So, the new EGM has an article on "Dating Simulations&q

My scanner is shit, and I did this quickly, so I apologize for the image quality.

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So, what does everyone think about this?
what the fuck is this shit? i decide to stop my subscription to egm two months ago only for them to release the good stuff right after? anyways... the writer who covered this topic must be brand new to egm. from my experiences with the magazine nobody wrote so demeaningly that if your hobbies or opinions had any relevance to the article in question, you might want to start cutting yourself. its a rather bias view about dating games and why they arnet so popular in the americas, solely because of the influences each country has had on sexual content over the years. most of it has to do with the extent we objectify woman and hes absolutely right, although the japanese culture seems slightly more sophisticated then our own... the spectrum stretches past our ideals in both directions. its slightly insightful, slightly absurd, and substantially funny.

haha i espicially love the statement "so i think theres hope that, one day, our nations will come together under a cheerleader-on-goat rainbow of understanding.", its beautiful.
"Is he ignorant or just stupid?" would be my initial reaction.
I'm not American, I cannot relate to his great America, but his generalizations are... just generalizations.

However, I think this is just a shoot at being funny. No, I am certain it is, but that only makes it fail in every aspect. This is stand-up comedian lines, not for EGM.
Wow that article is grossly inaccurately. It sounds like it was written by one of the linebackers of the high school football team (the incredibly stupid buff jock who thinks he's hot shit yet will never actually please a woman in his entire life).

I honestly played my first hentai game when I was probably 15, and it was long before I started interacting with girls sexually. Some of the games I remember were True Love, Paradise Heights, Immoral Study, etc. (which are all strangely enough in the games section). And let me tell you playing hentai games may not score you real life girls right away, but the concepts are all the same. Girls are needy (just like guys) and demand attention. In games you basically learn to give them attention, and it applies directly to real life. And I feel a lot of the sex in hentai games can serve as great pointers for people who are inexperienced.
I'm sad to see that one of my favorite magazine has gone down the toilet completely. I remember the days when they had 4 reviewers and didn't hand out perfect scores like they were candy. Yeah, those were some good times.

Jacob wrote...
I honestly played my first hentai game when I was probably 15, and it was long before I started interacting with girls sexually. Some of the games I remember were True Love, Paradise Heights, Immoral Study, etc. (which are all strangely enough in the games section). And let me tell you playing hentai games may not score you real life girls right away, but the concepts are all the same. Girls are needy (just like guys) and demand attention. In games you basically learn to give them attention, and it applies directly to real life. And I feel a lot of the sex in hentai games can serve as great pointers for people who are inexperienced.

I agree. Playing hentai games can actually be helpful for your everyday life. I don't know why but they gave me the courage to go out there and start talking to real girls when I was younger. Maybe they show me some of the stuff I was missing in my life. I ended up meeting my ex (and only gf so far) partly because of them.
Kaimax Best Master-San
He doesn't have any clue what is he talking about, and he starts mentioning World War 2 all of a sudden.

H-games and Dating sims can be a guide or learning material for future "uses" not some silly excuse for a very introvert guy to satisfy his need for a girl.

I play and own 119 titles and I'm still good with girls, still good with friends and still good with my family.

He tried so hard to explain about it, but he failed so much in every detailed thing he said

This is pure bias and stereotypes.

Tentacle hatching from an egg? I bet he only played Biko 3 and did this silly article about dating simulations.

And why should he compare about it with his own likings, both societies are DIFFERENT, you can't just compare them like that.

The point is this guy sucks and need a couple of lessons about playing Dating sims.!
