The legalization of illegal substance's,contraband,etc.

I am a man who lives a very hellish life and to get through it i drink and from time to time smoke w**d (i'm only putting on the * as to protect myslef) and i was just pondering why its illegal. In reallity w**d only has a large affect on you if you let it. So all i really have to say is w**d should be legalized because it has such a minimal impact on ones life. Lets compare w**d with alcohol shall we. Alcohol will cause you to lose your power of judgement, slows your reactions and could possibly kill you if you consume to much. W**d (even thought it can have some similar results) will not cause overdose (except for the possibility of some vomiting) and no hangover. In conclusion w**d has all the pros of alcohol but not the cons.

I would like to hear what interested people have to say about this. Be open minded, and you do not have to talk about w**d it can be anything you think should be legalized.

(This post is for educational perposes and a way for people to express themselves.... and basically PLEASE DONT BAN ME FOR THIS!!!!)
Dude, don't worry about it. There's no way you're gonna get banned for saying weed or anything else like that on this site. Unless of course you do something way over the top, which in my personal opinion, would have to be very disturbing because there's been some pretty weird shit on here. There's already a thread for discussing the legalization of weed.
Weed has plenty of downsides. They just tend to take more than 8-10 hours to notice. Mainly, it makes you stupid and lazy which as someone between the ages of 13-30 is probably worse for you life than liver/kidney damage since it fucks up every aspect of your life except your health.
blind_assassin wrote...
Weed has plenty of downsides. They just tend to take more than 8-10 hours to notice. Mainly, it makes you stupid and lazy which as someone between the ages of 13-30 is probably worse for you life than liver/kidney damage since it fucks up every aspect of your life except your health.

I smoked pot every single day from my sophomore year in high school until just recently and it didn't effect my life negatively. In fact, I graduated high school with honors, I had a really good GPA (I can't remember what it was), I scored high on my SATs, and I could have gotten into a number of really good universities. The only reason why I'm not in a good school is because I'm not from the best financial background and for some reason, I didn't qualify for any scholarships, probably because I didn't have any extracurriculars and I was absent a lot during my junior year because of a staph infection in my leg.

Don't get me wrong, the chance of people fucking their life up with weed is high, but that doesn't guarantee that everyone will. I know a lot of exceptionally successful, intelligent people who happen to be pot smokers.
Overall I have to agree with the fact that weed isn't as dangerous as other legalized drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol. However from all the pot heads that I have met, most are ok for the first year or 2, but afterwards you can really notice something isn't kicking up there. This does seem to be the norm to me with some exceptions. And you have to consider if weed is legalized, dontcha think those same weed smokers will start joining together to get an even more dangerous drug legalized. :?
Weed certainly has the same impact as alcohol besides that your comparison is flawed to begin with The Jesus.

You compare a heavy alcoholic reaction to low weed usage. Comming form the country where it IS legalized. You can see that it can seriously fucks up someone's life and just as easy... no let me correct that even easier than with alcohol.
Yeah with alcohol you can get kidney/liver damage only if you consume a decent amount of it on a daily basis. The same happens with weed but then with your brain. Besides that you deal with the same problems as smokers.

I know a lot of exceptionally successful, intelligent people who happen to be pot smokers.

and I know a ton more of them who had promising careers ahead of them but screwed it up because of it.

Besides that after weed most want to go stronger like LSD, Acid to even coke, speed, heroine.
SupaPenguin wrote...
Overall I have to agree with the fact that weed isn't as dangerous as other legalized drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol. However from all the pot heads that I have met, most are ok for the first year or 2, but afterwards you can really notice something isn't kicking up there. This does seem to be the norm to me with some exceptions. And you have to consider if weed is legalized, dontcha think those same weed smokers will start joining together to get an even more dangerous drug legalized. :?

Its widely believed that weed is what makes people susceptible to other drugs, but its really more of a matter of curiosity and the actual stigma placed on drugs as a whole. Its not the norm in drug culture, but some people do try weed and when they find that a lot of the negativity it receives by its critics is untrue, they wonder what other drugs are receiving false criticism. Now, like I said, not a whole lot of people think that way, but there are some, they're what I call "careless users."

I think I've mentioned in the past that I've done every drug you could possibly imagine in the 6 or so years that I've been involved with the culture. While I did do things that I said I would never do and fell victim to the severely addictive natures of some, heroin in particular, I never did anything without going into it without some idea of what I was getting myself into. Before I did anything, I did research on it and I knew to the extent to which I could without personal experience what I was putting into my body. In the way of drug use, I've paid for my mistakes and miscalculations. Life I said in my last post, I had a staph infection in my leg, which was partially due to shooting up heroin, not completely though.

Getting back to what I was saying before I went off on this tangent, the gateway effect is a strong misconception. The theory that the gateway effect would make its way into politics is even more of a misconception. There are some people who don't really understand the drug culture, but choose to advocate the legalization of such substances for the sake of an end which would allow them easier access. The vast majority of advocates for the legalization of marijuana are people who are deeply acquainted with the culture and are aware of it not simply as a drug, but for the multiplicity of uses other than getting high.
The Jesus wrote...
I smoked pot every single day from my sophomore year in high school until just recently and it didn't effect my life negatively. In fact, I graduated high school with honors, I had a really good GPA (I can't remember what it was), I scored high on my SATs, and I could have gotten into a number of really good universities. The only reason why I'm not in a good school is because I'm not from the best financial background and for some reason, I didn't qualify for any scholarships, probably because I didn't have any extracurriculars and I was absent a lot during my junior year because of a staph infection in my leg.

Don't get me wrong, the chance of people fucking their life up with weed is high, but that doesn't guarantee that everyone will. I know a lot of exceptionally successful, intelligent people who happen to be pot smokers.

I really hate it when the exceptions to rules are the first people to comment on things that I say.

I figure that the percentage of people that have their lives noticeably and significantly damaged by marijuana use is mostly a minority but the people that do have it damaged in far more insidious ways than they do with alcohol. Alcohol makes you do dumb shit and then kicks you in the balls as a consequence. With weed, you just turn into mush.
I don't like drugs.

Weed will never be completely legalized because our government cant control it's distribution the way it can with tobacco. Despite what you may think, growing chronic is far easier then growing tobacco. When an abusable substance is hard to produce, it's leagalized because it will be purchased for ridiculous prices by the consumer and can be taxed out the ass. Think about if weed was leaglized. Most of us who know even know a little about it would begin growing our own in mass quantities to smoke ourselves. Now how is the economy going to benefit from marijuana legalization if no one is buying Marlboro brand joints and instead growing their own? This is why it isnt going to happen. And you should be glad because you should realize that name brand joints are going to be made with the shittiest weed with the least amount of THC, forcing you to smoke more to get high and thus buy more.
all i have to say... i rather be in the room with my stoned of his ass brother than with my alcoholic father. for me, my days left when i got into college.(i know, weird)... but, i'd rather play with smoke than drinks. mainly due to the fact that i've seen my father drink himself into nothingness... but yet my hippie uncle & aunt on mom's side have smoked pot since the sixties... and they can go a day without it. they can function if they don't smoke. dad, no, it's a daily thing. i don't see the logic of alcohol being legal and weed being such an elephant in the room. i do agree with the goverment control issues with weed... but if there is a will... by God, they'll find a way.
IMO, it depends on the user. If he knows his/her limitations, then he/she should be able to control that addiction. If a person has that will to control him/herself, then it's ok. What's not ok is a thing called "drug abuse."

Well, moral lesson? Control your vices; don't let them control you. - I know it's hard since such stuff are addictive, but it's not impossible.
i think statistics can speak for themselves... violent crime, social problems, whatever all being higher in areas of drug usage. It doesn't matter if a person says they will abuse it or not, the fact is that even if one person doesnt someone else is bound to, and that person is where the problem starts.
Then to everyone that thinks its wrong to legalize alchohol while keeping drugs illegal is wrong- theres simply not much you can do about it. Alchohol is too huge of a part of any economy, the many millions a year people make in illicit drug deals doesnt even compare to the huge amount large companies make off selling beers, wines, etc. There are of course mny other reasons why alcohol is much more sustainble in a community than drugs but thats just too complicated to go into..
kingtipop wrote...
i think statistics can speak for themselves... violent crime, social problems, whatever all being higher in areas of drug usage. It doesn't matter if a person says they will abuse it or not, the fact is that even if one person doesnt someone else is bound to, and that person is where the problem starts.

I think you have that backwards. Drug usage does tend to show up in areas where violent crime, social problems, and the like are prevalent. Drug use is prevalent in every aspect of human society, even the areas with low crime rates.

kingtipop wrote...
Then to everyone that thinks its wrong to legalize alchohol while keeping drugs illegal is wrong- theres simply not much you can do about it. Alchohol is too huge of a part of any economy, the many millions a year people make in illicit drug deals doesnt even compare to the huge amount large companies make off selling beers, wines, etc. There are of course mny other reasons why alcohol is much more sustainble in a community than drugs but thats just too complicated to go into..

Alcohol may be more sustainable in a community and people may make a shit load of money off of it, but that doesn't mean it should be legal. I'm personally speaking on behalf of weed, mushrooms, and a couple of other very safe naturally occurring substances, which in truth are falsely branded as "drugs" in the first place.

Quotation from Wikipedia:
Despite increasing amounts of money being spent on prohibition, drugs have become more accessible, cheaper, and more potent. The illegality of injectable drugs leads to a scarcity of needles which causes an increase in HIV infections. The money spent on both increased health costs due to HIV infections and drug prohibition itself causes a drain upon society. Despite the fact that most drug offenders are non-violent, the stigma attached to a conviction can prevent employment and education.

Its also because of the illegality of drugs that there are such a number of health risks, aside from the aforementioned HIV problem it presents. With illegal distribution a person never knows what they are using or how potent it is for that matter. Although I don't advocate the use of heroin or coke, legal distribution would provide less of a risk, as street dealers are known for cutting their product with substances such as brick dust, quinine, fentanyl, and a myriad of other dangerous shit. I had a friend who died because someone cut his heroin with battery acid. I have a lot of experience with drugs, I know all the risks that can be avoided by legalization.

Moral concerns aside, legalizing drugs would be the best course of action to take. As long as drugs are illegal, they're going to be on the streets. The only way governments can have any significant impact on the issue of drug use worldwide and within their respective countries is to take care of their citizens. The wars on drugs are causing more deaths than they are preventing. A forceful approach to such a situation is not the way to go about resolving it.
i guess you cant argue with the idea that if drugs were legalized the government would have a greater level of control and therefore you end up with less abusers etc. It would be nice to think that everyone would not abuse the system after they are put in place, but of course we know thats not true. Alot of people are simply going to abuse it.
Alcohol has simply been around too long for it to be banned.. whereas drug abuse seems like a problem stemming largely from the 20th century.
Personally I think if you could rely on a society being as intelligent as you would need to to be to legalize these "drugs" then of course I'm all for it. Fact is however that it wont ever happen as people put it
I cannot speak for any "Hard" drugs, since I know no users, but I think I have a bit of an opinion on Alcohol and Weed.

Alcohol, I have a problem with, but only because it takes away one's ability to reason rationally.

Weed just kinda...mellows you.

I've a friend who has this incredibly gloomy personality, and he's contemplated suicide more then once.

Even tried it once, but couldn't go through with it in the end.

However, after he's lit up, he just...changes. The whole "Omg life sux /wrists" thing disappears, and he becomes sociable for about a day or two.

I've never done much formal research on Marijuana's effects, but something the can cause such a drastic positive change in someone cannot be all bad.

It just can't.