting stupider.

And I wouldn't exempt you from being among those if you think that stupidity is an entirely American disorder. What the hell? There's plenty of dumb people in Europe and Asia too, you just don't hear about them because no one here really gives a fuck about them.
i though people in china are crazy about the whole important education thing. their parents are so strict on their kids that it almost looked like a sophisticated form of child abuse, i wonder if they ever get to "play" anymore. As i know, the chinese immigrants here are "geniuses" when it comes to school subjects such as math or science.

Sharp decline in IQ is probably caused by peoples' inability to realize the importance of the meaningful usage of time, i mean, we simply got too much leisure time to do whatever we want that we waste most of our life accomplishing nothing at all.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
When I hit my 4th high school I swore my IQ dropped every time I went to school. Which is why I didn't go very often. My junior year I got a letter stating if I had another illegal absence they'd call children's services.

But I really hated going, that school by far was filled with the most ADHD, stupid, moronic people I have ever met in my life.

English class: *reading macbeth for the second time* "Is Macbeth a girl?"
Chemistry: *random question at teacher* Do you have a girlfriend?
Anatomy: "Ewww, is that it's penis?"
Sociology: "Who won last nights football game?"
Math was just torture for me because I was taking trig without taking Alg 2 and after that I wanted to bang my head on the desk. Because that class actually taught soemthing.
Study hall = nap time
Spanish: "Hahaha, pie" "It's pee-eh" "I like apple pie"

:roll: And mom wondered why I didn't go to school.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
When I hit my 4th high school I swore my IQ dropped every time I went to school. Which is why I didn't go very often. My junior year I got a letter stating if I had another illegal absence they'd call children's services.

But I really hated going, that school by far was filled with the most ADHD, stupid, moronic people I have ever met in my life.

English class: *reading macbeth for the second time* "Is Macbeth a girl?"
Chemistry: *random question at teacher* Do you have a girlfriend?
Anatomy: "Ewww, is that it's penis?"
Sociology: "Who won last nights football game?"
Math was just torture for me because I was taking trig without taking Alg 2 and after that I wanted to bang my head on the desk. Because that class actually taught soemthing.
Study hall = nap time
Spanish: "Hahaha, pie" "It's pee-eh" "I like apple pie"

:roll: And mom wondered why I didn't go to school.

Oh you too huh? Yeah by time I was in high school I didn't give a shit anymore. I'd learn more on my own than in school. And when I did go I was even more stoned than most of my teachers. if your fortunate, and rich enough to go to private school you have it made. However the majority of the population get's stuck in public school. btw Kais, I was using IQ more as a figure of speach for in general intellect. Which seems to be at a premium these days.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
On a side note, i believe the last time Bush took an I.Q. test he score quite high, in the 140's... I think what the man lacks is common sense and resolve, he was clearly coached through his entire presidency and only has himself and his council to blame. Can't teach common sense.
Waar wrote...
On a side note, i believe the last time Bush took an I.Q. test he score quite high, in the 140's... I think what the man lacks is common sense and resolve, he was clearly coached through his entire presidency and only has himself and his council to blame. Can't teach common sense.

is that realy true?where'd you get that from?
but even if his iq is that high,his eq should be very low.
Education has very little to do with common sense. I've met high school dropouts smarter than a lot of people with college educations.
Well i live in the netherlands and the same problem here -_-... It seems on a daily basis people just stop thinking. Here's an example: I was at the supermarket the other day and this couple with a baby was just standing around getting some soda's. Then all of a sudden 2 polish guys bump into the baby and almost kick the buggy on its side. Now the father ofcoure wasnt happy with that and started shouting at them. But that wasnt even the worst, the 2 polish guys didnt even apoligize, not in dutch or english (which is the same word: sorry).

Now i dont want to go on a racial stampade here but its been swarming with these obnoxious thieving idiots for a while now. Sure there some of them who are nice, those actually live here (i worked with one for about half a year). But most of them dont even live here, they come from poland during the week to get work here and then go back during the weekends (its like a 10 to 15 hour ride though o.O). And when they are here they usually reside with 15 people in a appartment meant for 4.

But thats just an example, people really dont think before they act anymore. I never really did myself, but always to some degree. Oh and no... its not because pot is legal here -_-.
quietus wrote...
Well i live in the netherlands and the same problem here -_-... It seems on a daily basis people just stop thinking. Here's an example: I was at the supermarket the other day and this couple with a baby was just standing around getting some soda's. Then all of a sudden 2 polish guys bump into the baby and almost kick the buggy on its side. Now the father ofcoure wasnt happy with that and started shouting at them. But that wasnt even the worst, the 2 polish guys didnt even apoligize, not in dutch or english (which is the same word: sorry).

Now i dont want to go on a racial stampade here but its been swarming with these obnoxious thieving idiots for a while now. Sure there some of them who are nice, those actually live here (i worked with one for about half a year). But most of them dont even live here, they come from poland during the week to get work here and then go back during the weekends (its like a 10 to 15 hour ride though o.O). And when they are here they usually reside with 15 people in a appartment meant for 4.

But thats just an example, people really dont think before they act anymore. I never really did myself, but always to some degree.

No shit? Those Polls sound a lot like our wetbacks (illegal mexican immigrants) here in Tx. Btw, when I say wetbacks I'm specifically referring to ILLEGAL Mexican immigrants. They're rude, obnoxious, theiving, sacks of shit. And every day I nearly get ran off the road at least 5 times by these assholes driving drunk. But what REALLY pisses me off is when you catch them or say anything, they lagh at you. Makes me wanna just deck 'em one.
mnx wrote...
maybe its in the know,after the junk-food invasion 15 yrs ago people in my country seems to become more and more stupid.blame Mcdonalds and co. for the IQ decline problems.

I don't have a link on me, but Tassu sent me something about Omega 3 deficiency being a possible problem. Because they don't eat enough real food, that might help.

My two cents? The internet makes me stupid. Every day, I read a 'text message' sentence and cringe. I can't stand it, any large amount of illiteracy will make me turn away from the block of text and ignore the author of the message. Mmm.
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